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The study sought to determine the effectiveness of a training program based on the theory of cognitive flexibility in developing some habits of productive mind and preferred learning methods among female student teachers, by identifying the level of habits of mind necessary for female student teachers in kindergartens and their preferred learning methods, and determining the procedures of the training program based on the theory of cognitive flexibility. To study its effectiveness in developing some habits of the productive mind and to know the percentage of the contribution of the habits of the productive mind to their preferred learning methods, so the study followed the quasi-experimental approach by designing two equal groups (control and experimental), by preparing a scale of the sixteen habits of the productive mind according to Costa & Kallick’s list. (2009) and a measure of productive mind habits necessary for female kindergarten students, and applying Felder and Silverman’s preferred learning styles scale (Index of learning style, 1999), on a purposive sample consisting of (46) female kindergarten students from the third year because they are in the intermediate learning stage according to the theory. Cognitive flexibility, as the sample represents 20% of the research population, and the results of the study revealed a low level of six habits of the productive mind in the sample: perseverance, control of recklessness, flexibility of thinking, creativity, continuous learning, and striving for accuracy. The sample’s learning preferences also varied between... Methods of processing, perception, input and thinking. The results showed the effectiveness of the training program based on the theory of cognitive flexibility in developing the necessary productive mind habits for kindergarten students. The results also revealed the contribution of productive mind habits to preferences for learning methods, as the habits of the productive mind individually predict preferred learning methods in proportion. It ranges from 31% to 64% in the post-measurement, and the six habits of the productive mind contribute together over time, as they predict preferred learning methods by rates ranging from 18% to 63.8%, with the exception of the processing style, of which the creativity habit predicted 34%. Some Recommendations in light of these results.
The research included the implementation of a laboratory experiment and a field experiment in two successive seasons, where the laboratory experiment was carried out by using columns of PVC columns, where the effect of magnetized water was tested on several types of soils varying in salinity and spread in the study area east of Aleppo (Kaskis – musharifa Al – Zakia-Rasm al-Hamis). The technology of water magnetization was applied by using a special device manufactured at the Department of Soil Science and land reclamation at the Faculty of agricultural engineering of the University of Aleppo. The device was manufactured for laboratory and field work within a magnetic field whose intensity reached (2000) Gauss. The first type of water was also brought from a well in the village of Rasm al-Hamis (2.1) dS.m-1.the second sample was also brought from a well in the village of musharifa Al-Zakiya (3.4) dS.m-1.the third sample of water used in this study was representative of the water of the Euphrates river canal (0.70) dS.m-1. The technology of using magnetized water deliberately caused a decrease in the PH values of the three types of water, a slight decrease in the values of the electrical conductivity of irrigation water using magnetized water was also observed, and a decrease in the values of the specific weight of irrigation water after its magnetization was observed in the three types of water used. Magnetization with the wash coefficient applied by the experiment (15%) contributed to reducing the electrical conductivity values of the three soils, as it was noted that the effect of the magnetization technique was of a significant nature on the soils of the Hamis sketch, where before the experiment they were classified as high-salinity soils and by the effect of the magnetization technique, at the end of the experiment they turned into low-salinity soils. The results obtained from the Rasm al-Hamis soil confirmed that irrigation water with a washing coefficient, whether magnetized or non-magnetized, effectively contributed to the washing of salts from the surface layer of the soil compared to the soil salinity value before the experiment, which amounted about (4.1) dS.m-1, as the magnetized Euphrates water contributed to the washing of salts from the surface layer of the soil by 10% increase compared to the same treatment irrigated with non-magnetized water, as well as when using the magnetic wells of Rasm al-Hamis and Musharafat Al-Zakiya, where the magnetized water contributed to the washing of salts by 19% and 9.8% more than the same transactions irrigated with ordinary water for the surface layer of the soil, and the decrease was of a significant nature. The results in the soil columns also indicated that a significant decrease in the SAR and ESP values of the three soils was achieved, and therefore magnetization had an important role in washing the sodium cation from the soil. With regard to the future leachate from the soil columns, higher values of electrical conductivity and the rate of absorbed sodium were observed in the leachate of transactions irrigated with magnetized water compared to the leachate of transactions irrigated with ordinary water without magnetization for the three soils. this confirmed the role of magnetization technology in washing salts from the soil solution, especially sodium cation. this has been positively reflected on the physical properties of the soil, where the magnetization technology contributed to improving soil porosity values. the improvement was significant in the soils of Rasm al-Hamis and as a poke and not significant in the soil of Musharafat Al-Zakiya. Moving on to the field experiment, the field experiment was designed using a completely randomized block design with (3) replications, so that the first factor includes irrigation techniques: magnetized water (M) and non-magnetized water (NM), and the second factor is the addition of organic fertilizers to the soil, which included three coefficients: municipal fertilizer (O), humic acid (H) In addition to the control treatment (C). The area of the experimental piece was 16 m2, The number of plants within the experimental plot reached 120 plants. The Maize crop was planted on 29/6/2021 for the first season and on 9/7/2022 for the second. The results indicated the role of magnetization technology in reducing the electrical conductivity values of the studied coefficients compared to the control treatment coefficients in the surface and subsurface layers with an average value of 10.28%. The results also confirmed that magnetization plays an important role in washing the Na+ ion, and this was clearly reflected in the SAR value of the soil, where the SAR value when irrigated with ordinary water was about 3.16, while it decreased to 2.79 when irrigated with magnetized water, and this decrease was of a significant nature, which in turn affected the reduction of ESP values of the soil. The results indicated that magnetization clearly affected soil cations, especially Na+, and also directly affected the SO4-2 ion, where the concentration of SO4-2 decreased by 14.4% when irrigating with magnetized water compared to the control treatment. The results confirmed the role of the magnetization technique in improving porosity values. The data pointed to the important role of municipal fertilizer, potassium Humate in reducing the electrical conductivity values, and the treatment of municipal fertilizer was statistically superior to potassium Humate, whether irrigation with magnetized water or ordinary water. Organic compound with magnetized water also contributed to improving the physical qualities of the soil, which was positively reflected on the values of the index of deterioration of soil properties compared to the control treatment coefficients. This improvement in the physical and chemical properties of the soil positively affected the availability of nutrients in the soil in general, and microelements in particular, which contributed to an improvement in the productivity values of the Maize crop, which reached its highest value when irrigated with magnetic water about 7.43 tons/h, and potassium Humate with irrigation with magnetic water raised the productivity value to 8.49 tons/h, while the treatment of municipal fertilizer with irrigation with magnetic water surpassed the rest of the transactions, where productivity reached about 9.1 tons/h in the first season of the experiment, and the productivity values also improved slightly in the second season compared to the first.
يهدف البحث إلى تحديد استجابة محصول الذرة الصفراء للري بالمياه المالحة خلال مراحل النمو المختلفة , ودراسة التراكم الملحي في التربة ودرجة تفاعلها وكفاءة استخدام المياه , وتسليط الضوء على امكانية الاستفادة من النظام الثنائي للري بالمياه العذبة والمالحة , وتقنين الماء المستخدم للري . استخدمت ثلاثة انواع من مياه الري تراكيز الملح فيها (1.5 , 4.5 , 6.5 ) ملموز | سم على التوالي بثلاث مكررات لكل منهما , استخدم تصميم القطاعات العشوائية الكاملةBRCD في التجربة وحللت احصائيا باستخدام SPSS واوجدت الفروقات المعنوية عند مستوى 5% وفق طريقة Duncan . اظهر التحليل الاحصائي وجود فروقات معنوية بتاثير لملوحة ماء الري عند 4.5 ملموز | سم عينة (T2) ادى الى الاضرار بنسبة تقترب من 50% بالنمو الخضري والجذري ونمو العرنوس ومساحة الاوراق ووزن 500 حبة وحاصل الحبوب وملوحة التربة مقارنة لو تم ريها بماء نسبة ملوحته 1.5 ملموز | سم عينة (T1) ماء النهر وبينت التجربة ايضا ان استخدام ماء نسبة ملوحته 6.5 ملموز | سم عينة (T3) ماء بزل ادى الى خفض جميع الصفات الظاهرية للنبات بنسبة 75% , كما حصل ارتفاع لملوحة التربة في نهاية التجربة مقارنة مع ملوحتها في بداية التجربة عند استخدام الري الثنائي , وهذا الضرر يزداد بزيادة التوصيل الكهربائي للمياه المستخدمة في عمليات الري , كما تمت ملاحظة ان PHالتربة ينخفض كلما زادت ملوحة التربة .
The project aims to know and evaluate the effect of replacing part of the mineral fertilizers with organic fertilizers to increase soil fertility. The experiment carried out in In the fields of the Iraqi Agricultural Research Department - Dabouni St ation in (2021) with the treatment groups as follows: Group (Control, no manure, no fertilizer (T1) Sheep fertilizer, 20 tons ha−1 [SF] (T2) Mineral fertilizer ( N.P.K ) 320 kgN/ha ,100kg P2O5/ha and 120Kg K2O/ha (NPK100%) (T3) Mixture of sheep (20 tons/ha + and mineral fertilizer NPK 320 kgN/ha ,100kg P2O5/ha and 120Kg K2O/ha, 5) Sheep manure + 25%, N.P.K [SMF25%] (T4) Sheep manure+ 50%, N.P.K [SMF50%] (T5)6) Sheep manure + 75%, N.P.K [SMF75%] (T6) Sheep manure +100% N.P.K [SMF100%] (T7) The experiment laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), with three replications. The experiment showed that the combination of organic fertilizer and mineral fertilizer [SMF100%](T7) gave significant differences in average of plant length growth (161) cm compared to mineral fertilizer (109) cm and organic fertilizer (99) cm respectively, also (T7) gives significant differences in root length ,ear length leaf area,500 grain weight ,biological yield, Grain yield) and content of organic matter in the soil, but in the same significant of fertilization treatment [SMF75%](T6) The treatment [Mineral F](T3) gives significant difference in the value of EC (4.2) Dsm-1 and PH (7.5) of the soil Compared to other treatments in the experiment.
An experiment was carried out in Iraq, Wasit Governorate, Numaniyah city in 2021 in clay soil with a salinity of more than 4 decimeters- 1, pH 7. To find out the effect of reducing irrigation water and reducing the amount of mineral fertilizer on soi l salinity and some growth characteristics and yield of wheat crop. The experiment included On two factors, the first factor included two irrigation systems, namely surface irrigation and sprinkler irrigation, while the second factor included four levels of fertilization p1, p2, p3, p4 in quantities of 200, 250, 350, 450 kg | hectares respectively P4 (450) kg | hectares The results and statistical analysis showed Show irrigation by spraying r2 and fertilizing p4 at a dose of 450 kg | Hectares outperformed in surface irrigation and lower fertilizer doses in the number of spike grains and the weight of 1000, Grain weight in square meters and harvest index. The experiment was carried out in a splat- plot design with three replicates, and the study included eight treatments in each replicate. (Arabic). (English) Copyright of Journal of Agricultural, Environmental & Veterinary Sciences is the property of Arab Journal of Sciences & Research Publishing (AJSRP) and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use
Islamic law came to the end of the previous divine laws and transcribers of them, so God has guaranteed them survival, keeping them from every distortion, and completing them and preserving them from every deficiency, and fulfilling them on his faith ful servants, and their consent is a ruling between creation in every small and large and vile and Qatmir, God Almighty said: “We are mentioned to him and I privates} [Al-stone: 9], and said, {today you completed your religion and completed My favor upon you and chosen for you Islam as a religion} [Al-table: 3], and said, {what Frtna in the book of something and then to their Lord crammed} [Al cattle: 38] And from this memorization, fulfillment and contentment that God has ordained His servants of atonement for those who sinned in his world by committing a prohibited or negligent act in a matter, then the legislation of the atonement in the Qur’an and Sunnah and the nation’s consensus came, in order to be a discipline for those who sinned, and enjoined him and people for the slanderous act, and also to atone for his sin And to be considered a transgressor, which is the need of the needy from Muslims, such as emancipating a secure neck, feeding a poor person, covering them, or fasting days or months to fine tune the same comet. Because of the importance of this chapter, which is atonement, and for the people’s great need for it, this research was written under the title (Expirations in the verses of the Holy Qur’an, a comparative juristic study) in which I tried to show the types of expiation in the Qur’an and its jurisprudence through the verses of the Qur’an and books revealing its meanings, and through the books of jurists and imams considered as the four imams And others who were following the approach of Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jama’ah, and far and near witnessed this. With regard to the subject of this research (Expiation in the verses of the Holy Qur’an, a comparative juristic study), this study has traced the expiation and its manifestation, and the spotlight is revealed on it through its touching in the Quranic verses, with a view to highlighting the merits of legislation, and clarifying its secrets and wisdom, in order to illustrate the reality of the infidels, and a statement For its importance in the life of the Muslim individual, where it gains its great importance from the book, Sunnah, and consensus.
المسؤولية الجنائية للذكاء الاصطناعي تتمثل أهمية هذه الدراسة في أهمية موضوعها الجديد والحيوي، وهو المسؤولية الجنائية الناتجة عن أخطاء الذكاء الاصطناعي في التشريع الإماراتي "دراسة مقارنة"، فعلى امتداد الخمسين سنة الماضية تضافرت الجهود العالمية في عدد من الميادين، كالفلسفة والقانون وعلم النفس وعلم المنطق والرياضيات، وعلم الأحياء وغيرها من العلوم، ومنذ سنوات بدأت هذه الجهود تحصد من ثمارها وظهرت إلى الوجود تطبيقات مذهلة للذكاء الاصطناعي، وهذا ما دفع دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة لاستحداث وزارة للذكاء الاصطناعي وعلوم المستقبل، فهذه الخطوة تُضاف إلى سجل الإمارات الحافل بكل ما هو جديد في الثقافة والعلوم وغيرها من المجالات، فالإمارات سبّاقة في البحث وجلب أي أفكار جديدة أو عالمية وتطبيقها، والهدف من ذلك هو الارتقاء بالعمل الإداري. لأن اعتماد الإدارة على الذكاء الاصطناعي يساعدها على التكيف مع التغيرات المتلاحقة، ويساعدها أيضاً على مواجهة التحديات المتعددة والمختلفة، وبالتالي تحقيق الميزة التنافسية التي تسعى الإدارة إلى تحقيقها.
This research seeks to localize the technology of plasma arc welding (PAW), the best alternative against tungsten arc welding (TIG). So a quantitative comparison between these two technologies has been made, according to the particular case that is DC current. involving heat efficiency, heat input, tensile strength, relative elongation at fracture, micro hardness and angular distortion.
Modified resole resin/short silica fiber composite materials have been prepared. The resole resin was synthesized and then blended with Polyvinylbutyral (PVB) polymer with different weight ratios to reduce its brittleness. The mechanical, thermal and physical properties of Resol- PVB blends were studied to characterize these blends and select the most appropriate mixing ratio of polyvinyl butyral with resole resin, which was identified at 15 phr of polyvinyl butyral for every 100 parts of resole resin.
In the present work, we present our Arabic Semi-Syllable Synthesizer. The work consists of seven steps: (1) building a Semi-Syllable Speech Database for Arabic Semi-Syllable Synthesizer, (2) building the Natural Language Processing Module which compr ises a Text Pre-processing Module and a Text to Phoneme conversion using Arabic Transcription from Orthographic to Phonemes, (3) followed by a Phoneme to Semi-Syllables Mapping using a Syllabification Expert System, (4) an Acoustic Word Stress Analysis for Continuous Arabic Speech based on the three prosodic parameters (fundamental frequency, intensity, duration) in order to detect stressed syllables.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا