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The Role of Magnetized Water and Organic Fertilizers in The Management of Saline Agriculture and The Yield of Zea Maize Crop in Arid Regions.

دور الماء الممغنط والأسمدة العضوية في إدارة الزراعة المالحة وإنتاجية محصول الذرة الصفراء في المناطق الجافة

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 Publication date 2023
and research's language is العربية
 Created by د. يوسف الخلف

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The research included the implementation of a laboratory experiment and a field experiment in two successive seasons, where the laboratory experiment was carried out by using columns of PVC columns, where the effect of magnetized water was tested on several types of soils varying in salinity and spread in the study area east of Aleppo (Kaskis – musharifa Al – Zakia-Rasm al-Hamis). The technology of water magnetization was applied by using a special device manufactured at the Department of Soil Science and land reclamation at the Faculty of agricultural engineering of the University of Aleppo. The device was manufactured for laboratory and field work within a magnetic field whose intensity reached (2000) Gauss. The first type of water was also brought from a well in the village of Rasm al-Hamis (2.1) dS.m-1.the second sample was also brought from a well in the village of musharifa Al-Zakiya (3.4) dS.m-1.the third sample of water used in this study was representative of the water of the Euphrates river canal (0.70) dS.m-1. The technology of using magnetized water deliberately caused a decrease in the PH values of the three types of water, a slight decrease in the values of the electrical conductivity of irrigation water using magnetized water was also observed, and a decrease in the values of the specific weight of irrigation water after its magnetization was observed in the three types of water used. Magnetization with the wash coefficient applied by the experiment (15%) contributed to reducing the electrical conductivity values of the three soils, as it was noted that the effect of the magnetization technique was of a significant nature on the soils of the Hamis sketch, where before the experiment they were classified as high-salinity soils and by the effect of the magnetization technique, at the end of the experiment they turned into low-salinity soils. The results obtained from the Rasm al-Hamis soil confirmed that irrigation water with a washing coefficient, whether magnetized or non-magnetized, effectively contributed to the washing of salts from the surface layer of the soil compared to the soil salinity value before the experiment, which amounted about (4.1) dS.m-1, as the magnetized Euphrates water contributed to the washing of salts from the surface layer of the soil by 10% increase compared to the same treatment irrigated with non-magnetized water, as well as when using the magnetic wells of Rasm al-Hamis and Musharafat Al-Zakiya, where the magnetized water contributed to the washing of salts by 19% and 9.8% more than the same transactions irrigated with ordinary water for the surface layer of the soil, and the decrease was of a significant nature. The results in the soil columns also indicated that a significant decrease in the SAR and ESP values of the three soils was achieved, and therefore magnetization had an important role in washing the sodium cation from the soil. With regard to the future leachate from the soil columns, higher values of electrical conductivity and the rate of absorbed sodium were observed in the leachate of transactions irrigated with magnetized water compared to the leachate of transactions irrigated with ordinary water without magnetization for the three soils. this confirmed the role of magnetization technology in washing salts from the soil solution, especially sodium cation. this has been positively reflected on the physical properties of the soil, where the magnetization technology contributed to improving soil porosity values. the improvement was significant in the soils of Rasm al-Hamis and as a poke and not significant in the soil of Musharafat Al-Zakiya. Moving on to the field experiment, the field experiment was designed using a completely randomized block design with (3) replications, so that the first factor includes irrigation techniques: magnetized water (M) and non-magnetized water (NM), and the second factor is the addition of organic fertilizers to the soil, which included three coefficients: municipal fertilizer (O), humic acid (H) In addition to the control treatment (C). The area of the experimental piece was 16 m2, The number of plants within the experimental plot reached 120 plants. The Maize crop was planted on 29/6/2021 for the first season and on 9/7/2022 for the second. The results indicated the role of magnetization technology in reducing the electrical conductivity values of the studied coefficients compared to the control treatment coefficients in the surface and subsurface layers with an average value of 10.28%. The results also confirmed that magnetization plays an important role in washing the Na+ ion, and this was clearly reflected in the SAR value of the soil, where the SAR value when irrigated with ordinary water was about 3.16, while it decreased to 2.79 when irrigated with magnetized water, and this decrease was of a significant nature, which in turn affected the reduction of ESP values of the soil. The results indicated that magnetization clearly affected soil cations, especially Na+, and also directly affected the SO4-2 ion, where the concentration of SO4-2 decreased by 14.4% when irrigating with magnetized water compared to the control treatment. The results confirmed the role of the magnetization technique in improving porosity values. The data pointed to the important role of municipal fertilizer, potassium Humate in reducing the electrical conductivity values, and the treatment of municipal fertilizer was statistically superior to potassium Humate, whether irrigation with magnetized water or ordinary water. Organic compound with magnetized water also contributed to improving the physical qualities of the soil, which was positively reflected on the values of the index of deterioration of soil properties compared to the control treatment coefficients. This improvement in the physical and chemical properties of the soil positively affected the availability of nutrients in the soil in general, and microelements in particular, which contributed to an improvement in the productivity values of the Maize crop, which reached its highest value when irrigated with magnetic water about 7.43 tons/h, and potassium Humate with irrigation with magnetic water raised the productivity value to 8.49 tons/h, while the treatment of municipal fertilizer with irrigation with magnetic water surpassed the rest of the transactions, where productivity reached about 9.1 tons/h in the first season of the experiment, and the productivity values also improved slightly in the second season compared to the first.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تضمن البحث تنفيذ تجربة مخبرية وتجربة حقلية بموسمين متتاليين، حيث تم تنفيذ التجربة المخبرية باستخدام أعمدة من PVC لاختبار تأثير الماء الممغنط على عدة أنواع من الترب متباينة الملوحة في منطقة الدراسة شرق حلب. تم تطبيق تقنية مغنطة المياه باستخدام جهاز خاص تم تصنيعه في قسم علوم التربة واستصلاح الأراضي بجامعة حلب. أظهرت النتائج انخفاضًا في قيم pH والتوصيل الكهربائي للمياه الممغنطة، وكذلك انخفاضًا في الوزن النوعي للمياه. كما ساهمت المغنطة في غسل الأملاح من الطبقة السطحية للتربة، مما أدى إلى تحسين خصائص التربة الفيزيائية والكيميائية. في التجربة الحقلية، تم تصميم التجربة باستخدام تصميم القطاعات العشوائية الكاملة مع ثلاث مكررات، حيث شملت المعاملات الري بالماء الممغنط وغير الممغنط وإضافة الأسمدة العضوية. أظهرت النتائج دور المغنطة في تحسين إنتاجية محصول الذرة الصفراء وخفض قيم التوصيل الكهربائي وSAR وESP للتربة. كما ساهمت الأسمدة العضوية في تحسين خصائص التربة وزيادة الإنتاجية. خلصت الدراسة إلى أن استخدام الماء الممغنط والأسمدة العضوية يمكن أن يكون له تأثير إيجابي كبير في إدارة الزراعة المالحة وزيادة إنتاجية المحاصيل في المناطق الجافة.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر هذه الدراسة خطوة هامة في مجال إدارة الزراعة المالحة، حيث تقدم حلولاً مبتكرة باستخدام الماء الممغنط والأسمدة العضوية لتحسين خصائص التربة وزيادة إنتاجية المحاصيل. ومع ذلك، يمكن أن تكون هناك بعض النقاط التي تحتاج إلى مزيد من البحث والتوضيح. على سبيل المثال، لم يتم التطرق بشكل كافٍ إلى التأثيرات البيئية المحتملة لاستخدام الماء الممغنط على المدى الطويل. كما أن الدراسة ركزت بشكل رئيسي على منطقة جغرافية محددة، مما قد يجعل من الصعب تعميم النتائج على مناطق أخرى ذات ظروف بيئية مختلفة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، قد يكون من المفيد إجراء دراسات مقارنة مع تقنيات أخرى لتحسين خصائص التربة وإنتاجية المحاصيل لمعرفة مدى تفوق تقنية المغنطة. بشكل عام، تعتبر الدراسة إضافة قيمة للأبحاث في هذا المجال، ولكنها تحتاج إلى مزيد من التوسع والتعمق لتقديم صورة شاملة وموثوقة.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو تأثير الماء الممغنط على خصائص التربة الفيزيائية والكيميائية؟

    أدى استخدام الماء الممغنط إلى تحسين خصائص التربة الفيزيائية والكيميائية، حيث ساهم في خفض قيم التوصيل الكهربائي وSAR وESP، مما أدى إلى تحسين بنية التربة وزيادة مساميتها.

  2. كيف أثرت تقنية المغنطة على إنتاجية محصول الذرة الصفراء؟

    ساهمت تقنية المغنطة في زيادة إنتاجية محصول الذرة الصفراء بشكل ملحوظ، حيث بلغت الإنتاجية أعلى قيمة لها عند الري بالماء الممغنط مقارنة بالري بالماء العادي.

  3. ما هي الفوائد المحتملة لاستخدام الأسمدة العضوية مع الماء الممغنط؟

    استخدام الأسمدة العضوية مع الماء الممغنط ساهم في تحسين خصائص التربة الفيزيائية والكيميائية، وزيادة تيسر العناصر الغذائية، مما أدى إلى تحسين نمو وإنتاجية المحاصيل.

  4. ما هي التوصيات المستقبلية التي قدمتها الدراسة؟

    أوصت الدراسة بتصنيع الأنابيب الممغنطة محلياً، وإجراء تجارب ميدانية طويلة المدى لدراسة الأثر البعيد لتقنية المياه الممغنطة، وزيادة أو خفض مستويات شدة الحقل المغناطيسي، ورفع هذه المقترحات إلى المؤسسات البحثية ذات العلاقة.

References used
13- Dongwang Wang; Liang Zhang; Jinzhu Zhang; Wenhao Li; Haiqiang Li; Yonghui Liang; Yue Han; Pengcheng Luo and Zhenhua Wang. 2023. Effect of Magnetized Brackish Water Drip Irrigation on Water and Salt Transport Characteristics of Sandy Soil in Southern Xinjiang, China. Journals Water Volume 15 Issue 3 10.3390/w15030577
rate research

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The research was conducted in order to study the effect of irrigation with sulfuric saline water on some major soil properties and maize production The flood irrigation process was carried out with four treatments: Treatment of witness was irrigated with fresh water, treatment No. (1) was irrigated with sulfuric saline water according to the standardized maize irrigation, and treatment No. (2) was also irrigated with salty sulfur water standardized for maize irrigation + 20% washing rate, and treatment No. (3) was irrigated with water Sulfur saline according to maize irrigation standard + 30% washing rate,The results of the study showed that there was a slight significant difference between the four treatments in terms of the apparent and real density, while there were clear significant differences between the treatments in terms of ESP%, EC and carbonates with depth, and this was the result of washing salts with the excess amount of irrigation water used for washing. The results also show that treatment No. (3) was the best of germination percentage and productivity, while treatment No. (1) achieved the lowest germination and productivity(Fresh maize cobs yield with wrappers) , as the readings were as follows: The percentage of germination in the witness was 95%, in treatment (1) 90%, and in treatment (2) 95% and in treatment (3) 97%, while the productivity was in the witness 32.4 tons / ha and in treatment (1) 30.25 tons / ha and in treatment (2) 33.6 tons / ha and in treatment (3) 39.037 tons / ha. This indicates that irrigation with sulfuric saline water according to (water ration for maize + 30% washing) achieved the best results, as the economic feasibility of using sulfuric saline water was achieved by obtaining good production, providing fresh water and preserving the major properties of the soil.
The project aims to know and evaluate the effect of replacing part of the mineral fertilizers with organic fertilizers to increase soil fertility. The experiment carried out in In the fields of the Iraqi Agricultural Research Department - Dabouni St ation in (2021) with the treatment groups as follows: Group (Control, no manure, no fertilizer (T1) Sheep fertilizer, 20 tons ha−1 [SF] (T2) Mineral fertilizer ( N.P.K ) 320 kgN/ha ,100kg P2O5/ha and 120Kg K2O/ha (NPK100%) (T3) Mixture of sheep (20 tons/ha + and mineral fertilizer NPK 320 kgN/ha ,100kg P2O5/ha and 120Kg K2O/ha, 5) Sheep manure + 25%, N.P.K [SMF25%] (T4) Sheep manure+ 50%, N.P.K [SMF50%] (T5)6) Sheep manure + 75%, N.P.K [SMF75%] (T6) Sheep manure +100% N.P.K [SMF100%] (T7) The experiment laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), with three replications. The experiment showed that the combination of organic fertilizer and mineral fertilizer [SMF100%](T7) gave significant differences in average of plant length growth (161) cm compared to mineral fertilizer (109) cm and organic fertilizer (99) cm respectively, also (T7) gives significant differences in root length ,ear length leaf area,500 grain weight ,biological yield, Grain yield) and content of organic matter in the soil, but in the same significant of fertilization treatment [SMF75%](T6) The treatment [Mineral F](T3) gives significant difference in the value of EC (4.2) Dsm-1 and PH (7.5) of the soil Compared to other treatments in the experiment.
An experiment was carried out under the conditions of the green house at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Aleppo, in order to determine the effect of both gypsum and humic acid on the total porosity and pH of irrigated soils by saline water and wheat yield. The experiment was designed in a split-spilt dissection method, with the main sections comprising three levels of irrigation water salinity (W1:0, W2:3, W3:6 g-1 NaCl). Three levels of gypsum were mixed with soil: (G1:0, G2:25, G3:50 g). Three levels of humic acid were added with irrigation water (H3:48, H2:24, H1:0 kg/h). The coefficient Leaching with irrigation water for W3 and W2 was applied at %10 and %20 of the field capacity, respectively. The results confirmed the effective role of gypsum in mitigating the effect of sodcity in Structure soil damage, and this was reflected by the increase in total porosity values in G3. The results indicated a decrease in pH values within the W3 level of irrigation saline water compared with W2. The results showed the significant role of the gypsum in pH reduction as opposed to that of humic acid. The role of humic acid, especially the H3 level, was evident in increasing the yield and weight of 1000 grains for the wheat, while the G2 level of gypsum was superior in yield. The results showed that the W1 yield was better than W2 and W3.
The pot experiments were carried out under the conditions of the glass house at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Aleppo. The aim of the present study is to determine the role of gypsum and humic acid on some chemical properties of irrigated soil by saline water. The experiment was designed in a split second-order manner, with the main sections containing three levels of salinity irrigation water using sodium chloride salt as (W1:0, W2:3, W3:6 g𝓁-1). Three levels of gypsum were mixed: as (G1:0 , G2:25, G3:50 g). Three levels of acids were added with irrigation water as (H1:0,H2:24, H3:48 kg/he). The experiments for application leaching factor with irrigation water were carried out for treatment (W2,W3) at two levels as (%10 and %20) of field capacity, respectively. The results showed that the salt accumulation was higher when applied the leaching factor (W2), while the salt accumulation was decreased when the wash factor (W3) was applied. The addition of gypsum levels contributed for increasing in EC values, especially in the surface layer. The role of humic acid was effectively demonstrated in saline soils (W3, W2), where the concentration of sodium ions, SAR and ESP were significantly reduced when applying a high level of humic acid with irrigation water. The SAR values and the sodium-sodium ratio (ESP) were affected by the accumulation of salts in the surface layer.
An experiment was carried out under the conditions of the green house at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Aleppo. The aim of research is determine the effect of the addition of humic acid to the irrigated soils by saline water in their organ ic carbon content and the yield of the wheat crop. The experiment was designed in a split-spilt dissection method. The main sections comprising three levels of irrigation water salinity (W1:0, W2:3, W3:6 g-1 NaCl). Three levels of gypsum were mixed with soil: (G1:0, G2:25, G3:50 g). Three levels of humic acid were added with irrigation water (H3:48, H2:24, H1:0 kg/h). The coefficient Leaching with irrigation water for W3 and W2 was applied at %10 and %20 of the field capacity, respectively. The results showed that the addition of humic acid contributed to the increase in the stock of organic carbon. The highest percentage of organic matter (2.70%) was found in the deep layer (W3G3H3), while the lowest ratio was (1.41%) in the surface layer of treatment (W3G2H1). The role of humic acid, especially at the level of H3, was clearly demonstrated in increasing the productivity and weight of the 1000 grains for the wheat crop. The study confirmed the role of the leaching factor in the organic carbon losses of the soil, where organic carbon was losses (%26.31) with leaching factor 10%, where the losses (%44.74) with leaching factor was 20%.

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