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The objective of this research is to conduct a systematic literature review, analyzing the influence of implementing the ChatGPT tool in the field of education. The data for this study was gathered through a systematic review of studies published sin ce the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022. Three prominent educational databases (Web of Science, Taylor& Francis Online, Eric) were utilized for this purpose. The study incorporated a sample of 18 relevant studies, and a descriptive and quantitative methodology was employed to present the most noteworthy findings. The outcomes indicate that the incorporation of ChatGPT in the educational setting positively impacts the teaching and learning processes. Nevertheless, the results also shed light on topics such as factors that determine students' attitudes toward the application, positive and negative effects, and how to ensure academic integrity when applying AI in education. Despite ChatGPT's potential to enhance the educational experience, its successful integration hinges on educators being well-versed in its functionalities. These insights lay a robust foundation for future research endeavors and informed decision-making concerning the incorporation of ChatGPT in educational contexts.

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