إن السؤال الذي يفرض نفسه على كل ذي قول يدعي أنه قول أول، أي قول فاتح طريقَه نحو الحكمة، والمعرفة الأصيلة، هو كالآتي : كيف يطمئن القائل لحقيقة قوله؟ ثم حين يدعو إلى هذه الحقيقة، كيف يدعي بكل امتلاء ويقين، أن ما يعبر عنه من مفردات القول هو عين الحقيقة وأسها؟
The question for anyone who has a statement that claims to be the first statement, that is, a statement that opens the way to wisdom and true knowledge, is this: How can the speaker -he be reassured about the truth. of his statement? So, when he claims this truth, how can he affirm with fullness and certainty that what he expresses through the words of the declaration is the substance of the truth.
References used
الكشاف للزمخشري- الجامع لأحكام القرآن والمبين لما تضمنه من السنة وآي القرآن، محمد بن أحمد الأنصاري القرطبي،تحقيق: عبد الله بن عبد المحسن التركي، مؤسسة الرسالة للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع- إراد القوة لنيتشه- ماوراء الخير والشر لنيتشه- التأملات الديكارتية لهوسرل- البنية النفسية لكارل يونغ- طوق الحمامة في الألفة والألاف، علي بن حزم الأندلسي، مؤسسة هنداوي للتعليم والثقافة، الطبعة الأولى 2016 م- أصل الأنواع لشارلز دارون- LACAN, Séminaire de la relation ( la relation d’objet ),1956-1957
In this research, we are studying the possibility of contribution in solving the Vehicle
Routing Problem with Time Windows(VRPTW),that is one of the optimization problems
of the NP-hard type.
Moreover, Hybrid algorithm (HA) provided that integrate
We aim in this research to study the existence and uniqueness of strong solution for
initial-boundary values problem for a semi-linear wave equation with the nonlinear
boundary dissipation, by transforming it to a Cauchy problem with second order operator
differential equations in Hilbert space. Therefore, we transform it, using Green's formula
for a triple of Hilbert spaces.
Joint entity and relation extraction is challenging due to the complex interaction of interaction between named entity recognition and relation extraction. Although most existing works tend to jointly train these two tasks through a shared network, t
Recommender systems represents a class of systems designed to help individuals deal with information overload or incomplete
information. Such systems help individuals by providing recommendation through the use of various personalization
The research aims at disclosing the relationship between the
existential concept and the internal-external locus of control for the
teachers of basic education in the city of Homs. The research
community consists of basic education teachers in Hom