نفذت تجربة أصص ضمن ظروف البيت الزجاجي في كلية الزراعة بجامعة حلب، بهدف معرفة الأثر الذي يسببه كل من الجيبس وحمض الهيوميك في الخواص الكيميائية للترب المروية بمياه مالحة. تم تصميم التجربة بطريقة القطع المنشقة من الدرجة الثانية، بحيث تضمنت القطع الرئيسة ثلاثة مستويات من ملوحة مياه الري عن طريق استخدام ملح كلوريد الصوديوم (W1:0 ، W2:3 ،W3 :g𝓁-1 6). وتم خلط ثلاثة مستويات من الجيبس: (G3:50, G2:25, G1:0 g). كما تم إضافة ثلاث مستويات من الأحماض مع مياه الري بمعدل (48 ,24 ,0 كغ/هـ). وتم تطبيق معامل الغسيل مع مياه الري للمعاملتين (W3,W2) بمعدل %10 و%20 من السعة الحقلية، على الترتيب. أشارت النتائج إلى تراكم الأملاح في الترب المروية بمياه مالحة، وكان تراكم الأملاح أعظمياً عند تطبيق معامل الغسيل %10 (W2)، بينما انخفض تراكم الأملاح عند تطبيق معامل الغسيل %20 (W3). وساهمت إضافة مستويات من الجيبس في زيادة قيم الـ EC، وخاصةً في الطبقة السطحية. وبرز دور حمض الهيوميك بشكل فعال في الترب المروية بالمياه المالحة (W3,W2)، حيث انخفض تركيز أيونات الصوديوم وقيم SAR وESP بشكل واضح عند تطبيق مستوى عالي من حمض الهيوميك مع مياه الري. كما تأثرت قيم معدل الصوديوم المدمص SAR ونسبة الصوديوم المتبادل ESP بتراكم الأملاح في الطبقة السطحية.
The pot experiments were carried out under the conditions of the glass house at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Aleppo. The aim of the present study is to determine the role of gypsum and humic acid on some chemical properties of irrigated soil by saline water. The experiment was designed in a split second-order manner, with the main sections containing three levels of salinity irrigation water using sodium chloride salt as (W1:0, W2:3, W3:6 g𝓁-1). Three levels of gypsum were mixed: as (G1:0 , G2:25, G3:50 g). Three levels of acids were added with irrigation water as (H1:0,H2:24, H3:48 kg/he).
The experiments for application leaching factor with irrigation water were carried out for treatment (W2,W3) at two levels as (%10 and %20) of field capacity, respectively.
The results showed that the salt accumulation was higher when applied the leaching factor (W2), while the salt accumulation was decreased when the wash factor (W3) was applied. The addition of gypsum levels contributed for increasing in EC values, especially in the surface layer. The role of humic acid was effectively demonstrated in saline soils (W3, W2), where the concentration of sodium ions, SAR and ESP were significantly reduced when applying a high level of humic acid with irrigation water. The SAR values and the sodium-sodium ratio (ESP) were affected by the accumulation of salts in the surface layer.
References used
6- Shaaban, M. Abid, M. Abou-Shanab, R.A.I. 2013- Amelioration of salt affected soils in rice paddy systemby application of organic and inorganic amendments. Journal Plant Soil Environ. Vol. 59, 2013, No. 5: 227–233.
An experiment was carried out under the conditions of the green house at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Aleppo, in order to determine the effect of both gypsum and humic acid on the total porosity and pH of irrigated soils by saline water
An experiment was carried out under the conditions of the green house at the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Aleppo. The aim of research is determine the effect of the addition of humic acid to the irrigated soils by saline water in their organ
A column experiment was carried out under the conditions of the laboratory of colloids and clay minerals at the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering at the University of Aleppo, in order to know the effect caused by the magnetization of irrigation wat
The research was conducted in order to study the effect of irrigation with sulfuric saline water on some major soil properties and maize production
The flood irrigation process was carried out with four treatments: Treatment of witness was irrigated
The effect of clay soil treatment with two levels of tobacco west compost and
organic fertilizer (15 and 30 ton/ h), in addition to mineral fertilizer treatment, with three
replicates of each treatment on some physical properties (Aggregate size di