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A column experiment was carried out under the conditions of the laboratory of colloids and clay minerals at the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering at the University of Aleppo, in order to know the effect caused by the magnetization of irrigation wat er on the chemical properties of soils irrigated with water of different salinity. The experiment was carried out on the Kskeis soil, located east of Aleppo city, and it was irrigated with three types of water of different salinity (Furat - Rasm Al-Hamis - Mishrifat Al-Zakiya). With irrigated water, the irrigation process was carried out with ten irrigations. The results indicated that the magnetization of showing off water reached its value, reached its value, reached its value, reached its value when magnetized. dS.m-1) was 4.05, while at the non-magnetized (dS.m-1) 3.7, the values of the sorbent sodium rate SAR were affected by the accumulation of salts in the subsurface layer of the studied treatments included in the study. The values of the rate of sodium adsorption SAR were also affected by the accumulation of salts in the subsurface layer of the studied treatments included in the study, and the magnetization of water contributed to the reduction of SAR values. 1.57, while it reached 1.93 in the same treatment irrigated with non-magnetized water.

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