الرمز والأسطورة من الأشياء التي أكثر الشعراء من تجسيدها في أشعارهم ولاسيما شعراء المقاومة لأنهم وجدوا فيها خير معبر عما يريدون إيصاله إلى المتلقي , ولأنهم ألفوه تصويراً صادقاً لواقع أمتهم التي وقعت ضحية للطامعين والمستعمرين ومن هنا أكثر شعراء المقاومة في الأدبين العربي والفارسي من استخدام الرموز والأساطير في أشعارهم .
Symbol and legend are among the things that most poets embody in their poems, especially resistance poets, because they found in them the best expressive of what they want to convey to the recipient, and because they composed it as a true depiction of the reality of their nation that fell victim to the greedy and colonialists. Hence, most resistance poets in Arabic and Persian literature use symbols and legends in their poems.
References used
أحمد دحبور , ديوانه , دار العودة , لبنان , بيروت , 1983م.
Nasser Kusro lived between 394 and 481 Hijri , and he was one of
great scientific figures and one of the most important fifth century poets
and writers. He was effected by Arabic and its education and that
appeared in several forms.
The holly Qur
يشكل تأطير أساطير العالم القديم في الشعر الحديث بداية مزايا تكثيف النص الشعري وتشكيل طبقات القصائد - الأساسية منها والفرعية - خاصة إذا ما كانت هذه القصائد مشبعة بالاساطير
Through the stages of world literature and its developments based mainly on the social conditions that accompany each literature, poetry has also witnessed a diversity in its handling of multiple topics that mattered to the poets of every era. Others
This paper views folk literature as one of acceptability and of rejection at the same
time. It is also concerned with the dramatic dimension of the art of lullaby in classical
Arabic literature because choreography was associated with the art of si
Description is one of the most important elements of poems and poetry, because of its presence in all poetic purposes. It depicts the reality of Arab poetry and is not limited to drawing shapes, but it accounts for their existence. It is measured by