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تأثير الليبوبروتينات منخفضة الكثافة LDL المستخلصة من صفار البيض والبرلين في مؤشرات السائل المنوي المجمد وقدرته الاخصابيه في اغنام العواس

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 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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طليمات , فرحان منير 1996 . موسوعة عروق الاغنام العربية ( اكساد )/ ث ح / ن 155 - دمشق
rate research

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This study was carried out at the laboratory of artificial insemination and embryo transfer in Ezra station Belongs to ACSAD during 2009 to estimate the efficiency of local diluents (sodium citrate with egg yolk, EYC and skimmed milk, SM)in compar ison to Andromed® as a standard diluent for short and long -term preservation period of semen in Awassi rams. Four rams, two years old with live body weight 75± 3 Kg, were used. Semen was collected by artificial insemination twice/ per day per week for 4 months during the breeding season. Progressive motility and live – dead sperms were evaluated at each step of semen handling. Results showed that there was a significant effect (p<0.05) for the ram on ejaculate volume (1.8-2.46 ml) and sperm concentration (2.4-3.8 X 109/ml) and more significant effect (p< 0.01) for the diluents on studied traits after each step of semen handling. The highest final survival rate of viability (65.1%) was shown in semen diluted with Andromed® compared with 51.3% in EYC and 22.3% in SM and the total rates of dead sperms were 41.9, 56.9. 78.9% in the standard, EYC and in SM, respectively. It was concluded that local diluents can be used for extending and using Awassi semen as a fresh diluted semen for a short time preservation using SM and as a frozen and preserved semen for a long time with EYC in artificial insemination programs and it was suggested that EYC with glycerol can be replaced for Andromed® if sperm concentrate is increased by 10-15% at dilution.
This Study was carried-out at Shami Goat Improvement Station in Karahta. Ten growing Shami male goats, aged 8 months, housed and managed under the same conditions were used to study the semen characteristics. Artificial vagina was used to collect semen at weekly intervals, for 13 months to determine the volume, motility, pH, and sperm concentration using Neubaure- Spectrophotometer and Spermiodensimeter techniques. Overall averages and standard errors of volume, motility, concentration, and pH were 0.9 ± 0.07 ml, 65.24 ± 1.41%, 3.57 ± 0.14 billion/ml, and 6.52 ± 0.07, respectively. Seasonal variations were observed. A positive significant correlation between volume and motility (r= 0.42, P<0.01) was found, while negative correlations (P<0.01) between pH and other studied semen characteristics were recorded. Linear equations for detecting sperm concentration as measured by either, Spermiodensimeter or Spectrophotometer were obtained.
Albumin has an important extra cellular antioxidant effect which prevents lipid peroxidation. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of low albumin level in patients with chronic moderate renal failure(CMRF) and nephritic syndrome(NS) on the susceptibility of LDL to oxidation, and the protective role of vitamins C and A in this process.
This research was done as a collaboration work between Tishreen University and the General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research in Karahta research station for improvement of Shami goats and Der Al-Hajar station to set tables for normal values of some blood and chemical parameters in Awassi sheep during pregnancy to predict any nutrition or health disorders. Forty seven Awassi ewes in the same age (in the third season) were used for that purpose. Blood sample were collected from all ewes every month of the pregnancy period. Thealanine aminotransferase (ALT),the aspartate aminotransferase (AST), the alkaline phosphatase (ALP), the glucose (Glu) were analyzed. Results indicated the existence of significant changes (P<0.05) between the increase and decrease in all indicators studied throughout The study period, which shows the change in functional status of liver in conjunction with stage of pregnancy.The overall average of the effectiveness of enzymes (2.05-26.47), (32.65-181.40) and (11.17-79.76) U/l for each of the ALP, ALT and AST, respectively, and total concentration of glucose (37,50-95.20 mg/dl) throughout the study period.

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