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The Effect Of Using Modern Immersive Marketing Techniques On The Buying Decision Process

تأثير استخدام تقنيات التسويق الغامر الحديثة على عملية اتخاذ قرار الشراء

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 Publication date 2020
  fields Marketing
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The research aims to study the effect of using immersive marketing techniques on the purchasing decision-making process, through its five stages, which include: the problem awareness stage, information gathering, alternatives evaluation, purchasing decision making, post-purchase behavior. The study adopted the descriptive and analytical approach to characterize the study variables, and the study also adopted the statistical method in processing the primary data that was collected using the questionnaire that was distributed intentionally sample of clients who meet the study requirement using modern marketing applications. Individuals using these applications. The researcher reached several results, the most important of which are: There is a good effect of using immersive marketing techniques on all stages of the purchase decision-making process. However, the level of confidence of the respondents in acquiring products through these applications is average, and appropriate payment methods are not available for the acquisition of these products due to the lack of electronic payment facilities. For Syrian customers, the equipment supporting Syrian marketing techniques is not well available.

References used
Alfaro, Luis, Claudia Rivera, Jorge Luna-Urquizo, Juan Carlos Zu ́niga, Alonso Portocarrero, Alberto Barbosa Raposo (2019). Immersive Technologies in Marketing: State of the Art and a Software Architecture Proposal (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 10, No. 10, 480-490
Ahmed, Laman (2019): Applications of Virtual Reality in Arab Media Studies in the fields of Marketing, Public Relations and Journalism. The Arab Journal of Media and Communication Research, Issue (24), January / March 2019, 236-257
Ahmed, Shindy (2017). The influence of the trademark in making a purchase decision (a field study on university youth in Syria. Al-Baath University Journal, Vol. 39, Issue 2, 91.
Al-Qurashi, apparent; Yasmine Al Kilani (2015). The impact of social media on the consumer purchasing decision-making process in Amman. An-Najah Research Journal (Humanities). Volume 29 (12), 2410-2442
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The objective of this research is to identify the obstacles to the use of internet marketing by individuals, has been relying on descriptive analytical method, a questionnaire was developed and make sure of his sincerity and the persistence coefficie nt, the questionnaire was distributed to the students of the Faculty the second of Economy in Tartous, in order to obtain necessary data for the study. The study found the following results: There were no statistically significant differences between (the Internet infrastructure, the expected risk, distrust for electronic marketing, legislation and laws) and the faith in e-procurement, while no statistically significant relationship between the weakness of experience and awareness of internet marketing and intent in e-procurement and these results back to the nature of the sample taken. The study was presented a set of recommendations including: the need to raise awareness of and confidence in scientific knowledge about the importance of internet marketing, and the need to increase awareness of the importance of the use of computer.
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