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تأثير الموعد وارتفاع مكان التطعيم في نمو وتطور غراس أصناف مختلفة من المشمش

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 Publication date 2009
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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المجموعة الإحصائية الزراعية 2008 الصادرة عن وزارة الزراعة - مديرية الإحصاء والتخطيط دمشق سورية
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This study was carried out in AL Swaida nursery during 2009 and 2010 seasons to study effect of time and grafting high are on the growth strength of apple cultivars: Golden delicious، Stark rimson, Starking delicious. Results showed that Golden de licious preponderated on the other cultivars in diameter average (9.06 mm) at 3cm above the grafting area (5cm above soil level). The study also confirmed that Starking delicious showed significant superiority(p <0.05) in term of growth strength on the other two cultivars when grafting was carried at 5cm and 20cm above soil level and the best of leaf area (2862،89cm2) was observed at 20 cm above the soil level when grafting took place in 31 of August.
The present investigation was carried out at the Agricultural Scientific Research Center in Swieda to study the effect of deficit irrigation on the growth of four apple seedlings rootstocks genotypes and to estimate their ability to drought tolera nce particularly in light of the lack of water sources and no rain. Two irrigation levels: 100% (control) and 75% of water requirements were applied. The shoot length, leaves number, leaves area, the distribution of the roots in soil, the depth of irrigation water in the soil and the consumption of water in each level were measured. Results showed that irrigation with 75% of field capacity on studied genotypes caused reduction of shoots length, decline of leaves number and area and the depth of root comparing with the control. There were significant differences between studied genotypes in terms of vigor where the genotypes C and S2 were superior than A and B.
This investigation was carried out in the fields and laboratories of Pome and Grapevine Department, GCSAR/Syria, on some apple varieties i.e. Richared, Mutsu and Tourly Winsap to determine the optimal harvest date and its effect on storability. Fr uits were harvested in (16/9, 26/9, 7/10, 17/10 and 30/10) depending on physical and chemical maturity indicators, and stored with the study of changing in quality indicators and weight lost monthly. The results showed that the studied varieties differed in their storability according to harvest date, Richared fruits in 26/9 showed long storage for seven months with weight loss of 4.9%, fruit firmness 6.4 kg/cm2, and 18.7% TSS. While the storability was six months for Mutsu fruits which harvested in 7/10 with weight loss of 4.4%, and fruit firmness 6.1 kg/cm2, and finally, Tourly Winsap fruits which were stored for five months in 7 and 17/10 harvest dates with fruit firmness 5.1 kg/cm2. Moreover, the three varieties were able to storage for three months when harvested in 30/10 with weight loss of 3.3%, 4.4% and 4.5% in Tourly Winsap, Richared and Mutsu respectively, which considered as consuming maturity for these varieties. These results indicated to the various storage periods according to fruits harvest time, and the storability, which assists in regulating offer and demand, and providing markets with fruits for long period, however harvesting at optimal time reducing the total weight loss, in addition to high quality indicators.
This work was conducted to study the effect of two levels (50 and 75%) of pruning on flowering (number of clusters, number of flowers, diameter of flowers, flower-stem length) of three cultivars (Emile Mouillère - Nikko Blue - Pia) of Hydrangea ma crophylla. Pruning was done on the shrubs of four years old in addition to a control without pruning. Results indicated that there were differences among cultivars in response to the proportion of pruning. Emile Mouillère, a cultivar with white flowers, the results showed an increase in the proportion of pruning was associated with a reduction the number of fully developed inflorescences per plant compared to control. For Nikko Blue, a cultivar with blue flowers, the results showed that level (75%) was the best in all studied indicators while for Pia, a cultivar with deep pink flowers, the results showed that pruning with 50% level was the best in all productivity indicators.

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