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The Effect of foliar spraying of seaweed, Yeast Extract and Iron on some Physiological and Productivity Properties of Peach Tree

تأثير التسميد الورقي بمستخلص الأعشاب البحرية والخميرة والحديد في بعض الصفات الفيزيولوجية والإنتاجية لشجرة الدراق

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 Publication date 2013
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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المجموعة الإحصائية الزراعية السنوية 2009 - قسم الإحصاء مديرية الاحصاء والتخطيط وزارة الزراعة والاصلاح الزراعي
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Peach (Prunus persica Batsch) transplants cv. Dixired were sprayed three times a season with three levels of urea (45% N) (2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 gm/ L), and two levels of iron (10 and 20 mg Fe/ L) using chelated iron Fe-EDDHA (6%iron), each alone or in combination. Meanwhile the control transplants sprayed with distilled water during 2006 and 2007 growing seasons, twenty days intervals between each spray and another, the first spray is done at the first week of May in both seasons. Results indicated that all spray treatments with urea and iron each alone or with each other significantly increased leaves N, K, Fe, chlorophyll and carbohydrate concentration, transplant leaves area, shoots number, transplants height, main stem diameter and vegetative and root dry weight. While leaves P concentration, significantly decreased with the foliar spray with two concentrations of iron alone, or in combination with all concentrations of urea. The best treatment was 7.5 gm urea/ L + 20 mg Fe/ L., which gave the highest means of all studied parameters, except leaves P concentration, which were the highest mean of it was in the control treatment at both seasons.
The trial was carried out during the season 2014, on grapevines of Al-Baladi. Al Baladi, 20 years old, grafted onto rootstock, and trained in the trellis way, to study the influence of different levels of 4 times/season soil applied seaweed extract , on some qualitative and quantitative characteristics of Al-Baladi grapes.
Yhis study was investigated at Agriculture Faculty of Damascus university during the agricultural season of 2012/2013 in order to determine the effect of foliar spray with seaweed extract (5 and 10 g/l) and GA3 (50 and 100 ppm) on the growth and p roduction of local red onion (Baladi) at different levels of irrigation (100, 75, and 50% of field capacity). Onion bulblets were planted in pots and plants were treated when they had 3-4 leaves and every two weeks until full vegetative growth.
The experiment was conducted during the two seasons (2015 , 2016 ) on the Lemon trees cv (Meyer ) aiming at studying the effect of the foliar spraying with the nutrients ( boron , zinc and iron ) on physical and chemical properties of the fruits Th ese nutrients were sprayed separately or as a mixture . The average of each of the physical properties of the fruit (length , width , firmness, volume and weight of the fruit ) , in addition to rind thickness and the fruits ` juice volume, ,the chemical properties of the fruit juice (total soluble solids, total sugars, total acidity, vitamin C) were studied. An increase was observed in all the studied parameters in the sprayed treatments compared to the control from( 6.37%- 3.33% -0.37% - 34.57mg%)to(9.33% -4.88% -1.89% -43.5%) in the first season and( 9.75% 5.87- 3.32% - 45%) in the second season, respectively. As a result of the statistical analysis, there were significant differences between all the studied treatments and the control with overpass of the treatment of the three elements (iron chelate + boron oxide + zinc chelate ) of all treatments in the most of the studied figures in both seasons. Statistical analysis of the fruit rind thickness showed the absence of the significant differences among the studied treatments.
The research was conducted on some olive varieties known as Alsourani- Aldan- Mahazm Abu Satel- Alglet- Alnepali, in the aim of comparing their tolerance against the stress of salinity (sodium chloride) through some morphological and physiological traits. Different concentrations of salt as well as to the control (fresh water) were used in this experiment.

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