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Using the GIS in studying and preparing the thematic maps for the coverage of water and sanitation networks and solid waste management during the crisis in Homs governorate

استخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية في دراسة و إعداد الخرائط الغرضية لتغطية شبكات المياه و الصرف الصحي و إدارة النفايات الصلبة في ظل الأزمة لمحافظة حمصa

1421   2   93   0.0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2018
  fields Geography
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The crisis in Syria heavily impacted public infrastructure as well as the provision of basic services. This strongly affected the population in all Syrian governorates since the beginning of the crisis seven years ago. The water sector is considered one of the most affected. Hostilities led to damages in the networks and ensuing water cuts. In addition, main pumping stations, boreholes and sanitation networks ceased to function. This research aims at identifying the locations and extent of damages in the water networks in Homs governorate based on the percentage of water and sanitation networks as well as solid waste management services compared to the pre-conflict situation. The research depends on utilizing the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) based on descriptive data. The information used comprises primary data collected in the field using structured questionnaires filled by the local population as well as secondary data produced by humanitarian organizations, SARC and governmental institutions. The results show decreased the coverage of water and sanitation networks in Homs Governorate notably outside the county centers while it is almost non-existent in the urban areas. The latter include the southern and eastern counties Al Qariateen, Sadd, Mheen, Al furqulus, Al Ruqama and Hisia. Furthermore, more than half of the population living in the eastern urban areas rely on water trucking. The discontinuity of municipal services and malfunction of solid waste removal trucks resulted in the accumulation of waste in many areas. Therefore, the state of solid waste management is evaluated to be mostly “bad”, while the reminder only reaches “medium” category, which means, the municipalities do not collect the waste, or collect and dump inside the city .This situation strongly increases the risk of an outbreak of infectious diseases.

References used
الخدمات الفنية في محافظة حمص
المجموعة الإحصائية 2010
مؤسسة المياه في محافظة حمص
rate research

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The process of collecting and transporting solid waste is the first and fundamental issue in the management of solid waste as it is the most economically expensive operation, in which its expenses in the process of system of municipal solid waste man agement (MSWM) reaches about 60-70% of the total expenditure. This process starts from placing waste in containers till unloading these containers in transportation vehicles and then carry them to transfer stations or final disposal sites. The fees of collection and transportation can be reduced through the selection of the optimal path, and thus obtaining many economical benefits. In this research, the applications of geographical information systems (GIS) have been used in order to choose the optimal route for waste collection, transportation and transference in the city of Lattakia, Where a database has been designed which included mainly the streets, bridges and tunnels, it also included residential areas serviced by waste containers, and the process of linking them to each other took place by using the techniques of GIS in order to choose the best economical and timetable ways for the traffic of vehicles to collect and transport the waste, which contributes practically and effectively in improving the activities of municipal solid waste management in this city.
The problem of waste is getting worse day by day, which may represent a heavy burden on municipalities, that they are unable to process it in most situations. Man is primarily responsible for the waste form, and any scheme for management municipal so lid waste most take into account the role environmental awareness among the citizens of north sides: the first is to reduce the amount of waste produced through improving people's behavior's and their dietony habits. The second by working to strengthen its role in contributing to with the municipality in sorting and recycling and willingness to buy recycled good, which contributes to ease costs, and thus improve the management. The aim of this research to identify the degree of presence environmental awareness about the management of solid waste in the province of Lattakia from the point of view of the mushers of research sample. And to identify the differences in their views depending on the variables studied (sex gender, educational level, place of residence). Research Applied on a sample of the population of the province of Lattakia that number had reached 280 people. The researcher used the questionnaire, which was relied upon in reaching the results of the study, was to ensure the stability of the resolution in two ways: first way retail midterm has reached stability coefficient (0.829), and the second method equation Cronbach alpha was the reliability coefficient was (0.793), a transaction firming acceptable statistically. The study reached the following conclusions: the presence of environmental awareness about the seriousness of solid waste on our lives and consider it the source of contamination and disease. And the existence of a social willingness to contribute to the management of solid waste as sort of domestic or work in environmental associations. The environmental awareness is spreading in the province as a whole, but noted concern for the environment in the city, most of the countryside. As environmental awareness associated cultural level where it was noted the high level of awareness among the educated classes more than illiterate. It has been observed is that to the environmental awareness is equally between males and females. The research found the most important proposals : attention to publish more environmental awareness among community groups is an educated in addition to spreading the culture of voluntary work in the field of environment an educated.
تشير الخدمات البلدية أو خدمات المدن إلى الخدمات الأساسية التي يتوقع المقيمون في المدينة أو البلدة من حكومة المدينة أن توفرها لهم، وتشمل هذه الخدمات (مرافق الصرف الصحي – الشوارع – المدارس – المراكز الصحية – الكهرباء) وغيرها من خدمات. وتختلف الخدمات ا لبلدية المتوفرة لدى بلدية ما بحسب الموقع والتشريعات والتاريخ والتقاليد، وقد تختلف الخدمات المقدمة من دولة لأخرى أو حتى داخل الدولة الواحدة. إن المهمة الأساسية للخدمات العامة هي تلبية احتياجات ورغبات السكان، وكونها أيضا تمثل جزءاً مهماً من البنية الفيزيائية والاستخدامات الحضرية للتجمع السكاني، لذلك كان لابد من العمل على توزيعها وتطويرها بشكل يتناسب مع التطور الحاصل لذلك المجتمع. تعد قضية توفير الخدمات العامة إحدى القضايا الأكثر الحاحاً، ويمثل تحديد المعدلات والمعايير التخطيطية للخدمات إشكالية مهمة من إشكاليات التنمية العمرانية في سوريا، وبرغم كل التطلعات الطموحة لتحقيق المعدلات الأعلى أو المعدلات المثلى أو المعدلات القريبة لنظيرتها العالمية، إلا أنه يصعب احداث طفرة فجائية لتحقيق هذه المعدلات الأعلى. وقد شهدت المعرفة الجغرافية تطورا ملحوظا في مجالات مختلفة، واستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية وإمكانياتها في التحليل المكاني لهذه الخدمات، فنظرا لأهمية هذه الخدمات وارتباطها المباشر بالسكان تحتاج إلى عمليات رصد وتوقيعها في نظام المعلومات الجغرافي وإنشاء قاعدة بيانات شاملة لها على أجهزة الحاسوب. ولإنجاز هذه المهمة يمكن الاستعانة ببعض النظم التي تهتم بالتخطيط الحضري والتي من أهمها نظم المعلومات الجغرافية، التي تتمتع بقدرة عالية على استيعاب كم هائل من البيانات والمعلومات، مع إمكانية ربطها بمواقع جغرافية، إضافة الى قدرتها على القيام بالعديد من العمليات الحسابية.
Syria has witnessed serious attempts for controlling exchange rates and choosing suitable exchange system and going with economical developments and changes before beginning of the crisis on 2011. But since 2011, Syria has witnesses accelerated d evelopment in irregular exchange market as result of increased demand on foreign currencies and lowness of supply. This will be as result of group of various factors. As result of great effect which has been done by exchange black market of currencies on various living and economical aspects of the citizen, it is a must to explain the reasons which lead to the increase of it during the crisis period and shading the light on taken legal legislations for controlling them and clarifying the taken procedures and decisions by credit and monetary board for controlling them.
This research highlights the vital role of Pavement Management Systems integrated with Geographic Information Systems in planning and managing road maintenance in Lattakia, and getting a flexible local system by following a new method in processing a nd viewing information that supports maintenance decision. This study included applying a pilot project for managing pavement maintenance over a group of roads following The General Establishment for Road Communications. Those roads were divided to links and segments then evaluated using the " Asphalt Institute Method ", which gave us a numeric pointer that led in turn to the type of maintenance needed for a particular pavement. In this research, we depended on the Geographic Information Systems to design and build a comprehensive database, that reflected the present condition of the studied roads, and enabled us to store, analyze and document pavement surface condition and link it to the digitized maps of the studied roads. This guaranteed easy and direct access to various kinds of data and solutions as every segment appeared in a different color reflecting its conditions according to the theme of the map. By doing so, we could support the process of taking right maintenance decisions.

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