إن محكمة العدل الدولية هي الهيئة القضائية الرئيسة للأمم المتحدة، و هي تعمل وفق نظام أساسيٍّ يعد جزءا لا يتجزأ من ميثاق الأمم المتحدة، و تؤدي المحكمة دور يتمثٌل في حسم الخلافات القانونية التي
ترفعها الدول الأعضاء، و تقديم آراء استشارية في المسائل القانونية المحالة إليها من قبل هيئات الأمم
المتحدة و وكالاتها المتخصصة المخولة بذلك.
The international court of justice is the main judicial body to the United Nations. It
functions whereby a statute، which is considered an integral part of the Charter of
the United Nations، and the court leads a role represented in resolving legal
disputes raised by member states، and providing advisory opinions in those legal
issues referred to the court by United Nations bodies and authorized specialized
References used
ZAKARIA،J- AL DABBAS،M، 2014- International Humanitarian Law between Theory and Practice.Syrian Virtual University Publications، First Edition، Damascus، 189 pages
CHETAIL،V،2003،The Contribution of the International Court of Justice to International Humanitarian Law،International Journal of the Red Cross،No.850،pp168-209
Rules of the International Law Commission on State Responsibility of 2004
The importance of the study of the environment under
international humanitarian law to the exposed developing
countries to global marginalization led by the major industrialized
countries redeployment of polluting industries to the environment
The role of private security companies in the armed conflicts like training,
intelligence, consultation and sometimes fighting has led to consider them, one of the
contemporary challenges that international humanitarian law is facing.
The legal st
The role of the UN Security Council in the implementation of the
rules of international humanitarian law through the authority
granted to him under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United
Nations if it is exposed these rules are violated, especia
This research shed light on the concept of human security and the new values it adds
to the current concepts in international law. It starts with identifying human security
and its elements and the main mechanism to achieve it, through what will be
nationality legal system that does not concern only the state but rather a means to
determine the population element where and is for human tool set for the distribution of
individuals internationally between states and political units, is consider