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The problem of conflict of nationalities compared study to the international law and the law of the Syrian

مشكلة تنازع الجنسيات دراسة مقارنة في القانون الدولي و القانون السوري

2616   7   1836   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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nationality legal system that does not concern only the state but rather a means to determine the population element where and is for human tool set for the distribution of individuals internationally between states and political units, is considered sexual For individuals a personal right for those who enjoy it depends upon designate the amount of the rights enjoyed by and dependent upon appointment Applicable law, so it is necessary that the individual is attributed to the state of the world and the associated Association of nationality and of his interests and his right to defend this status and required the state to recognize him out and respected, is linked to nationality law problem of conflict of nationalities, both dual citizenship when he enjoys the individual more than one nationality, and statelessness in the case do not enjoy any individual nationality and we will in our study, both the problem of the conflict of nationalities and their effects on the individual and the state and the community international.

References used
vignal, T, droit international prive, Paris,2004,p54
Battifol. H. et Lagarde, P. droit international prive, Paris. Dalloz. page212
Dadoush, M. nationalité Marocainne, Casablanca, 1995, page54
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The importance of the study of the environment under international humanitarian law to the exposed developing countries to global marginalization led by the major industrialized countries redeployment of polluting industries to the environment in the south of the developing regions under the slogan of contributing to the development of developing countries, and in this context, we must address the requirements of environmental protection in the international humanitarian law remained and the efforts being made for it, especially at the time of wars and armed conflicts
The international court of justice is the main judicial body to the United Nations. It functions whereby a statute، which is considered an integral part of the Charter of the United Nations، and the court leads a role represented in resolving legal disputes raised by member states، and providing advisory opinions in those legal issues referred to the court by United Nations bodies and authorized specialized agencies.
Approved a Syrian legislator protect the freedom of movement acted involuntarily to man, expresses hereby expressly intention to move and wander according to his will, for the exercise of its work and its rights and other freedoms, but this does n ot mean that the desire of the individual has become similar to the rule of law Such freedom is not absolute, it can not be for a person to give up her due its close association with the moral side of the human personality.
تنطلق فكرة هذه الأطروحة بموضوعاتها المختلفة من مشكلات يعاني منها القانون الدولي العام تتجسد بالآتي : 1) الواقع المعاصر لمنظومة القانون الدولي العام وما يتعرض له من انتقادات وتشكيك في جدواه وخاصة في العقدين الأخيرين. 2) إسناد الثغرات التي يبديها أد اء القانون الدولي العام إلى اختلال جسيم في قواعده وضعف فعالية آلياته ، دون ملاحظة حدة التحولات التي باتت تفرض نفسها على جميع مناحي الحياة البشرية بما فيها العلاقات الدولية ، الأمر الذي انعكس بدوره على أداء القانون الدولي العام وفضاءاته التي يتحرك فيها ، دونما أن تحظى قواعده بأي فرصة لمراجعة جادة أو تعديل جوهري لمسايرة هذا الواقع الجديد . 3) طرح توجه جديد لدراسة وتحليل أداء القانون الدولي العام بفروعه المختلفة انطلاقاً من فهم حقيقي وعميق لواقعه المعاصر ، فهم يلحظ التحولات الحادة التي باتت تشهدها الساحة الدولية ، وخاصة بعدما شهده العالم من ثورة هائلة في تقنيات وسائل الاتصال ونقل المعلومات ، تعززت معها ظاهرة قديمة متجددة هي ظاهرة العولمة التي باتت تشكل عصب الحركة الرئيس لمختلف مناحي النشاط البشري السياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافية والعسكرية ، وأصبحت تفرض بتداعياتها على تلك الميادين واقعاً دولياً جديداً يختلف بشكل جذري عن ذلك الواقع الذي كان يعيشه العالم في النصف الثاني من القرن العشرين ، ونجاح مثل هذا الطرح سيعطي القانون الدولي فرصة لمراجعة جادة سواء فيما يتصل ببنيانه الموضوعي أم التنظيمي ، وبما يكفل تحسين أدائه واستدراك الثغرات التي يبديها تطبيقه مستقبلاً في مختلف ميادين العلاقات الدولية .
This research shed light on the concept of human security and the new values it adds to the current concepts in international law. It starts with identifying human security and its elements and the main mechanism to achieve it, through what will be presented of the work of publicists and international bodies. Then it proceeds to the international changes that led to its appearance, and the criticisms that were directed to this concepts, and the main international bodies that work in this field, whether inside or out side the structure of the United Nations, to conclude with the similarities and diffrences between human security one the first hand and human rights and traditonal concepts of security on the other had.
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