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Features of Fools' Speech in Heritage through the Standard of Cohesion Ibn Al Jawzi,s book as a practical example

خصائص كلام الحمقى و المغفلين في التراث من خلال معيار الانسجام النصي كتاب ابن الجوزي نموذجاً تطبيقياً

1344   4   1   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2018
  fields Literature
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research studies features of fools' speech in Arabian heritage through standards of textual cohesion ,taking Ibn Al Jawzi,s book as a practical example in attempt to look at what specialize this speech ,which make it different from other speech of wise men.

References used
Akhbar al'azkia le Ibn aljawzii, bieinayat: basam abd alwahhab aljabi, dar Ibn hazm, byrut,t1, 2003
Akhbar alhamqa wa almoghfalyn, tsnyf: alhafiz jamal aldin abi alfaraj abdalrahman bin aljawzii alqurshii albghdady( t: 597h), shrahh: abd alamir mhana, dar alfikr allubnani, bairut, 1990
Alimtaa wa almwansa, abu hian altawhidi, ( t: 400 h), sahahah wadabtah washarah ghrybh: ahmad amin wa ahmad alzain, dar maktabat alhayat liltebaa wa alnashr wa altawziei, bairut, d. t
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This research discusses the most important pieces of evidence put forward by Ash'ari thinkers on two very important issues: formation of the world and the idea of ​​causality. Depending on IbnRushd's reading, the paper also highlights the most import ant loose and weak points Ash'ari inferences. Ibin Rushd, a pioneer of the intellectual trend in Islamic philosophy, saw in the treatment of these two issues represented an epistemological obstacle faced by Arab-Islamic mind and stood between it and the causal understanding of the universe. The philosopher Averroes sensed the danger of the absence of objective consciousness of the universe and the nature in Arabic and Islamic philosophy. In an attempt transform society from a state of theological submission to one of scientific certainty, he tried to lay the ground for a vision depending on the mind.
The poems of male flirtation formed a great part in the volume of poetry . There were a lot of motivation that illuminated it's roots , and the most important types of these motives are the psychological and artistic motives that is represented in the love of some poets for slaves and fliratating of them . Some of the poets ran after beauty and embodying it where ever it was . The social motive which contributed in pubuLarising and spreading it largely , Among different groups of Andolesian people . Ibn Al-buni was . One of the most important poet who devoted most of his poems for that purpose . Ibn Albuni " is slaves lover " as he was described by people in his time . He talked to us in his poems " The male " a bout real facts and lived events .
This research studies the affected bigeye in his book "Animal tales of Kalela and Demna to Ibn almkafaa, and includes a basic idea represented in the evolution of shear on the tongues of animals that were started Ibn al, Vagaah superstitious that carry meaningful socially or morally, educationally, evolved when bigeye to establish a pattern of thinking about the legendary manifested in the book animal, stood on his hand a new phase of coding, as it tried to bigeye establishment thought mythical, lies the importance of the subject in the study, an important aspect in fiction Kharafi founded by Ibn al, and employed the techniques of narrative several, realized the value of Fozvha in new formats and templates art serves its goals and purposes, and the book is Kalela and Demna of the most important heritage books, lies its value in being a book literary education, he meets the art of politics and power, literature, social education, and carries significant moral and socially, and sermons and sentenced humanitarian suitable for every time and place, and has had a significant impact on the Arabic literature narrative that came after him, and every point in time was to take the form of vulnerability to the book, either tradition and simulation and either systems and synthesizes, or Building for new patterns are used mostly technical framework used by Ibn al in anecdotes, and employs techniques book narrative which he was credited in substantiated to be branded echo guided by who came after him.
This paper bridges the gap between housing schemes and studies in sociology. Such reformation leads to physical environments responding to patterns of behavior rather than changing them. That is, frustrate people less in achieving patterns of beha vior necessary, for the functioning of the groups.
This paper traced what Abu Hayan quoted from Hisham. He quoted his opinions and cited them in his books. He depended on them in his explanations and conclusions, and this is a positive quality as this is what students do to preserve their teachers’s and nation’s heritage.
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