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 Publication date 2018
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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A.Aho.R.Sethi.J.Ulman.Compiler principles.InterEdition.1991
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يهدف هذا البحث إلى دراسة جهود ابن تيمية و إسهاماته في عملية التجديد في منهج تفسير القرآن. و قد تضمن البحث ملخصًا عن حياة ابن تيمية، و بين عناصر التجديد في منهجه في تفسير القرآن، و توصل إلى أن ذلك يقوم على دعوته للرجوع إلى المصادر الأصيلة في التفسي ر، و هي الكتاب و السنة و أقوال الصحابة رضي الله عنهم، كما حّذر من الإسرائيليات في التفسير، و أظهر خطورة الاتجاه المنحرف في التفسير ، و اهتم ببيان ما تدعو الحاجة إلى تفسيره من القرآن الكريم في عصره.
The research Problem lies in the ambiguity of the association relationship between the geometrical shapes and the energy surrounding them and impacting the living things in the architectural and urban space and understanding the architectural design principles that governing the design of geometrical shapes in public and especially architectural buildings commensurate with this relationship.
Before the appearance of the Islamic state,the Arabs didn,t know the organization or the right concept of administration.Also,the new religion which was known by prophet Mohammad(peace by upon him)was the first step for the administrative system i n the Arabic country.But this system was simple,rudimentary and proportional to the new born Arabic country.After that,the righteous caliphs time has evolved according to the requirements of public interest of the country until it reach to the top of its development,and flourish in theUmayyad period.However,after the transmission of the authority to theUmayyads after they confound the other cultured people and be affected by their politic and administration systems ,they developed this system .So ,after they created and invented ,they put bases for the administrative organization which became equal to administration systems which was known to theRoman and Persians.
The research focuses on general concepts of lighting and related problems, and its significance in the life of humans taking into consideration that light : - Contributes in achieving psychological well-being. - Maintains visual health. - Reduces work- related injuries and achieve public safety. This study has focuses on the visual considerations and principles of lighting, in order to project it on the case of Yemen and to add more principles to the construction rules and regulations. So the visual study would be integrated within the architecture study at the time of designing future residential buildings. This research concludes with a set of recommendations and suggestions .
Existing text style transfer (TST) methods rely on style classifiers to disentangle the text's content and style attributes for text style transfer. While the style classifier plays a critical role in existing TST methods, there is no known investiga tion on its effect on the TST methods. In this paper, we conduct an empirical study on the limitations of the style classifiers used in existing TST methods. We demonstrated that the existing style classifiers cannot learn sentence syntax effectively and ultimately worsen existing TST models' performance. To address this issue, we propose a novel Syntax-Aware Controllable Generation (SACG) model, which includes a syntax-aware style classifier that ensures learned style latent representations effectively capture the sentence structure for TST. Through extensive experiments on two popular text style transfer tasks, we show that our proposed method significantly outperforms twelve state-of-the-art methods. Our case studies have also demonstrated SACG's ability to generate fluent target-style sentences that preserved the original content.

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