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Automation of cadastral plan by GIS

أتمتة المخطط العقاري ضمن بيئة نظام المعلومات الجغرافي

2217   1   80   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The programming interface presented in this research makes it possible to manipulate them easily and flexibly by all specialist users, as well as the possibility of managing, displaying, searching, amending and saving these plans through the approved programming interface which was applied to more than one real estate area. It is considered the foundation in the future comprehensive automation process of the Real Estate Department. In this research, the same real estate plotting approved by the General Real Estate Department was adopted ( real estate areas names and numbers) when manipulating them, using the ARC GIS 9 program.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
يتناول البحث مشكلة تلف وضعف دقة المخططات العقارية الورقية في سوريا بسبب العوامل البيئية وسوء التخزين والاستخدام البشري. يقترح البحث حلاً لهذه المشكلة من خلال أتمتة المخططات العقارية وتحويلها إلى صيغة رقمية باستخدام نظام المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS). تم تطوير واجهة برمجية بلغة VBA لتسهيل التعامل مع المخططات العقارية الرقمية، مما يتيح للمستخدمين إدارة، عرض، بحث، تعديل وحفظ هذه المخططات بسهولة ومرونة. تم تطبيق هذه الواجهة البرمجية على مناطق عقارية محددة كخطوة أولى نحو الأتمتة الشاملة للمديرية العامة للمصالح العقارية. يعتمد البحث على نفس التقسيم العقاري المعتمد لدى المديرية العامة للمصالح العقارية ويستخدم برنامج ARC GIS 9.3 لتحقيق هذه الأتمتة. يهدف البحث إلى تحسين دقة وسرعة العمل العقاري وتوفير بيئة عمل أكثر أماناً وفعالية من خلال الأتمتة الرقمية.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: يقدم البحث حلاً مهماً وضرورياً لمشكلة تلف المخططات العقارية الورقية في سوريا، ويعد خطوة إيجابية نحو أتمتة العمل العقاري باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية. ومع ذلك، يمكن أن يواجه البحث تحديات في التنفيذ العملي، مثل تكاليف التحول الرقمي وتدريب الموظفين على استخدام النظام الجديد. كما أن الاعتماد على لغة برمجة VBA قد يكون محدوداً في المستقبل، حيث يمكن أن تكون هناك حاجة لتحديث البرمجيات واستخدام لغات برمجة أكثر تطوراً. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، لم يتطرق البحث بشكل كافٍ إلى كيفية التعامل مع البيانات القديمة والمشوهة وكيفية تحسين دقتها بعد الرقمنة.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي المشكلة الرئيسية التي يعالجها البحث؟

    المشكلة الرئيسية هي تلف وضعف دقة المخططات العقارية الورقية في سوريا بسبب العوامل البيئية وسوء التخزين والاستخدام البشري.

  2. ما هو الحل المقترح في البحث لمشكلة تلف المخططات العقارية؟

    الحل المقترح هو أتمتة المخططات العقارية وتحويلها إلى صيغة رقمية باستخدام نظام المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS).

  3. ما هي اللغة البرمجية المستخدمة في تطوير الواجهة البرمجية؟

    تم استخدام لغة البرمجة VBA (فيجوال بيزك) لتطوير الواجهة البرمجية.

  4. ما هي الفوائد المتوقعة من أتمتة المخططات العقارية؟

    الفوائد المتوقعة تشمل تحسين دقة وسرعة العمل العقاري، توفير بيئة عمل أكثر أماناً وفعالية، وحماية الملكيات الخاصة والعامة من التلف.

References used
Montgomery G.E,1993 -GIS Data Conversion hand book GIS World Books. Schuch , 276p
Punima B.C, 1994- Surveying, New Delhi, India.383p
Snyder J.P 1989 -An Album of Map projections, U.S Geological Survey, Deneve
rate research

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New sciences have greatly contributed in improving analysis processes and subsequently lead to better understanding of the future. The more knowledge and information are available, the better planning process will be. Furthermore, better data lead s to better decision-making. This is the basis of Geographic Information System (GIS). Due to its great ability in processing and analyzing extensive and various amount of spatial data, GIS has solved many obstacles in the research field since it was first launched. GIS plays an important role in the field of tourism planning as it contributes in developing new applications that serve modern touristic. In this research paper, GIS will be used to build an effective system that will improve touristic planning in Lattakia governorate. A spatial database will be created, that includes the most prominent touristic places in the city, such as restaurants, hotels, religious and historical sites.etc. Each of the touristic attractions will be evaluated, and then a tool , created in GIS environment, will be used for weighting roads network, in order to determine the touristic weight for each path in roads network.
The Drastic method has been used to assess the potential sensitivity of the Groundwater In Lattakia basin using Arc GIS 9.2 Where the modified Drastic system has been developed by combining the land uses and its divisions with general Drastic model .As a result, final values of Drastic have been modulated into two categories "low and moderate sensitivity" It has been found that the introduction of the human criteriahas increased the potentialof the moderate sensitivity of the Groundwater. As a final result, the general content of the sensitivity map which has been establishedfor Lattakia basin, showed, the domination of low sensitivity category in the north western and the north eastern areas which has big location depths of the Groundwater and high topographic altitudes.In contrast, the moderate sensitivity category dominated in the southern areas of the study region. The latter areas which are characterized by the existence of varied human activities havelocation ofGroundwater levels close to the surface.
Remote sensing technique is considered as one of the main sciences that grew very fast last years. Satellite images are important and advanced source to get data about any region on the earth. Using satellite images, integrated with geographic info rmation system (GIS) for mapping are considered as one of the modern applications that expanded widely now a days. This paper aims at integrating the techniques of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) for performing topographic study of landsat7 satellite image taken of a part of northern part of Lattakia. The two software, Erdas Imagine and ArcGIS are used to perform topographic analysis depending on digital processing for the image, then analyzing its terrain. Depending on digital terrain model (DTM), 3D slope image is derived. Land use map is written for the study area. Then, some spatial analysis are performed to find the best positions to construct different projects that have economic benefits. finally, analyses and results are discussed.
GIS software provide manual import tools to maps produced on CAD software to be transformed to geo-database. This operation consumes time and effort. The "transformation" however will not be adequate unless we analyze the relation between CAD and GI S software in preparing maps. The question raised here if this relation competitive or integrative? This research tries to answer this matter by studying it from different angles: modeling, spatial feature, scale, spatial analysis and data management. Analyses reveal that this relation isn't competitive at all, but rather integrative, as CAD software produce technical\design plans, whereas GIS software are dedicated for the production of general and thematic maps. Thus, CAD based spatial data (topographic, cadastral, master plans) could be "up-graded" to be efficient in GIS environment. However available tools to make this are basically manual, and for that, an automated approach was developed to execute this upgrade from CAD to GIS. This new approach was applied and evaluated and the output results were satisfactory accurate, time\effort saving, and indeed didn't miss any of CAD layers. This all could be achieved if being conditioned with the approach constrains.

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