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Dante’s Renaissance Dramatization of Women Characters in The Divine Comedy

التصوير المسرحي للشخصيات النسوية في الكوميديا الإلهية لدانتي في عصر النهضة

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 Publication date 2016
  fields English
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Writers, in general, characterized women through different images. The dominated image in such writings is lustfulness. Dante uses this image to present three Oriental women: Semiramis, Cleopatra and Dido.

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Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة تصوير دانتي للشخصيات النسوية في الكوميديا الإلهية، حيث يركز على ثلاث شخصيات نسوية من الشرق: سميراميس، كليوباترا، وديدو. يصور دانتي هؤلاء النساء على أنهن شهوانيات وغير قادرات على التحكم في رغباتهن الجنسية. يضع دانتي هؤلاء الشخصيات في الدائرة الثانية من الجحيم، وهي مخصصة للخطاة الشهوانيين. يصف دانتي سميراميس بأنها جعلت الشهوانية شرعية في بلادها، وكليوباترا بأنها تسيطر عليها الغريزة، وديدو بأنها محكومة بالشهوة والخيانة الزوجية. تعكس هذه الصور النمطية للنساء الشرقيات في الأدب الغربي، حيث يتم تصويرهن على أنهن شهوانيات وغير أخلاقيات. يهدف دانتي من خلال هذا التصوير إلى تقديم الشرق كمنطقة تسيطر عليها العواطف والشهوات، مما يعزز الفكرة الاستشراقية التي تربط بين الشرق والجنس.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: من المهم أن نلاحظ أن تصوير دانتي للنساء الشرقيات في الكوميديا الإلهية يعكس تحيزات ثقافية واستشراقية كانت شائعة في الأدب الغربي في ذلك الوقت. يعتمد دانتي على صور نمطية سلبية للنساء الشرقيات، مما يساهم في تعزيز الفجوة الثقافية بين الشرق والغرب. على الرغم من أن دانتي يقدم تصويرًا دراميًا قويًا، إلا أنه يفشل في تقديم صورة متوازنة أو دقيقة للنساء الشرقيات. بدلاً من ذلك، يعتمد على تصورات مسبقة وأحكام عامة تعكس تحيزاته الثقافية. من الجدير بالذكر أن العديد من الكتاب الغربيين الآخرين قدموا صورًا أكثر تعقيدًا وتنوعًا للنساء الشرقيات، مما يشير إلى أن تصوير دانتي ليس الوحيد أو النهائي في هذا السياق.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي الشخصيات النسوية الشرقية التي تناولها دانتي في الكوميديا الإلهية؟

    تناول دانتي ثلاث شخصيات نسوية شرقية في الكوميديا الإلهية: سميراميس، كليوباترا، وديدو.

  2. كيف يصور دانتي سميراميس في الكوميديا الإلهية؟

    يصور دانتي سميراميس على أنها جعلت الشهوانية شرعية في بلادها وأنها غير قادرة على التحكم في رغباتها الجنسية.

  3. ما هي الدائرة التي وضع فيها دانتي الشخصيات النسوية الشهوانية في الجحيم؟

    وضع دانتي الشخصيات النسوية الشهوانية في الدائرة الثانية من الجحيم.

  4. كيف يعكس تصوير دانتي للنساء الشرقيات التحيزات الثقافية والاستشراقية؟

    يعتمد دانتي على صور نمطية سلبية للنساء الشرقيات، مما يعزز الفكرة الاستشراقية التي تربط بين الشرق والجنس ويعكس تحيزاته الثقافية.

References used
Alighieri, Dante. Divine Comedy: Inferno. Trans. Dorothy Sayers and Barbara Reynolds. London: Penguin, 1962
Divine Comedy: Paradise. Trans. Dorothy Sayers and Barbara Reynolds. London: Penguin 1962
Bahrani, Zainab. Women of Babylon: Gender and Representation in Mesopotamia. London: Routledge, 2001
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The Renaissance represents the period of transition from the Middle Ages to the modern era. There were many opinions on the meaning of the Renaissance. Those interested in the arts mean the Renaissance in the fields of photography, sculpture and arch itecture, where art is freed from the constraints of the Middle Ages. As for those interested in literature and philosophy, they have an intellectual revolution that began with the discovery of ancient manuscripts, the advancement of philology and the taste of poetry. As for scientists, Renaissance is the latest discoveries and progress in the fields of science. One of the most important scientific discoveries is the discovery of the solar system and its rotation around the Earth by the astronomer Nicholas Compernicus (1473-1543) and the Italian scientist Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642). The anatomy was presented by Vesalius 1514-1564 AD, William Harvey (1578 - 1658 AD) The Arab physician Ibn Sina had referred (to the basics of blood circulation in the body before). Those interested in political science and political history saw that the Renaissance had begun with the deterioration of the system of feudalism, the emergence of modern unified states on the basis of nationalism, the rise of monarchy, ecclesiastical authority, the decline of the papacy and the emergence of popular freedom. It should be noted that the Renaissance movement is not limited to a particular branch of human knowledge, although each of the previous interpretations has importance and value. The rise in general is the changes in human behavior and thinking in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries as a result of the growth of the human mind. These changes included all aspects of life and affected them. The interest of the people is no longer confined to other life, but they began to care about the world around them indifferent to other life . The Europeans gradually rejected the ecclesiastical teachings and went back to the ancient Greek and Roman books, to the original Arab-Muslim books or the Arabic books translated from the Greek and began to study them, as well as the study of the Bible. They began to look at the ancient heritage books, where they were able to learn about the Arab and European civilizations that flourished before the advent of Christianity and began to compare them with medieval civilization. This enabled them to open up to unfamiliar new trends at the time, such as looking at human life as an end in itself, It is therefore necessary to respect the individual self and to recognize his rights and freedoms, because man is not incapable of nature, but is able to reveal its secrets and resolve the issues facing it.
This paper aims at studying the narrative functions of the stack Chorus in selected English Renaissance plays: Christopher Marlowe's Dr. Faustus, Thomas Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy, Ben Jonson's Volpone. This study offers a close reading of the spee ches delivered by the Chorus, and shows their narration of the events and their moral commentaries. This emphasizes their didactic significance because they sum up the events, interpret the vague ones and endorse the play's desired message . this paper concludes that Jonson develops the stock Chorus by having recourse to other characters who perform this communicative and didactic role. Here lies Jonson's contribution to this conventional figure.
The theory - the opinion of a lot of thinkers contemporary - important theories philosophical, social and which established to enter the era of modernity and beyond, may be a cash German philosopher Kant cornerstone in Renaissance European accordin g to this theory, so try this search with a stamp philosophical and social that highlights the origin of the emergence of these critical theory since the beginning the first to Renaissance, as he tries to that keeps track of their development historical and philosophical and social conditions, political and the surrounding, and what is the position of some of the philosophers of these critical theory. However, the question, which can ask here, is a form of the following: is the critical theory in turn, social, political and in the community, and do have contributed to change the desired which seeks to in the community. The basis of this question it should we have to trace the process of its development historical, and to identify the most important views of the philosophers, which they told them.
This paper is concerned with the theme of divine justice in The Spanish Tragedy (1592) by Thomas Kyd (1558-1594), a famous English Elizabethan dramatist. It first defines the term "didactic", and then moves to discuss the Portuguese playlet in Th e Spanish Tragedy as a miniature play-within-the-play which reveals the issue of divine judgment. This paper concludes by asserting that this play is a tragedy of divine justice and punishment.
Civilization is the outcome of the efforts of all nations without ethnic or sectarian conditions for their creation. The exchange and friction between these civilizations is through conquest, migration, trade and neighborliness. , And civilization in its essence, the sun with its lights bursting the fountain of light, and do not even weave the carpet with many hands, all provided by the light of energy, and all deserve praise and appreciation for it. The Islamic Arab civilization has risen since the advent of Islam, the ring of heavenly messages, a continuation and continuation of the ancient Arab civilization, which was the mother civilization of all civilizations, and the earth and its civilization, until it became the advancement of every aspect of life. The humanity that made peoples of different nationalities under its jurisdiction, and spread waves of cultural conquest to the most parts of the world.
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