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The impact of strategic planning on raising the performance of the organization from the point of view of the administrators A field Study: Syrian telecommunications company

أثر التخطيط الاستراتيجي في رفع مستوى أداء المنظمة من وجهة نظر الإداريين دراسة ميدانية: الشركة السورية للاتصالات

1914   3   58   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
  fields Economy
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The purpose of this study was to know the impact of strategic planning on raising the performance level of the organization from the point of view of the administrators in Syrian Telecommunications Company, it was used the statistical program (spssv20) for hypotheses testing and analyze of the results of the study sample, which consists of 133 Administrative.

References used
Kariuki,Peter, Maijo, Julius & Ndiku, Judah,2016- relationship between strategic planning and performance of public secondary schools in KANGUNDO sub-county –MACKOKS county –Kenya, journal of research & method in education,vol6,no6
Hythem, Ayachi,2015, the role of strategic planning in performance management, international journal of multi disciplinary research,vol2,no3
Sosiawani,Ida, Ramli,Azahari, Mustafa, Munawar, &Yosef, Rushami,2015, strategic planning and firm performance: A proposed framework, international academic research journal of business and technology, vol1,no2
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The aim of this study is to measure the quality of the service provided by the Syrian Telecommunications Company from customers’ point of view. Tishreen Telephone Exchange in Lattakia was examined using the SERVQUAL standard which is modified by a dding two dimensions; network quality and communication. The study shows the process of measuring the quality of provided fixed telephone services in terms of difference between what customers expect and what they actually receive. The data was collected using a questionnaire designed by Parasuraman and others. 200 questionnaires were randomly distributed to the company's customers. The results of the study indicate that there is a gap in all dimensions (Tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, network quality and communication) and that customers' expectations exceed what the company actually provide. The study concluded with some recommendations including the necessity of improving the quality of service, training the staff and adopting quality as a basic standard for work.
This Research Aims To Study The Requirements For The Implementation Of Strategic Planning In The Port Governmental Company Of Tartous, And The Existence Of Some Of These Requirements In The Port Governmental Company Of Tartous.
The present study aimed to discuss the concept of quality of information provided by the MIS in the Syrian Telecommunications company with identifying the most important dimensions of information quality, and how to measure them in order to test their impact on the decision making process.
This study aims at demonstrating how effective the training programs are from the viewpoint of the Company's trainees, to know nature of the relationship between the training program dimen-sions and the effectiveness of the training programs, besides showing how IPA technology is used as a new management tool for dealing with the factors influencing the training programs effectiveness and to define the strategies to treat the training programs dimensions.
The current research aims to identify the degree of Practicing Strategic Planning of and the degree of the quality assurance level in faculty of education at Tishreen University from the view point of the Teaching Staff Members, and also and to stu dy the relationship between the degree of Practicing Strategic Planning and quality assurance level in it. and to achieve the objectives of this research questionnaires were built, the first about strategic planning included four areas, and consisted (50) items, while the second about quality assurance consisted (20) items; have been applied on sample (72) Teaching Staff Members in faculty of education at Tishreen University during the academic year of (2016 - 2017). Descriptive analytical methodology was used, and Validity of the questionnaire was established though a jury of (7) of the teaching staff at Syrian Universities. Pilot sample consisted of (22) Members, Reliability was established by Cronbach – Alpha Reliability (0.87) to Strategic Planning questionnaire and (0.73) to quality assurance questionnaire.

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