جاء هذا البحث ليستهدف بيان التنظيم القانوني لهذا النوع من التلوث في كل من العراق
و مصر و سوريا، و ذلك من خلال تعريف المبيدات الحشرية بداية، و ذكر مصادرها، و آثارها
الضارة على الإنسان و البيئة، و من ثم بيان القوانين المعالجة لها في الدول المذكورة،
كنموذج للدول التي وضعت إجراءات وقائية و عقابية لحماية الهواء من التلوث بالمبيدات
الحشرية لتحقيق أفضل حماية ممكنة للصحة العامة باعتبارها من حقوق الإنسان ( الحق
في بيئة سليمة ). إحدى أهداف الضبط الإداري لأجل حماية البيئة. مع وضع مقترحات
و توصيات قابلة للتطبيق لتخدم كل من يسعى في الوصول إلى إدارة سليمة للمبيدات
الحشرية بحثاً عن بيئة نظيفة.
This research outlines the legal regulations for this kind of pollution
in Iraq, Egypt and Syria by defining pesticides, their source and
harmful effects on humans and the environment; and then outlining
the laws that control it in the above-mentioned countries which put
preventive and punitive measures to protect air from pollution by
pesticides to ensure the best level of protection of public health; one
of the aims of administrative regulations for the protection of the
environment. It also presents applicable suggestions and
recommendations that help any one who aims at reaching good
management of pesticides and a clean environment.
References used
دويدري رجاء، 2004م ، البيئة مفهومها العملي المعاصر و عمقها الفكري التراثي، دار الفكر، دمشق، الطبعة الأولى .
حميد محمود، 1995 ، أهم المشكلات البيئية في العالم المعاصر، دار المعرفة، دمشق.
قانون حماية و تحسين البيئة العراقي رقم 27 لسنة 2009م .
The move to the principle of separation of powers in its relative meaning has a clear
impact in achieving the confusion between the legal works of the state authorities.
Therefore, it was necessary to search for clear criteria to identify the legal
The trend of taking the dual judiciary system and the emergence of the administrative
judiciary ، specialist to look at the administrative disputes، did not prevent the normal
judiciary to exercise its role in the protection and preservation of the
The study of the microbiological pollution of the air of some poultry
farms located in the central region of Syria has been conducted in this research.
Six poultry farms have been chosen, three of them are located in the south
western of Homs governorate and the rest are in the west of it..
The activated sludge process is very complex ,so the simulation and mathematical models are very useful tool to explain some
biological reaction in wastewater treatment.
The goal of this research is using ASM1which determined by IWA
Task Group to
Intervention for implementing democracy is considered of the International field, more specifically how legitimate it is in terms of international relations and how can adaptation between democracy as a human right be achieve in relations to the main