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Land evaluation suitability for Olives cultivation by using LAMIS program and GIS in Latakia province

تقيّيم ملاءمة أراضي محافظة اللاذقية للزيتون باستخدام برنامج LAMIS و نظم المعلومات الجغرافية GIS

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 Publication date 2017
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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in this study a land suitability evaluation was carried out for Olives (Olea europancae ) cultivation and was performed in Latakia province. it included 6 land units (coastal plains, valleys and river bed, summit, gently sloping, moderately sloping, steeply sloping) each unit was represented by one representative soil profile and its characteristics were matched with olive requirement by using LAMIS and gis to identify suitability classes.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم ملاءمة أراضي محافظة اللاذقية لزراعة أشجار الزيتون باستخدام برنامج LAMIS ونظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS). تم تقسيم المنطقة إلى ست وحدات أرضية تشمل السهول الساحلية المستوية، الوديان والمسيلات المائية، السفوح والمنحدرات خفيفة ومتوسطة وشديدة الانحدار، والقمم المنبسطة. تم تحليل خصائص التربة والمناخ لكل وحدة ومقارنتها بمتطلبات زراعة الزيتون. أظهرت النتائج أن 43.07% من الأراضي ملائمة جداً (S1) لزراعة الزيتون، و27.91% ملائمة بشكل جيد (S2)، و20.24% ملائمة بشكل متوسط (S3). تم تحديد العوامل المحددة مثل عمق التربة، خطر الفيضان، والانجراف. توصي الدراسة بإجراء ري تكميلي في شهري آب وأيلول لتحسين الإنتاجية، وتغيير نمط الزراعة في الوحدات ذات الملاءمة المتوسطة إلى محاصيل أخرى مثل العدس والحمص والقمح.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر هذه الدراسة خطوة هامة نحو تحسين استغلال الأراضي الزراعية في محافظة اللاذقية، إلا أن هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، الدراسة تعتمد بشكل كبير على بيانات مناخية قديمة (1983-2015)، والتي قد لا تعكس التغيرات المناخية الحالية. ثانياً، لم يتم تناول تأثير التغيرات المناخية المستقبلية على ملاءمة الأراضي لزراعة الزيتون. ثالثاً، يمكن أن تكون هناك حاجة لمزيد من الدراسات الميدانية لتأكيد النتائج وتحديث البيانات. أخيراً، الدراسة تركز على الزيتون فقط، ويمكن توسيعها لتشمل محاصيل أخرى قد تكون ملائمة للمنطقة.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي النسبة المئوية للأراضي الملائمة جداً لزراعة الزيتون في محافظة اللاذقية؟

    النسبة المئوية للأراضي الملائمة جداً (S1) لزراعة الزيتون في محافظة اللاذقية هي 43.07%.

  2. ما هي العوامل المحددة التي تم دراستها في تقييم ملاءمة الأراضي؟

    العوامل المحددة التي تم دراستها تشمل المناخ، عمق التربة، خطر الفيضان، خطر الانجراف، الانحدار، نسبة المركبات الخشنة، ونسبة المادة العضوية.

  3. ما هي التوصيات الرئيسية للدراسة لتحسين زراعة الزيتون في المنطقة؟

    التوصيات الرئيسية تشمل إجراء ري تكميلي في شهري آب وأيلول، وزراعة الزيتون في الوحدات الملائمة جداً، وتغيير نمط الزراعة في الوحدات ذات الملاءمة المتوسطة إلى محاصيل أخرى مثل العدس والحمص والقمح.

  4. ما هي نسبة الأراضي التي تعتبر غير ملائمة لزراعة الزيتون في منطقة الدراسة؟

    نسبة الأراضي التي تعتبر غير ملائمة (N) لزراعة الزيتون في منطقة الدراسة هي 8.78%.

References used
FISCHER ,G; VELTHUIZEN ,HV; SHAH ,M; NACHTERGAELE ,FO . 2002- Global Agro-ecological Assessment for Agriculture in the 21st Century: Methodology and Results. International Institute for Applied Laxenburg, Australia. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Viale delle Terme di Caracalla Rome, Italy
UNFPA(United Nations Population Fund) .2001- The State of World Population 2001. New York
UNEP(United Nations Environment Programme) 1999- The future of our land: Facing the challenge. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
rate research

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In developing countries, where resources are often scarce, land availability, productivity potential, capability and sustainability for agriculture and, planning and maximizing the use of the land resources for a particular land utilization type is e ssential. In order to ensure appropriate decision and, continued and sustainable productivity, thereby continuing to support the population economically without degradation, land use planning is essential. Remote sensing (RS) and geographic information systems(GIS) are useful tools in land use planning processes .in this study 4 landscape units (costal leveled plains ,valleys and channel bed, Piedmont :slight slopping ,moderately slopping ,sever slopping ,and Summit unit) were described and compared its characteristics with the land utilization requirements for 6 land utilization types (LUT1: irrigated citrus low mechanized ,LUT2: irrigated potato high mechanized ,LUT3: irrigated tomato medium mechanized,LUT4: rainfed olive low mechanized,LUT5:rainfed wheat low mechanized, LUT6:natural forests)by using LAMIS program .the results showed that43.07% of studied area is moderate suitability S3, 27.9% is low suitabilityS4 ,and 20.24% is unsuitable N1.the land suitability evaluation for LUT2 :35.18% good suitability S2 ,35.17% moderate suitabilityS3 and 20.24% low suitability S4 and for LUT3:50.97% good suitability S2,20.04% moderate suitabilityS3 and 20.24% low suitability S4. 43.07% of lands are very suitable S1 for LUT4 ,27.91% good suitability S2 and 20.24% moderate suitabilityS3.for LUT6 ; land suitability evaluation shown that 59.24% of lands are very suitable S1 and 31.93% good suitable S2. Land use planning processes include matching between physical and socio-economic conditions by using Definite program .optimal land utilization types are determined depending on 3 multi-criteria ( costs ,gross margin , water requirements for irrigation) and according to two scenarios ( SC1:conservative scenario with concerned to water requirements , SC2:economic scenario with concerned to gross margin ).the results showed that LUT4 is the optimal current land use type of all three physiographic units (costal leveled plains ,valleys and channel bed and slight slopping).2 suggested land utilization types ( LUT7:irrigated kiwi low mechanized ,LUT8:irrigated groundnuts high mechanized) are proposed to costal leveled plains and compared with LUT4,comparison results shown that LUT4 is the optimal land use according to SC1 and LUT7 is the optimal land use type according to SC2.for valley and channel bed unit , the optimal land use type according to SC1 is multiple land use type ( rainfed wheat under rainfed olive trees) and according to SC2 is LUT7.3 land utilization types(LUT7,LUT8,LUT9: rainfed lentil low mechanized)are suggested for slight slopping piedmont .the results of planning process showed that the optimal land use type is LUT4 for both scenarios SC1,SC2.
The disposal of solid waste is one of the most important contemporary environmental issues. Increasing population and what has been associated with the change in the patterns and lifestyles and increased consumption led to increasing the amount of pr oduced waste and its quality, especially in cities; the estimated amount of solid waste produced daily in the city of Latakia was 840 tons. Thus, there is an urgent need to follow the techniques in the management of solid waste in all stages to maintain human health and protect the environment from pollution. This study as a whole aims to estimate the amount and characteristics of solid waste, the methods used to collect and analyze the spatial distribution of the current waste collection containers in areas of the city of Latakia, better planning commensurate with its population and the amount of waste produced using GIS technology. To accomplish this, we have a comprehensive field survey to collect the waste containers in the study area where they were monitoring their locations and identifying characteristics; we relied on statistical analytical approach in the recruitment of data that have been obtained, and used the map to the city of Latakia Tags. And, through the program (ARC GIS 9.3) the data has been entered and processed, linked and analyzed using analysis tools attached to the program, exit maps and various forms that serve the study. The study concludes that the current number of containers is not enough when discharged per day, and that the spatial distribution is not commensurate with the amount of waste produced in areas of the city .
The Drastic method has been used to assess the potential sensitivity of the Groundwater In Lattakia basin using Arc GIS 9.2 Where the modified Drastic system has been developed by combining the land uses and its divisions with general Drastic model .As a result, final values of Drastic have been modulated into two categories "low and moderate sensitivity" It has been found that the introduction of the human criteriahas increased the potentialof the moderate sensitivity of the Groundwater. As a final result, the general content of the sensitivity map which has been establishedfor Lattakia basin, showed, the domination of low sensitivity category in the north western and the north eastern areas which has big location depths of the Groundwater and high topographic altitudes.In contrast, the moderate sensitivity category dominated in the southern areas of the study region. The latter areas which are characterized by the existence of varied human activities havelocation ofGroundwater levels close to the surface.
This essay displays one of probabilities at Geographical Information System (GIS) as a decision support system to select the best way to carry project's remainders (excavations and garbage of works), in addition to observing topographic character istics of the study area and the nature of roads which are existed formerly and imposed bonds at the movement of machines as free as possible, As a result, we will obtain the saving economical way to carry, which is a tied goal equation with groups of related bonds about the actual of different ways, and that is accomplished by Geographical Information System. Therefore, it is possible to consider this system as a help tool to improve the effective of approval decision to shorting time at engineering projects.
محاضرات مقرر نظم المعلومات الجغرافية - السنة الخامسة- قسم الهندسة الطبوغرافية- كلية الهندسة المدنية - جامعة تشرين
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