اتخذ رسول الله مختلف الوسائل لنشر هذا الدٌين ، و تبليغه للنٌاس أجمعين و من
ذلك مراسلة الملوك و الأمراء ، لتصل دعوة الإسلام إلى جميع أنحاء الأرض .
و قد أتاح صلح الحديبية الفرصة لتوسيع نطاق الدٌعوة إلى الإسلام داخل الجزيرة
العربٌية و خارجها ، فكانت مراسلة الملوك و الأمراء.
و لاشك أن رسائل الرٌسول إلى ملوك الدول المجاورة ، تعبير عملي عن عالميٌة
الرٌسالة الإسلاميٌة.
The messenger of Allah ( peace be upon him ) used different
methods to spread this religion and to convey it to all people
One of these methods (ways) is sending messages to kings and
princes to make the invitationto Islam reach ( access to ) all parts of
the world.
Al-hudaibiya treaty ( reconciliation ) gave a chance ( an
opportunity) to expand (widen ) the range of the invitation to Islam
inside and outside of the Island of kings and the princes took place.
No doubt , the massager of the messenger of Allah (peace be
upon him) to the kings of the neighboring countries are a practical
expression of the internationality ( universality ) of the Islamic
References used
أسود (عبد الرزاق محمد):حياة الرسول المصطفى، دار المسيرة، بيروت، د.ت
الحكيم (توفيق) :محمد المطبعة النموذجية ،مصر ، 1926م .
أبو خليل (شوقي) : أطلس الحديث النبوي ، دار الفكر ، دمشق ،ط 4, 2005م.
This research studies the important role that can be played by the railway
transportation in the development of the Syrian commercial exchanges with countries
around the world، especially the neighboring countries with which we have a network of
Arabs lived in a desert environment, adopted where the springs explosive, although
not exist they need to search for water and inferred and then deduced which is known to
have the knowledge of Riyavh, which is a type of physiognomy as they need to
The state consists of three main elements: The human element (people), the physical
component (the region) and regulatory element (authority).
The territory of state consists of the provincial land air region and maritime territory
if thestate and
The objective of the present study is to determine the determinants
of Syrian foreign trade according to the gravity model from a
geographical point of view. The model estimates the effects of
external market sizes, geographical distances between
Low-resource languages sometimes take on similar morphological and syntactic characteristics due to their geographic nearness and shared history. Two low-resource neighboring languages found in Peru, Quechua and Ashaninka, can be considered, at first