بحثنا هذا خطوة لبيان مدى استحقاق برامج الحاسب الآلي لبراءات
الاختراع و توفير الحماية القانونية لها من جرائم التقليد الواقعة عليها، عله يكون نقطة
مضيئة في بحر عطاء أبناء هذا الوطن.
This research is a step to show the eligibility of computer
programs to have patents, and provide the required legal protection,
hoping it may be a bright spot among favors provided by the people
of this country.
References used
SAMUELSON,.k ,BORKO H. Amey-G.X.Information Systems and Networks
FUAT, M. 2007-Software Patents in European Union .fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master, Arts Sabanci University, 2007
VASSILAKI, I 1993- Computer Crime and other Crimes Against Information Technology in Greece.Volue.64 p.363
Intellectual property laws regulate and protect the rights arising
from the design of computer programs and its production along with
its special legislation. Thus, the attack on these programs pose a
threat to those rights, which its owners did t
Computer crimes are Intelligent crimes committed in secret.
The offender has a high level of technical expertise, and the main
objective is to undermine the owners of the programs and
information and their rights, whether natural or legal persons,
The Syrian legislator has specified novelty in the Patent Law as one of the objective conditions to obtain the patent, where it has adopted absolute novelty, and he considered the novelty of an invention void if it became known before the date of fil
This research presents software programs that have been designed in order to evaluate the reliability in
electrical distribution networks, by calculating the reliability indices for 20 kV distribution feeders. It is
the first study in this field for the distribution network in Syria.
First of all, the mathematical models of reliability have been presented.
Law is a social phenomenon that is subject to the law of the purpose of
ensuring better conditions of life for the community. The life of the law
are found in its application in practice, and the rules of the rent law
considered relevant by the co