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المسألة السكانية و الأبعاد الحقيقية لاختلال التوازن بين معدلات النمو السكاني و معدلات النمو الاقتصادي في الدول النامية

1568   2   30   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 1999
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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تقرير وضع السكان في العالم – نيويورك ١٩٩٦
الحركة السكانية والتخطيط الإنمائي في الوطن العربي –منظمة العمل الدولية 1993
د. سعيد النابلسي، علم السكان ، جامعة دمشق، دار الطباعة الحديثة والنشر دمشق .١٩٨٢
rate research

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The world has witnessed during the last century, increases in the number of the population has never seen before because of medical advances that benefit from developing countries and led to a decline in the mortality rate remained the birth rate is high, and Syria as one of the developing countries saw large population increases over the past forty years, where the population has doubled more than three times that established lower birth rates and taking population growth and decline rate factors, but the increase is still going on because of the breadth of women slice Procreation a result of high growth - despite the low total fertility rate (from 3- 7 births per woman) - stands now on the threshold of the third stage of demographic transition, and as a result the structures of synthetic population changed and the percentage of those under the age of 15 years, about 48% of the total population in 1981 and decreased to 37% in 2011, however, it remains high and led to increased burdens dependency that emerged clearly during the crisis that we are living now because of inflation and rising prices and the inability of many families to provide for the nutritional needs of their members not to increase incomes in line with inflation and forced every member of the workforce has to support three people in addition to himself.
The comprehensive and urban development has many of aspects in saltanate Omman, these aspects correspond in growing and developing these cities and in increasing is its size because of the natural growing for population and the coming emigration .
ركز البحث على الدور الأساسي لتقليل مستوى الفقر و علاقته بالتخطيط العائلي كوسيلة تخفيض النمو السكاني، ثم جرى التعرّض لمناقشة الحجج الأساسية المرتبطة بقوة بحالة الفقر كمحدد رئيس للنمو السكاني، إذ قدمنا تحليلاً تجريبياً لإثبات هذه الفرضية و ذلك من خل ال بعض المؤشرات المرتبطة بالفقر مثل : متوسط الدخل الفردي و الأجل المتوقع و معرفة القراءة و الكتابة - و تمثل هذه المؤشرات علاقة ارتباطية عكسية قوية مع كل من معدل المواليد الخام و معدل الخصوبة الكلية. و قد توصلنا بالتحليل إلى اقتراح استراتيجية ثنائية لتخفيض النمو السكاني: ١ - الاهتمام بالتخطيط العائلي لتخفيض الولادات غير المرغوب فيها ؛ ٢ - الاهتمام بتقليل الفقر لتخفيض الولادات المرغوب فيها.
The research experiment was carried out during the 2007, 2008 and 2009, seasons on grape variety Al- Helawani (10 years old) to study the effect of N.P.K. fertilization rates and the triple superphosphate (T.S.P) application method on some fruits characters and growth indicators. Three fertilization N.P.K rates were used, rate 1 (75:25:50) kg/ ha, twofold and fourfold of rate 1, in three replicates in addition to control. The application of (T.S.P) was on soil surface and at 30 cm depth, the percent of leaf area, shoot length, the degree of berry colour, berry firmness were calculated. The results showed a significant increase of leaf area, shoot length and the Berry colour compared to control. The third rate was the best for increasing the leaf area and shoot length, while the first and second rates were increased the colour of Berry. At the same time, there was a gradual significant decrease in Berry firmness compared to control when the rate of fertilizer was increased. It was also noted a significant increase in leaf area (11%) and shoot length (4.5%) in deep T.S.P application compared to the surface application.
The interest rate is one of the most important way by the monetary police for achieving its economical goal and raising growth rate, it effects on banking activity by accepting deposits and giving loans, which mean that harmonic between the struc ture of banking deposits and loans give a needed support to investment, production and income to reach the stability economic. To show the relationship between interest and growth rates, we have to aware the various effectives of inflation and population rates on real growth, so we study it by using statistical system SPSS.
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