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Arising the phenomenon of the dependency ratio and its effect on ageing health expenditure, making us to analyze this phenomenon through searching for dependency ratios and their effect on ageing health expenditure. Objective :Study the effect of dependency ratio changes on ageing health expenditure in Jordan till 2050.
The world has witnessed during the last century, increases in the number of the population has never seen before because of medical advances that benefit from developing countries and led to a decline in the mortality rate remained the birth rate is high, and Syria as one of the developing countries saw large population increases over the past forty years, where the population has doubled more than three times that established lower birth rates and taking population growth and decline rate factors, but the increase is still going on because of the breadth of women slice Procreation a result of high growth - despite the low total fertility rate (from 3- 7 births per woman) - stands now on the threshold of the third stage of demographic transition, and as a result the structures of synthetic population changed and the percentage of those under the age of 15 years, about 48% of the total population in 1981 and decreased to 37% in 2011, however, it remains high and led to increased burdens dependency that emerged clearly during the crisis that we are living now because of inflation and rising prices and the inability of many families to provide for the nutritional needs of their members not to increase incomes in line with inflation and forced every member of the workforce has to support three people in addition to himself.

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