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The In Vitro Propagation of Three Apple Rootstocks

إكثار بعض أصول التفاح الخضرية بوساطة زراعة النسج

1527   3   45   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2000
  fields Biology
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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A successful and detailed in vitro propagation system for rapid micropropagation of three apple rootstocks: MM ١٠٦, EM ٧ and M ٢٦ has been developed. Shoot tips and axillary buds excised from field-grown trees were used as explants, which were surface-disinfected with mercury bichloride, or with solution of sodium or calcium hypochlorite followed by three rinses with sterile distilled water.

References used
Adams, R.L., S.S. Koenigsberg, and R.W. Langhans. ١٩٧٩. In vitro propagation of Cephalotus pllicularis (Australian pitcher plant). Hort. Sci ١٤: ٧٠١-٧٠٢
Cheema, G.S., and D.P. Sharma. ١٩٨٣. In vitro propagation of apple rootstock ELMA ٢٥. Acta Hort. ١٣١: ٧٥-٨٨
Donelly, D.J., and W.E. Vidaver. ١٩٨٨. Glossary of plant tissue culture Belhaven Press. London
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Some factors which affect in vitro propagation of sour orange (Citrus aurantium. L.) were studied on Murashige and Skoog medium. Medium containing ١,٠ mg/L ٦-Benzylaminopurine (BA) was satisfactory for shoot multiplication, Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (٢،٤-D) was not effective for shoot proliferation and it enhanced callus formation.
In vitro rooting was significantly increased by adding indolebutyric acid (IBA) to medium and rooting was improved by adding ١,٠ g/L activated charcoal or ٠,١ g/L polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). Indoleacetic acid (IAA) (٠,٠ to ٤,٠ mg/L) was not effect ive for rooting except when used with ٠,١ g/L PVP. A ٩٥٪ survival was achieved when plants were acclimatized ex vitro. Such procedures could help significantly in clonally propagating bitter almond and conserving its germplasm.
The study was performed in Barshin Research Station- General Commission for Scientific Agriculture Research on the trees age of 13 in grafted with Golden Delicious Cultivar on three rootstocks (seedless rootstock Malus domestica, vegetative strong rootstock MM109, and MM111 half strong rootstock) over the years (2014.2015 ).The study focused on growth vigor (the stem circumference above the grafted area ,crown size - the rate of shoots length and productivity).
This study was conducted for two successive seasons 2010 and 2011 in the vine nursery in the governorate of Homs/Syria to evaluate the degree of grafting success between the two partners to create graft combinations in early stage of grafting and to select the most compatible rootstock for our local studied cultivars. Three grapevines of local cultivars (Halawani, Baladi and Bayadi) were grafted on four different American rootstocks (Ru140, B41, Fercal and SO4) using bench grafting by omega machine.
This study was carried out on three rootstocks of Crataegus monogyna Jacq. With one seed containing fruit C.oxycantha L. with three seeds as well as C. azaraolus Borkh, to identify the best method of Crataegus propagation. The hardwood cuttings of C.azarolus Borkh rooted in a IBA solution (4ooo ppm)showed the highest rooting percentage 20% when grown in sand as well as peat moss containing fermented arganic manure media.
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