درست الخصائص الأساسية (مردود العصير، و المواد الصلبة الذائبـة، و pH ، و الحموضـة الكليـة،
و السكريات الكلية)، و بعـض مـضادات الأكـسدة (فيتـامين C ، و الكاروتينـات، و الفينـولات الكليـة،
و الأنثوسيانينات)، و النشاط المضاد للأكسدة وفق طريقة DPPH لـبعض أصـناف البرتقـال الرئيـسة
المزروعة في سورية (أبوسرة، و الماوردي، و فالنسيا، و شموطي). بينت النتائج أن صنف فالنـسيا كـان
الأعلى بمردود العصير (16.55%) بينما كان صنف أبو سرة الأعلى في محتواه من الكاروتينـات (68.8
مغ/100غ) و الأقل في محتواه من فيتامين C) 53.31 مغ/100غ)، في حين تفوق صنف الماوردي فـي
محتواه من الفنولات الكلية (73.295 مغ حمض الغاليك/100غ) و النشاط المضاد للأكسدة 83.74 %من
بين الأصناف المدروسة.
The main properties(yield of juice, total soluble solid, pH, total acidity, total
sugars), some antioxisant compounds as (vitamin C, carotenoids, total phenol,
anthocyanins), and antioxidant activity measured by DPPH method for some
main Syrian orange cultivars (navel, valancia, blood orange, and shamouti)
were investigated. The results showed that valancia was the highest in juice
yield (55.16%), while navel had the highest content of carotenoids(8.68mg/100g)
and the lowest one of vitamin C(31.53mg/100g). Whereas, blood orange was
superior in its content of total phenolic (295.73 mg gallic acid100/g) and
antioxidant activity, (74.833%) among the studied cultivars.
References used
A.O.A.C. (2000). Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists , 17ed, Maryland. USA
Asami, D. K., Hong, Y. J., Barrett, D. M., Mitchell, A. E. (2003). Comparison of the total phenol and ascorbic content of freeze-dried and air-dried Marionberry, Strawberry and Corn grow using conventional, organic and sustainable agricultural practices. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 51 (5),1237-1241
Bull, M. K., Zerdin, K., Effie Howe, E., Goicoechea, D., Paramanandhan, P., Stockman, R., Sellahewa, J., Szabo, E.A., Robert L. Johnson, R.L., Stewart, C. M. (2004). The effect of high pressure processing on the microbial, physical and chemical properties of Valencia and Navel orange juice. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, 5, 135–149
In this research, the
antioxidant capacity(DPPH method), and total phenolic content (assayed
by Folin-Ciocalteu method), ,flavonoids, anthocyanins (pH differential
method) and ascorbic acids(2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol) in three fruit
tissues (
Classified locality Yeasts have been culturing in plantology
department at the Faculty of Science-University of Damascus,
from genera of Pichia, Candida, Geotrichum, Rhodotorula, Phaffia
on solid Czhapek agar medium, and after incubated in appropr
This research studied the impact of planting location and cooking time
periods of (5, 10, 15, 20 and 40 minutes) on the antioxidant effect, and on the
total Phenols and Flavonoids contents using five different samples of Syrian
onions. The results
The antioxidant activity of pomegranate juices extracted by two methods
was determined using three methods: β- carotene, Linoleic acid emulsion, and
DiPhenel Picryl Hydrazyl (DPPH). The juice was extracted by separation arils
from fruits and squee
Functional foods are similar to conventional food and demonstrate beneficial effects
beyond their nutritional value. These effects are attributed to the presence of functional
ingredients. Functional ingredients can either be found naturally in a c