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The effect of foliar spray of nitrogen, boron and zinc on the growth indicators and the content of the leaves of elements of two olive cultivars (Nebaly mohasan and Dan)

تأثير الرش الورقي بالآزوت و البورون و الزنك في نمو شجرة الزيتون و محتوى الأوراق من العناصر المعدنية في صنفي دان و نبالي محسن

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 Publication date 2012
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This experiment was carried out during 2009 and 2010 seasons in fields cultivated with 10 years of Dan and Nebaly cultivars of olive trees in province of Damascus to study the effect of foliar spray of to one of nitrogen (N), boron (B) and zinc (Z) on the leaf area, shoot length, number of flowers, leaves content of mineral elements, fertilization. These elements were sprayed individually or combined together four times during the growing season as follows: nitrogen (5 g/l), boric acid (2g /l), zinc sulfate (2g/ l), nitrogen + boric acid, nitrogen + zinc sulfate, Boric acid + Zinc sulfate, and nitrogen + boric acid + zinc sulphate) at the same rates in single spray.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
أجريت هذه الدراسة خلال موسمي 2009 و2010 في بستان زيتون في منطقة المعضمية بمحافظة ريف دمشق، لدراسة تأثير الرش الورقي بعناصر الآزوت والبورون والزنك على نمو شجرة الزيتون ومحتوى أوراقها من العناصر المعدنية لصنفي الزيتون دان ونبالي محسن. تم رش هذه العناصر منفردة أو مجتمعة أربع مرات خلال موسم النمو. أظهرت النتائج زيادة معنوية في جميع المؤشرات المدروسة مقارنة بالشاهد، حيث كانت أفضل معاملة من حيث مساحة الورقة هي معاملة الآزوت للصنف نبالي محسن، ومعاملة (N+B+Zn) للصنف دان. كما لوحظت زيادة معنوية في طول الطرود وعدد الأزهار والثمار العاقدة في المعاملات المختلفة. أظهرت النتائج أيضًا زيادة معنوية في محتوى الأوراق من العناصر الكبرى N.P.K وعنصري B وZn، خاصة في المعاملات التي شملت الآزوت والزنك. لم تُظهر النتائج فروقًا معنوية في محتوى الأوراق من الفوسفور بين المعاملات والشاهد. توصي الدراسة بضرورة استخدام الرش الورقي بعناصر الآزوت والبورون والزنك لتحسين نمو وإنتاجية أشجار الزيتون.
Critical review
تعتبر هذه الدراسة مهمة جدًا لفهم تأثير الرش الورقي بعناصر الآزوت والبورون والزنك على نمو وإنتاجية أشجار الزيتون. ومع ذلك، هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، كان من الممكن توسيع نطاق الدراسة لتشمل أصناف زيتون أخرى لزيادة تعميم النتائج. ثانيًا، لم يتم تناول تأثير الرش الورقي على جودة الزيت المستخرج من الثمار، وهو جانب مهم يجب دراسته. ثالثًا، كان من الأفضل تضمين تحليل اقتصادي لتقييم تكلفة وفائدة استخدام هذه المعاملات السمادية. أخيرًا، يجب أن تكون هناك متابعة طويلة الأمد لدراسة التأثيرات المستدامة لهذه المعاملات على صحة الأشجار وإنتاجيتها.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي العناصر التي تم استخدامها في الرش الورقي في الدراسة؟

    تم استخدام عناصر الآزوت والبورون والزنك في الرش الورقي في الدراسة.

  2. ما هي الأصناف التي تمت دراستها في هذه التجربة؟

    تمت دراسة صنفي الزيتون دان ونبالي محسن في هذه التجربة.

  3. ما هي النتائج الرئيسية التي توصلت إليها الدراسة؟

    توصلت الدراسة إلى زيادة معنوية في جميع المؤشرات المدروسة مثل مساحة الورقة، طول الطرود، عدد الأزهار، والثمار العاقدة، بالإضافة إلى محتوى الأوراق من العناصر الكبرى N.P.K وعنصري B وZn.

  4. هل أظهرت الدراسة فروقًا معنوية في محتوى الأوراق من الفوسفور بين المعاملات والشاهد؟

    لم تُظهر الدراسة فروقًا معنوية في محتوى الأوراق من الفوسفور بين المعاملات والشاهد.

References used
Argawala, S. C. and P. N. Shorma, 1981. Development and enzymatic changes during pollen development in boron deficient maize plants, J. plandnutr.3: 329-336
Beg, B. and C. McClaugherty. 2008. Plant Litter. Decomposition Humus Formation,Carbon S equetration ,Second ed .Springer
Bouat, A. 1968. Physiology de Loliver et analyse des feuilly.high density olive orchard magazian, No.8
rate research

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the experiment was conducted under Syrian coastal conditions to investigate (Vicia fabaL.), the effect of boron and zinc foliar fertilization on faba bean,either individually or in combination, by increased rates (0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, and 1 kg boro n / has boric acid, and zinc at a rate of 0, 0.375, 0.750, 1.125, and 1.5 kg / ha as zinc sulfate). where fababeans were plantedin plastic pots(15L) in )2013/11/10(and )2014/11/10(.The soil in pots has high content of calcium carbonate, low boron and zinc content, with pH slightly basic (representative of the region's soils). Half boron and zinc fertilizer rates were sprayed after 33 days of germination and the other half ,after 65 days of germination. The results showed significant responses in all studied parameters (number of branches,number of pods / plant, weight of 100 seeds, and seed yield (Kg. / ha) on faba bean plant, as a result of foliar fertilization by boron and zinc. Fababeans response to boron is higher than to zinc fertilization in all studied indicators. However,the treatmentB75Zn75(0.75 kg boric acid and 1.125kg of zinc sulfate) is the best, as compared to others. Also, the driedseeds yield was increased by about 17.66%.
Field experiment was conducted during the season (2011-2012)at Bhanine village in Tartous city. Maize seeds of Ghouta 82 variety were planted in plastic pots filled with calcareous soil .Treatments including three levels of B( 0 , 3 , and 6 kg.ha-1) as boric acid form and four levels of Zn (0 ,8,16 and 24 kg.ha-1) as zinc sulphate form added to the soil when it was preparation to farming , in a completely randomized block design with three replications, to study the effect of different levels of boron and zinc and their interactions on Maize growth and its contents of some nutrient elements . the readings that was taken plant length leaf area index ,wet and dry weight for plant in three growth stage: vegetative growth , start and end of flowering , stage , and evaluation concentration of N ,P , K ,B , Zn,Mn,Fe,Cu nutrients in the leaves at the back stages, in addition at havest stage.
This research carried out in Al- Bassa village at Lattakia province during 2013-2014, to determine the effects of increasing rates of boron and zinc fertilization by foliar spraying, on root nodulation and seed yield of broad beans (Viciafaba L.). Se eds were planted in plastic pots (15 kg capacity), filled with sandy-silty soil, characterized by its poor content of boron, and represents most of lands in the region. Boron and zinc were sprayed by five increasing concentrations (Bo, B25, B50, B75 and B100) and (Zno, Zn25, Zn50, Zn75, Zn10)on broad bean plants at 33 and 65 days post-emergent. Results showed that treatments high significance than control, in termsof root length witch the best treatment was B100Zn100with 31c.m, and 2.85 g for B75Zn75 as a wight of length, on the other hand the best treatment for number of nodules was B75Zn75, 179.03 c.m, B100Zn100 was the best for height of the plant with 100.20, for protein B100Zn100 the best with 37.4%, However, boron and zinc fertilization treatment B75Zn75 is the best, economically.
The study was carried out in apple orchard and at the laboratories of Agricultural Scientific Research Center, and Pome and Grapevine Division in Sweida (GCSAR), Syria, during the growing seasons of 2015 and 2016 to study the effect of organic res idues, and boron and zinc addition on some soil characters, fruit set ratio and some fruits qualitative traits in Starking delicious apple cultivar in Sweida.
Sour orange (Citrus aurantium L.) seedlings were sprayed three times a season with four levels of urea (45 % N) (2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0 g/L) and two levels of ascorbic acid (150 and 300 g/L), each alone or in combinations. Meanwhile the seedlings of control treatment sprayed with distilled water during 2010 growing season, twenty days intervals between each spray and another. Results obtained at the middle of October of the same season, indicated that the foliar spray with urea at the concentrations of 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0 g/L significantly increased leaves N and chlorophyll concentrations, leaves number, seedling leaves area, seedlings height, main stem diameter and leaves fresh and dry weight, especially at the foliar spray with 10.0 g/L. The means of these parameters were 3.19%, 66.80 SPAD, 146.66 leaves/seedling, 3700.00 Cm², 83.66 Cm, 4.50 mm, 4.70 g, 1.53 g, respectively. Meanwhile ascorbic acid spray at two concentrations unsignificantly affected all parameters, except leaves chlorophyll content, leaves number and seedling leaves area. Most treatments of combinations spray with urea and ascorbic acid significantly affected all studied parameters, especially the treatment of foliar spray of urea and ascorbic acid at a concentration of 10.0 g/L and 300 mg/ L, which gave the highest means of leaves N concentration, leaves number, seedling leaves area and leaves fresh and dry weights, and it unsignificantly differs from the treatments which gave the highest means of seedlings height, main stem diameter and percentage of leaves dry matter weight .
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