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الاستنساخ البشري من وجهة نظر قانونية

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 Publication date 2003
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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د. خالص حلبي: هل يستنسخ الإنسان ؟ مجلة العربي، العدد ٤٦٣ ، تموز
جابر علي مهران، حكم الاستنساخ والتلقيح الصناعي في الفقه الإسلامي، مجلة الدراسات القانونية، كلية الحقوق بجامعة أسيوط، العدد الواحد والعشرون، يونيو 1998
د. عبد اللطيف ياسمين، الاستنساخ بين الدين والعلم، اتحاد الكتاب العرب، دمشق، 2000
rate research

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يعدُّ الاستنساخ البشري من حيث المبدأ أمراً سهلاً ؛ فهو إيجاد بيضة من معطٍ ثم شفط النواة ثم حقن خلية من الشخص الذي تريد نسخه ثم التحريض على البدء بالنمو، و في التطبيق العملي يوجد الكثير من العقبات التقنية التي يأتي معظمها بتشوهات خطيرة ومعدل النجاح في هذا الأمر مقبول بالنسبة للحيوان، أما الإنسان فلا يمكن القبول به.
This study aimed at investigating parents’ efficiency in raising children from their adolescent children’s perspective. A test was applied on a sample of 291 male and female secondary school students (from both general and commercial education types) aged 15 to 16. The sample included 146 females and 145 males. The difference in the efficiency of raising children between fathers and mothers were measured, taking into account the variables of mothers’ work (working mother/housewife). The differences between students according to their gender and type of education were also measured. The results showed some differences in efficiency between fathers and mothers in favor of the mothers. There was also a correlation between mothers’ and fathers’ efficiency. No significant differences were found between the male and female students in their evaluation of parents’ efficiency in raising children. No significant differences were also found between working mothers and housewives. The differences in averages, however, came in favor of working mothers The research suggests carrying out some training courses for parents on how to bring up their children in the best way and how to give them the best attention.
Construction projects are characterized as very complex projects. This is because of their uniqueness, dynamic political and economic circumstances, weather, long life of projects, fluctuations in resources prices, and changes of engineering require ment, etc. Therefore, construction projects are subject to a wide range of various risks, which in case these risks occur will have considerable impacts on projects objectives in terms of time, cost and quality. Therefore, there is a need to investigate these risks and their impacts on project objectives and parties. The Client is one of the most important party in any project, and it usually lacks to have a clear strategy and policy to deal and manage risks that affect its objectives. This study aims to produce a strategy to deal and manage risks during construction stage from the client's point of view. The construction stage is selected because it takes a long time of the project life and consumes the largest amount of project budget, and it highly affects the project success or failure. Data were collected, by utilizing both questionnaire and interview survey, from more than one hundred participants from construction companies, clients and other construction professionals. An SPSS17 and EXCEL software were used to treat the data to find correlation between different variables, means and standard deviations. Risks were ranked based on risk importance indicator. The results showed that the most important risk is 'delay of payment to contractors as agreed in the contract' and the lowest risk is 'changes of design during construction'. The study concluded that the client should be concerned to formulate a specialized team in risk management in order to assist him in decision making process and developing practical solutions for dealing with risks in the construction sector. Keywords: risk , risk management , Client , Construction projects .
استعرض هذا البحث الاستخدام غير المشروع لبطاقات الائتمان الممغنطة من وجهة نظر القانون الجزائي؛ و خلص إلى التأكيد أن نصوص قانون العقوبات السوري المتعلقة بجرائم الأموال لا توفر الحماية الكافية للمصالح المرتبطة باستخدام هذه البطاقات، و ينبغي أن يتدخل المشرع لسد هذا النقص التشريعي.
institution because of its important and active role in achieving its goals. The importance of the public relation is increasing in the sports field because of the mass of this sector. Thus this study seeks to identify the role and importance of pu blic relations in sports institutions in the Syrian Arab Republic, from the perspective of workers in order to illustrate of the reality of the functioning of this sector in the organizational structure .the descriptive method is used with analytical survey manner . The method was applied to a sample of 44 individuals representing 88% of the research community. Thestudy concluded with several important resultswhich include that there is a difference in the employees'point of view about the role and importance of public relations according to axes of the study. There are no low degrees of how to understand and use by the public relations staff.
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