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من اعتراضات ابن هشام الأنصاري على أبي حيان الأندلسي

1651   1   57   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2004
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
الأسنوي، عبد الرحيم : طبقات الشافعية، تحقيق عبد الله الجبوري، دار العلوم للطباعة والنشر، الرياض .1981
البغدادي، عبد القادر: شرح أبيات مغني اللبيب، تحقيق عبد العزيز رباح وزميله، منشورات دار المأمون للتراث دمشق.
أبو تمام: الحماسة، تحقيق د. عبد الله عسيلان، مطبوعات جامعة الإمام محمد بن سعود، 1981 م
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This paper traced what Abu Hayan quoted from Hisham. He quoted his opinions and cited them in his books. He depended on them in his explanations and conclusions, and this is a positive quality as this is what students do to preserve their teachers’s and nation’s heritage.
We studied in this research in the predicative deletion and what it relates to in Ebn Hani Alandalusi’s poetry, we studied first topics of deletion in predicate, so we started to study the deletion of the enunciative and its implications, then delet e the verb, and we studied Secondly the deletion of subject and its implications, we started deleting the inchoative, and the object, then with regard to predication, such as deleting adjective and discrimination , and we had enough with some examples to show what required, the controls of the search led us to these limits, depending on a set of more than few of sources and references, the first was explanation of the divan of Ibn Hani, but we have adopted the explanation without the divan as we could not get documented edition, as the explanation contained all of his poems without exception, and characterized by a good scientific investigation and careful organization.
يعد الإنسان الكائن العاقل جوهر الوجود وهو في سعي دائب لفهم وتفسير ما يجري حوله ليكون لنفسه تصورات شاملة عن الكون لفهم طبيعة الموجودات من جهة وطبيعته من جهة ثانية
تسعى هذه الدراسة إلى طرق باب المصادر عند ابن هشام في كتاب المغني، و هو باب واسع متعدد الجوانب، و لذا اقتصرت على جانب واحد هو بيان الأثر الذي خّلفه ابن مالك في المغني مما لم يصرح به ابن هشام و ساقه على أّنه من كلامه.
This research depends on one main idea: it is the influence of oriental Arab literature on Andalusi Literature. This idea has been shown with an Arabic poet Ibn Khafaja, who seems very influenced by Arabic poems in the East (Iraq & Cham). It seem s that this poet declared that he followed specified steps of other poets, sometimes he was influenced indirectly, and that is what this research is going to clear.
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