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أثر مصنَّفات ابن مالك في مغني اللّبيب مِما لم يصرح به ابن هشام

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 Publication date 2003
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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ارتشاف الضرب من لسان العرب لأبي حيان الأندلسي، ت د. رجب عثمان . محمد، مكتبة الخانجي بالقاهرة، ط1 ١٩٩٨
أعيان العصر وأعوان النصر للصفدي، ت. د. علي أبو زيد، نبيل أبو عمشة، محمد موعد، محمود محمد. دار الفكر المعاصر، دار الفكر ط1 ١٩٩٨ م.
أمالي ابن الشجري: ت د. محمود الطناحي، مكتبة الخانجي بالقاهرة، ط ١ ١٩٩٢
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أبو حيان الأندلسي و ابن هشام الأنصاري عالمان متعاصران، عاشا في القرن الثامن الهجري، و هما من كبار نحاة العربية. حضر أبو حيان من الأندلس، و استقر في مصر، و صار شيخ النحاة في عصره، قبل أن يولد ابن هشام. و حين بدأ ابن هشام يطلب العلم لم يلازم أبا حيا ن، و لم يقرأ عليه، بل كان كثير المخالفة له، شديد الانحراف عنه، لا يكاد يذكره في مصنفاته إلا رادًا عليه أو معترضًا. و عليه يهدف هذا البحث إلى تتبع أبرز اعتراضات ابن هشام على أبي حيان، كما وردت في مصنفات ابن هشام، مع التوثيق و التوضيح، ثم دراسة هذه العلاقة بينهما، و بيان مظاهرها، و محاولة تعليلها لدى القدامى و المتأخرين من العلماء.
This research aims to figure out the influence of proverbs in Ebn _ Zydoun,s literature .proverbs had been a rich source of literary experience sources for Ebn _Zydoun.Proverbs gave him huge ability to understand the human experience ,which is c onsidered on essential stanchion to fulfil self_experience for him. This research begins with a brief introduction about proverbs . Then it spotlights some aspects of Ebn_Zydoun.s life ,after that it moves to show most used proverbs ,which Ebn_Zydoun used in prose and poetry.He intended to invest their contents to serve his literature . This reveals rich Arabic culture the auther has had.
This research reveals the influence of the Holy Koran in Ebn _ Zydoun,s literature .It spotlights the most important texts that were in fluenced by the Holy Koran .For the Holy Koran is a rich material in Ibn_ Zydoun,s literature.It over whelmed an artistic and aesthetic splendor through the details and the new structural technics,which have been added by the influence of the Holy Koran in his prose and poetry as well.
The study aims to search the sources at AlMorady`s book "GenaALDany". It is of many sides book. So hat, I concentrated on only one side called showing the effect that produced by IBnAsfor. The value of this study is existed in the gathering two h onorable syntax specialists in Andulus. They howe clear effect in supporting the scientific linguistic movement.Moreover, thisstudy throws its shadow on the 8thHejry century wheve studies were active and box were widly spread.
This research deals with technique of addressing an imaginary companion, being astylisttic phenomenan aiming at coloring Ibn Muqbel,s poetic discours, it is asudden shift frome one style to anther, serving muti- rhetorical purposes, and embodying t he speaker,s sensation. Being a form of structur deviation whose specific funchion is detected in context its artistic feature, alse reflect on a recipient,s thoug contemplating this highlg aesthetic style. Addressing an imaginary conpanio can be Syntactic, Semantic and Syntactic- Semantic. This study looks into the syntactic forms of addressing an imaginary companion inrolved in changing the use of pronouns that preclude repeating antecedents, retrieving the meanings intended from poetic contexts.
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