أجريت دراسة ترسيبية مفصلة للقطاع الجنوبي من الرصيف القاري السوري (N : 35.16022 E 35.92712 N 34.71354 E 35.94267) بغية تحديد طبيعة، و توزع وخصائص الرسوبيات البحرية الموزعة على كامل هذا القطاع. أظهرت دراسة العينات الرملية الشاطئية وجود تغاير لوني لرسوبيات المنطقة الواحدة مما يدل على المصادر المتنوعة لهذه الرسوبيات مستمدة في معظمها من المناطق الواقعة خلف الساحل. بينت العينات القاعية العميقة وجود ستة نماذج رسوبية ألا و هي: رمال؛ طين رملي؛ رمال حصوية بنسبة ضئيلة؛ رمال طينية حصوية بنسبة ضئيلة؛ طين رملي حصوي بنسبة ضئيلة؛ و أخيراً حصى. دلت النتائج على أن الرسوبيات المدروسة ذات حجم حبيبي متوسط، ذات فرز معتدل جيد، ذات ميل سلبي جداً و أخيراً متوسطة التفرطح. تؤكد هذه المعطيات على أن الترسيب قد حدث تحت تأثير ظروف طاقية معتدلة إلى عالية تتغير من مكان لآخر حسب طبيعة منطقة الترسيب و حجم و طبيعة المواد الموجودة في بيئة الترسيب من جهة، و تبعاً لشدة الطاقة المحركة للرسوبيات و المتمثلة في التيارات البحرية، الدوامات البحرية، و طبيعة الأمواج و المد و الجزر من جهة أخرى.
Detailed sedimentary study of the Southern section of the Syrian Continental shelf (N 35.16022 E 35.92712: N 34.71354 E 35.94267) has been carried out in order to determine the sediment nature and distribution. The study of coastal sandy samples (from beach to 2m water depth) revealed variation in the sand colours from place to place. This indicates that there are many sources for coastal sand mostly derived from the hinterlands. Six sediment sorting types were identified along the continental shelf and these are: Sand; Sandy Mud; Slightly Gravelly Sand; Slightly Gravelly Muddy Sand; Slightly Gravelly Sandy Mud; and Gravel. The textural studies clearly establish that the sediments are of medium grain size, moderately well sorted, very negatively skewed and mesokurtic. These parameters confirm that the sediments were deposited under moderate to high energy conditions. These conditions vary from place to another according to the place of deposition and the nature of the source material on one hand and the severity of the kinetic energy namely ocean currents, marine eddies, waves and tides on the other hand.
References used
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Detailed textural study of the Northern section of the Syrian Continental shelf
(N35.92991 E35.91785: N35.35752 E35.91542) has been carried out in order to determine
the sediment nature and distribution. The sediments are mainly coarse to very fine
SST satellite images analysis has showed many
characteristics for a lot of mesoscale eddies in the Eastern basin
of the Mediterranean Sea. In this study, the SST analysis is
focalised on the mesoscale eddies` formation at the Syrian coasts.
We are also interested by their characteristics for their influences
on the marine environment .
Rainfall is considered as one of the most difficult and complex elements of the
hydrological cycle, to understand and model, due to the complexity of air operations that
generate rain. The importance of research comes from the direct relationship b
In this study, SST satellite images analysis (from
September 2015 to November 2016) is focalised on the
monitoring of the mesoscale eddies in the eastern Levantine subbasin
(at the Syrian coasts as well as the neighboring coasts).
The aim of this study is to identify the quality of health services provided in the
public sector hospitals in the Syrian Arab Republic. The paper adopts the analytical
descriptive approach where the phenomenon or the problem under study is describ