يركز البحث على مسألتين أساسيتين و هما رفع كفاءة الطاقة الكهربائية في المنشآت
الصناعية بهدف تخفيض كمية الطاقة اللازمة لوحدة المنتج دون التأثير في مستوى الإنتاج.
و لتحقيق هذا الهدف يجب تشغيل نظام الإنارة ضمن شروط محددة، و إدخال تجهيزات عامل
الاستطاعة و تخفيض ضياعات الطاقة الكهربائية في محولات التغذية الكهربائية.
This study concentrates on two basic problems:i)- Increasing of power
efficiency in Industrial premises to reduce the energy needed for product
unit without any impact on the production level .
To achieve this goal, lighting system should be operated in a certain
condition, capacitor banks for power factor improvement should be
installed, and energy losses of distribution transformers should be reduced.
References used
Guide to Energy Management, William J. Kennedy, FAIRMONT PRESS ,INC, 1994
Electrical Installations Hndbook, SIEMENS, Jhon Wiley & Sons, 1997
Power System Analysis, Hadi Saadat , McGrow –Hill,1999
The study seeks to determine the real time in electrical power system, which consists of
generating, transmitting and distributing equipment by using redistributing active power of
electrical generators in order to organizing the overload operation
After that automation electrical power transfer stations towards to
use intelligent electronic devices that are performing multiple
functions : process protection, monitoring, control and use
private companies manufacturers of equipment communicat
Batteries are energy storage devices that are particularly useful for powering
small portable devices like phones, laptops and entertainment devices as well as
mobility devices that travel over the earth's surface, through water and air. During the
This paper presents a three phase shunt Active Power Filter (APF) for power quality
improvements in terms of harmonics compensation. The compensation process is based on
measure non-liner load currents and Active Filter currents, and then extract t
In order to improve the performance of transformers in highvoltage
networks and re-electrical characteristics of insulation
materials for these transformers to the nominal accepted value,
methods of technical and new process are appeared to re-qua