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التلوث الهوائي الناجم عن السيارات و حركة المرور في مدينة دمشق

1857   2   64   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2008
  fields Geography
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
أرناؤوط، محمد السيد، الإنسان وتلوث البيئة، الدار المصرية اللبنانية، 1993
حايك، نصر، تلوث الهواء، دار الحصاد، دمشق، 1990
صافيتا محمد،عدنان عطية، جغرافية المدن والتخطيط الحضري، جامعة . دمشق، 2006
rate research

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تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى بيان دور استعمال الأرض التجاري و تحليله و توزيعه المكاني في استفحال مشكلة حوادث المرور في مدينة عمان الكبرى. و قد توصلت الدراسة إلى أن استعمال الأرض التجاري السائد في المدينة و الذي يأخذ غالبًا و في معظم أنحاء المدينة النمط ال خطي أو الشريطي الذي يمتد على جانبي طرق النقل الرئيسة هو استعمال غير مخطط و غير موجه و لا مسيطر عليه بشكلٍ سليم ، الأمر الذي جعله سببًا رئيسًا في وقوع حوادث المرور ، فهذا النمط من الاستعمال يوفر الشروط الموضوعية التي تؤدي إلى وقوع حوادث المرور ، و ذلك من خلال ما ينتج عنه من تداخل و تعارض في حركة المشاة و حركة المركبات من جهة، و تداخل و تعارض في حركة المركبات مع بعضها بعضًا من جهةٍ أخرى.
The Research In This Regard Is Concerned With Pollution Of The Marine Environment, Which Is One Of The Vital Topics That Have Occupied The Attention Of The International Community In General and Coastal State s In Particular, For Which The Conventions Aimed At ProtectingThe Marine Environment Were Concluded By Adopting The Rules Of Substantive Responsibility For Damages Resulting From Marine Pollution Accidents, Which Has Proved To Be The Legal Valve To Guarantee Individuals' Rights And Facilitating Compensation For Damages Resulting FromPollution Of TheMarine Environment In Cases Where AggrievedIs Unable To Prove Fault In The Face Of Responsible. The Research aims To Briefing By PillarsOf Substantive Responsibility And The Implications Of establishing It In The Light Of International And Regional Conventions That Concern The Issue Of Pollution Of The Marine Environment.The Research concluded That The Implementation Of The Substantive Responsibility Rules will Achieve Greater Protection For Those AffectedIf The Period Of Limitation Extinguished For The Compensation Lawsuit Is Taken Into Account In The Interest Of Aggrieved, Especially Since Some Conventions Don’t TakeInto Account That The Environmental DamageIs Slow To Emerge, Thus Losing The Right Of Aggrieved To Compensation Due To The Lapse Of Time
The transport sector provides favorable conditions to the performance of the rest of the sectors in the economy, including productivity and service. It is also associated with a mutual relationship to the point where it makes it difficult to achieve any progress in those sectors without that which has preceded, or is accompanied by the development of the transport sector. Ten years prior to the Syrian crisis, the public transport sector had achieved significant progress compared to its previous history and had been allocated large government subsidies for investment plans. The amount of the provision of the Ninth Five-Year Plan (2001-2005), was the equivalent of almost all the amount spent during the previous five-year plans. Since March 2011, the infrastructure, (roads, bridges, railways, airports and other transportation), were exposed to systematic acts of destruction and vandalism by the armed opposition whose aim was the paralysis of the economy and the dismemberment of the country to weaken the State's ability to respond to the confrontation. Due to the important role in this sector, we have an estimate of economic losses, (both direct and indirect), from the starting points of the hypothesis of continuing the growth rate of GDP for the period before the crisis and the continuation of 3.1% during the crisis years (2011-2012-2013). (A continuing scenario) on the grounds in 2010 year basis, and compared with the actual reality of the GDP growth, where value represents the difference GDP losses during this period, or called opportunity cost. and after the addition of direct material losses reached to calculate the total economic losses, which amounted to about 85 billion Syrian pounds. The Preceded through the study and analysis of the reality of the performance of the transport sector with various activities government (land, sea and air) during the period (2000-2010) . .
Sun movement considered one of the effective factor in human life, it should be studied in order to use or protect from it. sun path and its angles can be specified in hims city any time all year long, That can be done with Computer-assisted Architec tural Design and Building Performance Simulator. Reaching for schedules, printed diagrams and digital files that can help architects in solar design process.
Soil samples were collected from three sites located at distances (0, 1500, 3000)m along the road from the northern entrance of Daraa city. For each site, samples were collected from two depths, at three distances from the road axis and from the t wo sides of the road. Results showed that total and available lead concentrations in soil were higher in east than west side of the road due to the effect of the dominant westerly winds in the region. the differences were significant for the total and available lead concentrations at distances (0,1500)m, and (0,3000)m at the entrance of the city, the distances (5,25)m, and (5,50)m, at the distance from two road sides, and between the depths (0-15), (15-30)cm, whereas the differences were not significant for the total and available lead concentrations at distances (1500,3000)m at the entrance of the city, and (25,50)m at the distance from two road sides. There was a very strong correlation between the average total and available lead concentration.

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