إن دراسة القرآن الكريم من حيث ألفاظه له من الأهمية البالغة في فهم المعاني المرادة ليتحقق الحكم
الشرعي الذي يستنبطه العلماء. و هذه الدراسة لا تكون إلا من خلال اللغة العربية التي نزل بها القرآن و بها كتب و حفظ، فكان من الضروري التنبيه على منع الترجمة الحرفية إلى أي لغة أخرى نظرًا لضيقها عن استيعاب اللغة العربية "لغة القرآن الكريم".
فحاولت في بحثي أن أبين ذلك مع مناقشة الأقوال و بيان الأدلة و الراجح منها لنخلص إلى نتيجة
أجمع عليها المسلمون و هي أنه تمنع ترجمة القرآن الحرفية مطلقًا و لا حرج من ترجمته التفسيرية
لمعانيه وفق منهج تفسيري معتمد و ضوابط ترجمة واضحة.
The Impact of Translating Quran According to The Fundamentalists
Studying the holy quranic vocabulary is very important for understanding the desired
meanings, that the scholars deduce.
This process will not happen without deep knowledge of Arabic, the language it was
revealed in.
Therefore it is very important to stress on not translating the lateral one of this holy
book, because any other languages will not be able to comprehend the Arabic vocabulary.
In this study, I tried to discuss all these issues and show the correct opinions among
Finally I concluded to the consensus of all scholars tat translating Quran laterally is
forbidden, but translating the meanings of Quran is allowed according to certain rules and
References used
الأشباه والنظائر / جلال الدين عبد الرحمن بن أبي بكر السيوطي/دار الكتب العلمية بيروت لبنان
البحر الرائق شرح كنز الدقائق/ زين الدين بن نجيم الحنفي/ وبهامشه منحة الخالق على البحر الرائق لابن عابدين/ دار الكتاب الإسلامي بيروت
حواشي الشرواني على تحفة المحتاج شرح المنهاج / الشرواني /دار إحياء التراث العربي/ بيروت لبنان
Islamic law came to the end of the previous divine laws and transcribers of them, so God has guaranteed them survival, keeping them from every distortion, and completing them and preserving them from every deficiency, and fulfilling them on his faith
The study aims at discussing how cultural and pragmastylistic
factors influence translating Surat An-Nās of The Glorious Qur`an into
English. Four different translations are taken as a sample for the study.
The paper seeks to show how these aspect
Taght find differing formulas and buildings simslar in the words of the Koran within the context compares names and names in terms of definition and saying that the indefinite , and plural forms , and between the acts and deeds ; the expression of th
There are many Qoranic interpretations that do not fulfill the objective conditions ,obviously
many false ideas had been put into them .
So we have to confront and clarify them for more knowledge.
As many studies did ,but the originated researches
This research reveals the influence of the Holy Koran in Ebn _
Zydoun,s literature .It spotlights the most important texts that were
in fluenced by the Holy Koran .For the Holy Koran is a rich
material in Ibn_ Zydoun,s literature.It
over whelmed