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The different buildings in the Qur'an

اختلاف الأبنية في القرآن الكريم

1311   0   34   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Taght find differing formulas and buildings simslar in the words of the Koran within the context compares names and names in terms of definition and saying that the indefinite , and plural forms , and between the acts and deeds ; the expression of the past and the present tense , and the construction of the known and the construction of the unknown , and the names and deeds ; the expression palmdhara and the actor's ma,e , and source and the source , deals with the meanings and uses nuances according to the required linguisric context , and the context of the case , and trying to analyze those formulas and structures analysis linguistically accurate up to eventually secures or end semantic of isomorphism those words and similarity . And display search the views of scientists from linguists and dropped by the interpreters and Blagaan between the different destinations , opinions and attitudes between similar to those formulas and buildings and similarity , or different and contrast , all within the quranic installation and linguistic jewelers , and appropriate , and the article And ends with a conclusion find the findings of the research involved .

References used
الإتقان في علوم القرآن، لجلال الدين السُّيوطي، تحقيق محمّد أبو الفضل إبراهيم، المكتبة العصرية، صيدا - بيروت، 1418 ھ .
الأصول في النّحو ، لابن السّراج ، تحقيق د. عبد الحسين الفتلي ، مؤسّسة الرّسالة ، ط 1 ، 1405 ه – 1985 م
الإعجاز البياني للقرآن و مسائل ابن الأزرق، للدكتورة عائشة عبد الرّحمن بنت الشاطئ، دار المعارف، مصر، 1969
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There are many Qoranic interpretations that do not fulfill the objective conditions ,obviously many false ideas had been put into them . So we have to confront and clarify them for more knowledge. As many studies did ,but the originated researches are still relatively few . This research is basically done to put the out lines to differentiate between authorized and none authorized ideas in explaining the Holy Qoraan. . ..
This research reveals the influence of the Holy Koran in Ebn _ Zydoun,s literature .It spotlights the most important texts that were in fluenced by the Holy Koran .For the Holy Koran is a rich material in Ibn_ Zydoun,s literature.It over whelmed an artistic and aesthetic splendor through the details and the new structural technics,which have been added by the influence of the Holy Koran in his prose and poetry as well.
Islamic law came to the end of the previous divine laws and transcribers of them, so God has guaranteed them survival, keeping them from every distortion, and completing them and preserving them from every deficiency, and fulfilling them on his faith ful servants, and their consent is a ruling between creation in every small and large and vile and Qatmir, God Almighty said: “We are mentioned to him and I privates} [Al-stone: 9], and said, {today you completed your religion and completed My favor upon you and chosen for you Islam as a religion} [Al-table: 3], and said, {what Frtna in the book of something and then to their Lord crammed} [Al cattle: 38] And from this memorization, fulfillment and contentment that God has ordained His servants of atonement for those who sinned in his world by committing a prohibited or negligent act in a matter, then the legislation of the atonement in the Qur’an and Sunnah and the nation’s consensus came, in order to be a discipline for those who sinned, and enjoined him and people for the slanderous act, and also to atone for his sin And to be considered a transgressor, which is the need of the needy from Muslims, such as emancipating a secure neck, feeding a poor person, covering them, or fasting days or months to fine tune the same comet. Because of the importance of this chapter, which is atonement, and for the people’s great need for it, this research was written under the title (Expirations in the verses of the Holy Qur’an, a comparative juristic study) in which I tried to show the types of expiation in the Qur’an and its jurisprudence through the verses of the Qur’an and books revealing its meanings, and through the books of jurists and imams considered as the four imams And others who were following the approach of Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jama’ah, and far and near witnessed this. With regard to the subject of this research (Expiation in the verses of the Holy Qur’an, a comparative juristic study), this study has traced the expiation and its manifestation, and the spotlight is revealed on it through its touching in the Quranic verses, with a view to highlighting the merits of legislation, and clarifying its secrets and wisdom, in order to illustrate the reality of the infidels, and a statement For its importance in the life of the Muslim individual, where it gains its great importance from the book, Sunnah, and consensus.
The phenomenon of impact between the adjacent buildings is one of the most important reasons for collapse of buildings during the earthquakes for that most of the codes resort to avoid impact by increasing the distance between adjacent buildings, b ut on the other hand high cost of land requires us to take advantage of the largest possible area in addition to the difficulty of making the separation architecturally and in particularly for high buildings the separation may offer up to 50 cm. We tried to have this research one of the studies that discuss the subject of seismic pounding where we discussed the methods for modeling the pounding and the most appropriate way to study the impact depending on the program dynamic analysis Ansys (Autodyn Ver. 11) then chose several cases for study seismic impact in three-dimensional models to cover most of the study variables that may affect this phenomenon, and we doer non- linear dynamic analysis for all cases, with applying acceleration function is defined by equation its constants are changing with processing the seismic records data. After finishing the analysis for all the models we have discussed changing the transitions and stresses and strains , and studied the factors affecting the impact , and discussed results of study and then we have summarizes the recommendations in that we see fit through this search.
لقد جمعت في هذا البحث الموسوم ب((الوحي في القرآن الكريم )) معنى كلمة الوحي في اللغة، و العلم، و العقل، و الشرع، و أنواع الوحي و صوره، و أدلته النقلية و العقلية، و هل هو مقصور على ذكور بني آدم. و اختلاف الناس في نبوة النساء. و العلاقة بين الوحي السم اوي و البشري و الشيطاني. و أمثلة على شبه الجاحدين و الرد عليها.
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