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This research aimed for using Geographic Information System (GIS) in producing Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for Dimas District, By applying various methods: Spatial Analyst, Geo Statistical Analyst, Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN), and interp olating DEM from contour lines. The study showed that the best methods for interpolating DEM is Kriging method, Which interpolated an evaluated surface for scattered points which had (Z values) whether they were closed or scattered from each other. And (TIN) method which required less area on hard disc to be stored comparing with other methods, and it's perfect for representing surfaces in wide areas, Also generating DEM from contour lines produced DEM which had very accurate representing for surfaces.
Syria has witnessed serious attempts for controlling exchange rates and choosing suitable exchange system and going with economical developments and changes before beginning of the crisis on 2011. But since 2011, Syria has witnesses accelerated d evelopment in irregular exchange market as result of increased demand on foreign currencies and lowness of supply. This will be as result of group of various factors. As result of great effect which has been done by exchange black market of currencies on various living and economical aspects of the citizen, it is a must to explain the reasons which lead to the increase of it during the crisis period and shading the light on taken legal legislations for controlling them and clarifying the taken procedures and decisions by credit and monetary board for controlling them.
Using Finite Element Analysis (FEA), a comparison between PushOver Analysis (POA) and Response Spectrum Analysis (RSA) is done in this research to explore the application limits of POA on the irregular frame buildings from reinforced concrete.the comparison contains (failure mechanism, displacement, and ductility).
Studying of the dynamic behavior of the rolling ship on sea waves is one of topics of special interest due to its close association with the ship stability and its direct impact on the efficiency of the work of some of the systems and processes ins ide the hull. This paper includes an explanation of the proposed mathematical model to study the dynamic behavior of the rolling ship on irregular waves in order to calculate the curves as a function of ship breadth at different values of ship speed, bearing angle and metacenter high, and thus determine the ship speed and bearing angle that causing resonance at defined value of metacenter high. In addition to determine the critical breadth coincide with the design speed of the ship. A computer program was prepared to perform calculations according to the proposed model, which allowed studying the effect of some parameters of the investment of the vessel (ship speed, and the angle of its route for the main direction of spread of the waves) on ship rolling. It had been reached through this research to extract mathematical equations which allow a precise and clear explanation of the dynamic behavior of the ship rolling on waves.
There are many Qoranic interpretations that do not fulfill the objective conditions ,obviously many false ideas had been put into them . So we have to confront and clarify them for more knowledge. As many studies did ,but the originated researches are still relatively few . This research is basically done to put the out lines to differentiate between authorized and none authorized ideas in explaining the Holy Qoraan. . ..

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