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التخيير عند الأصوليين و أثره في الحكم التكليفي (دراسة أصولية مقارنة)

1333   0   58   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2007
  fields Sharia
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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ابن منظور: الإمام العلامة ابن منظور، لسان العرب، تحقيق مكتب تحقيق التراث، دار إحياء التراث، بيروت.
الفيروزأبادي:مجد الدين محمد بن يعقوب، القاموس المحيط، دار الفكر،بيروت.
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المانع أحد أقسام الحكم الوضعي فإذا قام المكلف بالفعل و توافرت فيѧ أركانه و شروطه و انتفت موانعه ترتب عليه المسبب حتماً سواء أكان السبب من فعل المكلف أم لا ؟ بل يترتب المسبب و لو قصد المكلف عدم ترتبه، لأن ترتبه لا يتوقف على قصد المكلف، و يهدف هذا ا لبحث إلى بيان مدى تأثير المانع في عدم ترتب الحكم و ظهر لي في نهاية البحث أن وجود المانع يؤدي حتماً إلى عدم ترتيب الحكم حتى لو توافر في الفعل أركانه و شروطه.
The Impact of Translating Quran According to The Fundamentalists Studying the holy quranic vocabulary is very important for understanding the desired meanings, that the scholars deduce. This process will not happen without deep knowledge of Arabic , the language it was revealed in. Therefore it is very important to stress on not translating the lateral one of this holy book, because any other languages will not be able to comprehend the Arabic vocabulary. In this study, I tried to discuss all these issues and show the correct opinions among them. Finally I concluded to the consensus of all scholars tat translating Quran laterally is forbidden, but translating the meanings of Quran is allowed according to certain rules and approaches..
This research deals with the phenomenon of combining rhetoric and poetry at a number of the Gahleon, and the statement of the effect of this combining in their poetry, explaining through the issue of conflict of prestige betweenthe orator and the poe t in pre-Islamic era, and how this conflict has been compromised between who combined the technocracy, as the research shows the reason oflack of those who gathered between technocracy. The effect of combining in poetry is dealt with research on two levels: the stylistic level, and shows all forms of repetition: repeating letters, words and methods. While appears in the substantive level (moral): the pursuit of incomprehensible, the concentration on thinking and subjects, and the large number of wisdom and wills.
The question of the transition of power in the Ottoman Empire, an important issue shed Ottoman sultans, and occupied their mind for long periods, as they interned them in the midst of civil conflicts and local war, have been instrumental and head i n a broad and fundamental to the regime and the quality of the ruling lines, as have contributed to the emergence of the forces involved sultans and their influence was able to sneak into the decision-making centers and succeeded later in the appointment of the sultans and withheld from their basic tasks in the leadership of the state and society, paving the way for the conversion of the Ottoman government and the Alslltani Palace to the headquarters of the rival gangs competing. Doing all effort to harness the potential of all state of the army and of the financial treasury to buy military alliance and issue decision reflected negatively on the society in which they toil under a huge financial burden in order to provide the necessary cash-turned collected main recipe for the rulers and leaders. Army no longer provides the honor of the empire and sanctifies the sultan to comply with his orders as spiritual father to them but turned into tools brutalize sultans and take over others, especially that they were only puppets or animated structures for sultans helpless unable to take crucial decision.
The research paper is focussed on an important topic for architects and urban planners dealing with sustainable urban environment and architecture. The focus of the research is laid on comparative studies of two German examples: The Federal Institution of Environment „Umweltbundesamt“ in Dessau and the Eco-Settlement (Kronsberg) in Hannover.

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