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مبدأ عدم التمييز في تشريع العمل المقارن نطاق التطبيق و الإثبات

1140   0   53   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2007
  fields Law
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
E. S. Phelps, The statistical Theory of racism and sexism, American Economic review, LXII, september, 1972, pp. 659-661
Roland B Mincy, The Urban Institute Audit Studies : Their Research and ploicy Context. In Michael Fix and Raymond Strucky, eds, Clear and Convincing Evidence : Measurement of discrimination in America. Washington : The Urban Institute Press, 1993, pp. 165-186
G. Oettinger, Statisticals Discrimination and the Early Career Evolution of the Black-White Wage Gap. Journal of Labor Economics, 4 January 1994, pp. 52-78
rate research

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يقع اليوم مبدأ عدم التمييز في قلب النظام الاجتماعي على اختلاف مستوياته الوطنية فالإقليمية (الأوربية) وصولاً إلى الدولية. حيث تشكل محاربة هذه الظاهرة واحدة من العناصر الرئيسية للحقوق و القيم التي يقوم عليها هذا النظام. ففي غضون مدة زمنية قصيرة، استطاع المشرع الاجتماعي، و لاسيما في مجال العمل، أن يحقق تطورات كبيرة في إطار محاربة التمييز عن طريق وضع إطار قانوني تشريعي شبه متكامل لهذه الحماية. في هذا الإطار، يسعى البحث إلى تسليط الضوء على واقع هذه الحماية القانونية بأبعادها الثلاثة الدولية و الأوربية و العربية، و وضع المشرع العربي عموماً و السوري خصوصاً أمام مرآة نفسه بصورة موضوعية مجردة لجهة تبيان واقع هذه الحماية لديه. استناداً إلى ما تقدم، ينقسم مخطط البحث إلى ثلاثة مباحث رئيسة تتناول دراسة هذه الحماية على التوالي: أولاً، في التشريع الدولي، ثانياً، في التشريع الإقليمي (الأوربي)، ثالثاً و أخيراً في التشريع العربي.
تحاول هذه الدراسة إيضاح مبدأ عدم التمييز المنصوص عليه في المادة ( 14 ) من الميثاق الأوروبي لحماية حقوق الإنسان و الحريات الأساسية و ذلك عبر تحليل مجموعة من أحكام المحكمة الأوروبية لحقوق الإنسان .
Several principles are taken into account in the preparation of the general budget, some of them is to respect the organization of the general budget so as to ensure the right of the people and their representatives to be aware of it and monitor it s implementation in an easy way, and also to respect the time duration, the general budget needs to be prepared. The respect for these principles allow giving the legislative authority a greater control of the executive authority activity in the finance field. It also reflects the desire to give the resolution and the clarity to the document of general budget in order to reflect clearly the financial situation of the state. With the development of the concept of the state, its role, and the general budget, many countries have begun to abandon the commitment to these principles. Actually, this was not to give up entirely but it was limited in most cases to adopt a more flexible application of the principles referred to. Thus, the implementation of these principles and the adherence to them has become the subject of a significant difference between the public finance scholars. Therefore , some bodies criticize it, and others defend it, and present their arguments. The most important principles are: the principle of inclusiveness and unity. The principle of unity aims at preparing one document for the state budget, and represent its external frame. The principle of inclusiveness aims at filling this frame through a detailed registry of each estimation of the expenses and revenues without the offset between them, and therefore, it represents the internal content of the principle of unity. We chose this topic because of the close link between them and the importance of observance, as well as most countries commit to them. The study aimed at defining these principles, their justifications, and discussing the link between them, criticism, the exceptions, as well as the fundamental differences between them, and the research results.
Reviewed in this paper the most important conditions required by the legislation relating to rules of evidence, where we have to clarify the nature of electronic transactions based on the contracting without paper documents, and its importance and i ts role in facilitating the work of the government rather than paper documents. We concluded that the question of proof may constitute an obstacle to its development as the presence of paper documents is not consistent with the modern administration
Computer crimes are Intelligent crimes committed in secret. The offender has a high level of technical expertise, and the main objective is to undermine the owners of the programs and information and their rights, whether natural or legal persons, and may extend to include the state and its secrets. The multiplicity of these crimes makes it difficult to detect, and pursue the offender, because they do not leave any trace behind. This makes it more difficult to prove and investigate.

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