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تجليات الفضاء التنويري في أدب فرنسيس المراش

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 Publication date 2007
  fields Arabic
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
الأخطل: شعر الأخطل (صنعة السكري)، تح. د. فخر الدين قباوة، دار الأصمعي . بحلب، ط1 1971.
باروت، جمال: حركة التنوير العربية في القرن التاسع عشر حلقة حلب، . وزارة الثقافة، دمشق، 1994.
جبران، جبران خليل: المجموعة الكاملة (العربية)، دار صادر ودار بيروت، . بيروت، 1964.
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The term greatness was taken on multiple meanings, and different ways. However in the Islamic Arab thought, which Al-Motanabby belongs to this concept was based on an essential point which is perfection. In other words, perfection is the core of g reatness and the most important feature in it is glory. In Al-Motanabby's poetry, greatness was manifested in this sense, and included many elements of existence, but the clearest and most important image was the one of the great man. Therefore, we focus, in this study, on human greatness through two images: First, the great self, the image of Al-Motanabby him self. Second, the great hero, the image of Sayf-Aldawlah the ideal savior Arab hero . And as great is associated with beautiful for Al-Motanabby, so we clarified his understanding of this kind of beauty, to discover that it was from spiritual or mental word, and not from material one
The Andalusian prose has a history of greatness , and quality in which it is written . This research comes to prove the admiration of the Andalusian ى writers of the Oriental heritage in general , and poetry in particular, despite their different ideological and literary attitudes , by revealing the manifestations of poetic heritage in the Andalusian prose , and highlighting the most prominent poets influenced by the writers of Andalusia , and took from their poetic texts to meet their literary needs .
I admired the charm of "Signatures", their richness of vocabulary, construction, perfection and musical fusion .Each word is tightly connected to the other within an accurate literary form. And these might be a consequence of the characteristics o f this prose art and its being a product of persons who have many contributions in consolidating the pillars of the Islamic state, and its present and future . The Importance of this research comes from addressing one of these rhetorical arts (Antithesis) which are heavily present in "Signatures". It is clear that using (Antithesis) had special importance built on the personal experience, the aesthetic sense and the psychological effect, it is not only a mere articular decoration or playing on words .
This paper attempts at focusing on analyzing the poetic structure of a pre-and-post- Islamic poet who witnessed and lived in the early Islamic and Umayyad Eras. With regard to the objective, the paper is intended to shed light on the major features and master pieces of literary output, be its prose or verse, which is the human ego, the driving force and dynamo behind any human creativity. In this regard, the paper attempts at categorizing the major subjective characteristics of a famous poet, such as Al-Farazdaq, who represented a unique phenomenon on the creative, literary, and poetic scene, through the poetic satirical exchanges with Jareer, the Umayyad poet laureate. All this is being dealt with through trying to trace the major characteristics of this ego and the impact it had left on the Arab poetic output.
شكلَّ التراث رافداً مهماً في الأعمال القصصية الحديثة ؛لأنّ التراث هو الهوية الثقافية للأمة و أمينها ، و هو المدافع عنها أمام الثقافات الوافدة . من هنا اتجه زكريا تامر في قصصه إلى توظيف التراث ، و قد استطاع زكريا تامر مزج التراث بالأدب ، و الأدب بالت راث إذ إنّ العلاقة بينهما ليست علاقة إبداع و حسب ، و إنما هي علاقة اندماج ، و عشق بحيث يتحول التراث في وعي الكاتب إلى مكوّن ثقافي فاعل يتوسل به الكاتب فكريا و فنيا لتحقيق درجات التغيير ، و التواصل مع المتلقي. تتنوع المصادر التراثية في عالم زكريا تامر القصصي ، إذ نلتقي بمصادر تاريخية كعمر المختار و يوسف العظمة و صقر قريش و طارق بن زياد ، و مصادر إنسانية كجنكيز خان و هولاكو . و أخرى دينية كـقابيل و هابيل ، و النبي يوسف (ع)، و مصادر شعبية كالشاطر حسن ، و مما يلاحظ أنّ الكاتب وظف هذه الرموز بشكل دقيق فنيّاً و معنوياً ممّا أدى إلى إثراء عالمه القصصي.
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