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The Art of "Antithesis" in the Art of Signatures

فن الطباق في أدب التوقيعات

1451   1   45   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2011
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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I admired the charm of "Signatures", their richness of vocabulary, construction, perfection and musical fusion .Each word is tightly connected to the other within an accurate literary form. And these might be a consequence of the characteristics of this prose art and its being a product of persons who have many contributions in consolidating the pillars of the Islamic state, and its present and future . The Importance of this research comes from addressing one of these rhetorical arts (Antithesis) which are heavily present in "Signatures". It is clear that using (Antithesis) had special importance built on the personal experience, the aesthetic sense and the psychological effect, it is not only a mere articular decoration or playing on words .

References used
الإيضاح في علوم البلاغة للخطيب القزويني، دار الكتب العلمية، بيروت- لبنان, تاريخ بلا.
البديع في شعر شوقي، د. منير سلطان، منشأة المعارف، الإسكندرية، ط 2 1992 م، تاريخ بلا.
بديع القرآن لابن أبي الإصبع المصري، تقديم حنفي محمد شرف- دار نهضة مصر.
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The research includes: an Introduction which gave the definition of the movement (ancient and modern) and shows the movement in the artwork and its divisions: virtual and physical external and internal movement. 1 – The external virtual and physic al movement that can be extrapolated through the creation of the artwork and the relationship of elements to each other. The researcher provides the metal works that are related to parts of the joints moving and refers to Calder as a leader of this method in sculpture. 2 - The internal Movement in the work of art: starting from movement of the point to form a line, then the surface, down to the size of three-dimensional work, and the movement of diodes within the artwork. Stages of the vision of the artwork it is: split into three phases a - from the standpoint of sensory, that is, through sight movement, and the transition between the elements of the artwork, b - the analytical and cognitive process of the similar or contrasting binaries of art work trends of elements in it, and its interlocutor, c - the process of mind which includes The story behind the artwork. The researcher finally deals the rhythm of the movement in the work of art, the futurism, and structural sculpture through "Tatlin" and "Boccioni" and others. The research ends with analyzing two artworks for the artists: Picasso and Maillol.
The current study aims at investigating the art of the essay artice Mikhail Naima who is considered one of the main pillars in Al-mahjar school and one of the most prominent and active members of Al-Rābi ah al-Qalamiyah. He was a model of enlighte nment in the Arabic culture as well as one of the most famous Arab writers in the field of article, he has his own style in this art reflected his spontaneous and special taste. Naima had wondered a lot in this field and wrote a lot of articles that reflected his vast knowledge of different kinds of arts and sciences. His articles were an important addition to the Arabic culture and enriched the Arabic library as well. Naima Articles can be found in many books such as (Alqhirbal) which held the most of his critical, cultural and creative works. It is worth to mentioning, other books such as Zaad Al-Miad, Al-Byader, Al-Nour and Dayjour and Fi Mahb Al-Ryeh. In those books he listed his opinions and reflections in the universe, humans and life as well, making those books as landmarks in the world of literature.
The axis of my research is the RUSSIAN EX-LIBRIS , which is spread ,and its subject has developed in Russia , and was used in the printing factories and in the general and special libraries , it has been divided into 4 divisions: 1- With motto 2- With the first letters of the name and the surname. 3- With a subject. 4- With letters ( The letter plays the principle role in the formation.)
The research clarifies the aspect of the monument, its position, types and different forms since ancient times till now. It also shows the development of its raw materials, ratio and fitness with the space as well as the variations in its classifi cation standards throughout history. This research also handles the effective role of a monumental work in fixing high values in human memory and developing the architectural social reality and organizing the site and place that it occupies not only making it beautiful. The monument is a long term symbol embodied in the meanings reflected by its artistic forms which are full of human and mental senses. This research approaches the issue of majority ignorance of the importance and value of a monument in our countries. Arabic people have a minor or even no knowledge at all of the statue. Efforts should be made to strengthen the relationship between individuals and monumental works as well as architecture in a way that will bring positive results for both and for our homelands.
The ancient civilization of Mesopotamia expressed widely its high levels of political and civilized development at that time. That progress reflected on the evolution of all aspects of life, especially on the artistic one. Since ancient times, Mural Art got an obvious role in bringing religion closer to the minds of people through decorating temples and taking care of its ornamentation and graphics. Mesopotamia was distinguished for its prodigious artistic production, which was well known by its precision in expressing various topics. The Assyrians made a revolution in the history of Murals art by suggesting depth within the painting itself. The Assyrian art was also superior in showing the physical strength in the human, animal and predators' forms. It also focused on documenting the of glory of heroism and military victories.
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