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Applying Factor Analysis for Studying the Most Important Factors Economic Affecting the number of employees within period 2000 till 2009 in Syria

تطبيق التحليل العاملي في دراسة أهم العوامل الاقتصاديّة المؤثّرة في تغيّر عدد المشتغلين خلال الفترة 2000-2009 في سورية

1854   0   103   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2013
  fields Economy
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The objective of this research is applying Factor Analysis for Studying the most important economic factors affecting the number of employees within period 2000 till 2009 in Syria, to propose a methodological framework for constructing the integrated factor analysis model system (FAMS) that can be used as a decision support tool in employment year examination and supervision process for detection of years, which are experiencing serious problems. Sample and variable set of the study contains 17 economic variables. Study years (10 years during the period 2000–2009) and their economic variables. Well known multivariate statistical technique (principal component analysis), was used to explore the basic economic characteristics of the theses years, and discriminant models were estimated based on these characteristics to construct FAMS. The importance of factor analysis model system in employment year examination was evaluated with respect to defining the non-employment years for deciding the most important employment policy for reducing unemployment rates in future. Results of the study show that, if FAMS was effectively employed within studied years, It is possible in this case to identify weaknesses, according to the years that have the number of employees is less than the overall average calculated over the period.

References used
DUBROV, A. " Applied Multivariate Data Analysis", Statistical, Moscow, 1992, 78
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ONWUMERE, J; OKORO, U.” Factors Affecting Manpower Capacity Development among Agribusiness-Based Entrepreneurial Organizations in Abia State, Nigeria”, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike, Abia State, Nigeria, 2012
rate research

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This study aimed at identifying the best indicators representing economic factors using Factor Analysis, as well as developing a mathematical model linking principal components which represent both the economic factors and consumer spending in Syri a using Multi-linear regression analysis. A descriptive analytical approach is used in this study. The study results from Factor Analysis show that there are three principal components which best represent the economic factors. The first component includes: the number of workforce working for free, the number of paid workforce, consumer price index, the average annual GDP per capita. The second component includes: interest rate, self-employed workforce. The third component includes the number of employers. A mathematical model is developed to link the above three components of the economic factors and the total monthly household spending average in Syria during ( 2000-2010).
There are many ideas that come to the mind and many questions that keep coming to the mind when it comes to analyzing the phenomenon of using the methods and tools to help in the planning and making appropriate decisions. In this research we tried to display the importance of statistics and the most important methods depending on the number of variables used in this analysis: descriptive statistical indicators in case we had one variable, indexes in case we had two variables, and factor analysis and analysis of variance in case we had several variables. These methods were applied to production of irrigated wheat crop, both types soft and hard, during the period 2000 - 2010 and the factors affecting its production, such as: the cultivated area, yield, fertilizers, water, the average cost and the average price. Then the data were analyzed using the Statistical package SPSS and program Excel. After that, they summarized in two main factors that justify together (86.116%) of the overall variance. The first factor was related to the land and everything related to it through a set of variables, which are: the cultivated area and the need to fertilizers and water., The second factor was the importance of the selling price of the crop per kilogram.
The research aims to study the relationship between the health situation variables and a group of economic variables in Syria during the Period (2000-2011), as the research aims to create a mathematical model that illustrates the relationship betwe en them using Canonical Analysis. The most significant results as follows: - There is a very strong and statistically significant correlation between health level variables and economic variables. - The result of canonical analysis shows that national income per capita is the most influential variable in health-level variables, followed by total investments, and hence average per capita gross domestic product, and then the revised rate of activity. - The result of canonical analysis shows that the average population per bed and crude mortality rate have a strong impact on economic variables. - We have come to build a mathematical model that represents the relationship between health level variables and economic variables.
This study aimed at using Multi-Variables Analysis in classifying household spending in Syria and identifying which of the social factors considered in the study influence significantly this classification and which do not. The most prominent resu lts were: the possibility of classifying household spending into three levels (high, medium and low), there is a statistical significance of the factors (the percentage of urban population to total population, university education and above, number of married people and those in marriage age ) on the household spending classification. There is no statistical significance of the factors (educational levels below university education, non-married people, divorced or being widowed) on the household spending classification.
Foreign direct investment FDI has been started to play a major role in supporting the growth of the economies of developing countries since the eighties of the last century, taking advantage of the rapid spread of information and communication tech nology ICT and the trend towards a market economy in most developing countries and trade liberalization in them. These countries began to depend more on foreign direct investment because of the great benefits that derive from it in terms of capital, employment and increase in exports, or in terms of obtaining the modern technology which is necessary to achieve the economic development. In Syria, foreign direct investment flows started to increase since 2003 as a result of the new directions of the Syrian government to open up to domestic and foreign private sector, and reliance on the market economy. The objective of this research is to shed light on the reality of foreign direct investment in Syria, and to clarify the impact of this investment on economic growth during the period 2000-2010. It has reached to find out that this effect was weak.

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