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The Effect of NaCl Salinity on Germination, Growth of Tomato Sprit and ES-30502 Rootstocks, and Nutrient Acquisition in Nutrient Culture

تأثير ملوحة NaCl في إنبات أصلي البندورة Sprit و ES-30502، و نموهما، و امتصاصهما للعناصر الغذائية في الزراعة المائية

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 Publication date 2015
  fields Groves
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study aim at investigating the tolerance of two tomato rootstock (Sprit and ES- 30502) widely speared in Syria and used for crafting some tomato hybrids grown in green houses for different salinity levels (0- 25- 50- 75- 100- 150 mM NaCl). The results show that the germination of rootstock Sprit seeds was not influenced by high salinity 150 mM despite a delay of 1-2 days compared with the control. A reduction of 15% was observed in the rootstock ES-30502 at 100 and 150 mM NaCl salinity levels, in addition to slower percentage rate of germination. In contrast, the effect of salinity on the development of the radical and rootlet was more pronounced in Sprit compared to ES- 30502. Salinity decreased the growth of both shoots and roots, and also decreased nutrient acquisition in both rootstocks, but to a lesser degree in ES-30502. The uptake of K was not greatly affected and concentrations in shoot remained normal. The concentrations of Ca and Mg were also not affected by salinity. The most pronounced effect of salinity was on nitrogen effect (NO3) which was reduced greatly in both rootstocks. This was accompanied by accumulation of free NO3 ions in the shoot tissue (58 and 45 % of total N uptake at salinity level of 150 mM). It is most likely that toxicity of Na and Cl ions, and consequent osmotic changes in cell tissue led to slower nitrate reductase activity (NRA) and accumulation of NO3.

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Research summary
تستهدف هذه الدراسة تقييم تحمل نوعين من أصول البندورة (Sprit وES-30502) المنتشرة في سوريا لمستويات مختلفة من ملوحة NaCl (0-25-50-75-100-150 ميليمول). أظهرت النتائج أن إنبات بذور الأصل Sprit لم يتأثر بالملوحة حتى عند التركيز العالي 150 ميليمول، بينما انخفض معدل الإنبات بنسبة 15% في الأصل ES-30502 عند نفس التركيز. ومع ذلك، كانت تأثيرات الملوحة أكثر سلبية على تطور البادرات ونمو الريشة والجذير للأصل Sprit مقارنة بالأصل ES-30502. كما أدت الملوحة إلى انخفاض نمو المجموعين الخضري والجذري وامتصاص العناصر الغذائية لكلا الأصلين، ولكن كان التأثير أقل وضوحاً في الأصل ES-30502. لم يتأثر امتصاص البوتاسيوم بشكل كبير، بينما كان التأثير الأبرز على امتصاص النترات التي انخفضت وتراكمت في المجموع الخضري بصورتها الحرة. يُعزى تراكم النترات إلى تباطؤ عمل أنزيم إرجاع النترات بسبب سمية شاردتي Na وCl في الأنسجة النباتية وتغيرات الضغط الأسموزي في الأنسجة الخلوية.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تُعد هذه الدراسة مهمة لفهم تأثير الملوحة على نمو وامتصاص العناصر الغذائية في أصول البندورة، ولكن هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، كان من الأفضل تضمين أنواع أخرى من أصول البندورة لمقارنة أوسع. ثانياً، لم يتم التطرق بشكل كافٍ إلى الآليات الجزيئية التي تفسر تحمل الملوحة. ثالثاً، كان من الممكن تقديم تحليل اقتصادي لتكلفة زراعة هذه الأصول في بيئات مالحة. وأخيراً، كان من الأفضل إجراء تجارب ميدانية إضافية للتحقق من النتائج المخبرية في ظروف زراعية حقيقية.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الهدف الرئيسي من الدراسة؟

    الهدف الرئيسي هو تقييم تحمل نوعين من أصول البندورة (Sprit وES-30502) لمستويات مختلفة من ملوحة NaCl وتأثيرها على الإنبات والنمو وامتصاص العناصر الغذائية.

  2. كيف تأثرت بذور الأصل Sprit بالملوحة؟

    لم تتأثر بذور الأصل Sprit بالملوحة حتى عند التركيز العالي 150 ميليمول، ولكن تأخر الإنبات لمدة 1-2 يوم مقارنة بالشاهد.

  3. ما هو التأثير الأبرز للملوحة على العناصر الغذائية؟

    التأثير الأبرز كان على امتصاص النترات التي انخفضت وتراكمت في المجموع الخضري بصورتها الحرة.

  4. ما هي الفروقات بين الأصلين Sprit وES-30502 في تحمل الملوحة؟

    الأصل ES-30502 أظهر تحملًا أفضل للملوحة مقارنة بالأصل Sprit من حيث نمو البادرات وامتصاص العناصر الغذائية.

References used
ABOUTALEBI, A. and JOHRAMI, F. A. Effect of NaCl on vegetative characters of Cl, Na and K concentration of tomato (Lycopersiom esculantum) plant. Annals boil. Res. 2013, 4, 178-182
ADAMS J. F and DOERGE, T. A. Soil Salinity and Soil Acidity as Factors in Plant Nutrition. Future Developments in Soil Science Research, 1987, 193-203
rate research

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An experiment was conducted in a greenhouse growing tomato plant in sand nutrient culture with variable ratios of Ca:Mg and potassium in the nutrient solution. The aim was to evaluate productivity parameters and marketable fruit production. The exp eriment consisted of four Ca:Mg ratios (4:6, 5:5, 7.5:2.5, and 10:0.5 mM/L-1), along with three K concentrations 0.5, 3, and 4.5 mM/L-1 in the nutrient solution. There were 12 treatment each has three replicates. In spite of the increase in weight and volume of fruits with increasing Ca:Mg ratios and potassium concentrations, the increase in fruit number on the plant with increasing Ca:Mg ratio to (5:5) and 6 mM K has the main effect on plant productivity and marketable fruits. In this treatment plants produced 49 fruit/plant resulted from 5 fruit punches. Most of the physiological disorder symptoms spread on fruits was blotchy shoulders, which was associated directly with low potassium concentration in the growth medium, which negatively influenced the marketable fruit production.
The objective of this study is to compare the effect of five different Nacl concentration (0,50,100,150,200 mM) on seeds germination and seedling growth of two cultivars of soybean (sb-44,sb-172). Seeds were germinated in petri dishes with sterile filter paper moistened with 10 ml of test solution at 25 c˚ in dark . The obtained results showed that germination percentage , length of root and hypocotyl were decreased with the increase of the Nacl concentration in the medium. The best values was from cultivar sb-44 . After seven days of incubation , significant differences were observed between control and treated seeds . Germinated seeds were subcultured on basal Murashige and Skoog medium solid at the same Nacl concentration . The roots growth was mor affected by 200 mM Nacl compared to seedling growth . Plantlets were transfered into pots with nutrient soil , irrigated with saline water and were adapted at laboratory . we obtained good plants grew to maturity in 10- 12 weeks .
The objective of this study is to compare the effect of five different Nacl concentration (0,50,100,150,200 mM) on seeds germination and seedling growth of two cultivars of soybean (sb-44,sb-172). Seeds were germinated in petri dishes with sterile filter paper moistened with 10 ml of test solution at 25 c˚ in dark . The obtained results showed that germination percentage , length of root and hypocotyl were decreased with the increase of the Nacl concentration in the medium. The best values was from cultivar sb-44 . After seven days of incubation , significant differences were observed between control and treated seeds . Germinated seeds were subcultured on basal Murashige and Skoog medium solid at the same Nacl concentration . The roots growth was mor affected by 200 mM Nacl compared to seedling growth . Plantlets were transfered into pots with nutrient soil , irrigated with saline water and were adapted at laboratory . we obtained good plants grew to maturity in 10- 12 weeks .
The aim of this research was studying effects of traditional heat treatments used in hen egg preparing in nutrient compounds content and nutrient value. This research was conducted in internal trade and consumer protection directorate laboratories.
This search was carried out in Abi Garash farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University to study the efficiency of using “Agerton” as a fertiliser; either by irrigation or a foliar spry on tomato seedling. Four varieties were used (Astona, Tyr ad, E26 and Local). Results showed that the treatment by the fertilizer resulted in an increase in growth thorough the plant length increasing. This increase was about 1.1 and 1.2 folds for all varieties and types of treatment (irrigation and foliar spry), as compared to the control. Moreover, the using of fertilizer led to a significant increase in the yield of plant, which increased by 1.2 and 1.5 in Astona; 1.2 and 1.4 in E26, 2.2 and 2.3 in Local and 1.5 and 2 in Tyrade, for the treatment of irrigation and foliar spry, respectively.

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