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The Role of Unconventional Financial Methods in Developing the Syrian Maritime Merchant Fleet

دور الأساليب المالية غير التقليدية في تنمية الأسطول التجاري البحري السوري

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 Publication date 2015
  fields Economy
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The Syrian merchant fleet has experienced severe conditions in the last years due to the impacts of the world economic crisis, the hostile western sanctions imposed on the fleet units, and the increasing trend by many Syrian ship-owners to sell their ships. Hence, this research has been prepared to examine the role of unconventional financial methods and their role in the process of getting the different brands and models necessary develop the Syrian merchant fleet; primarily containership. The research concluded that the high prices of ships and the difficulty of finding the huge investments required for the direct purchase of models, brands and loads necessary made more difficult for developing countries , like Syria, to pursue the style of direct purchase of ships. So the research displays and analyses a number of unconventional financial measures through which it becomes possible to develop the Syrian merchant fleet and override the difficulty of direct purchase are to be used to overcome this difficulty. These measures may include time charter, voyage charter, bareboat charter, financial leasing ,and legislating the laws necessary to organize these measures. The research asserts that Syrian economic sectors should strongly support the fleet by offering facilities and support for the fleet development process, moreover , commercial banks should work on rescheduling the loans of troubled shipping companies which suffer difficulties due to the above mentioned reasons .

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Research summary
تناول البحث الذي أعده الدكتور أيمن خليل النحراوي دور الأساليب المالية غير التقليدية في تنمية الأسطول التجاري البحري السوري، وذلك في ظل التحديات التي واجهها الأسطول خلال السنوات الماضية، مثل الأزمة المالية العالمية والإجراءات العدوانية الغربية وزيادة عمليات تشطيب السفن. يهدف البحث إلى دراسة كيفية استخدام الأساليب المالية غير التقليدية للحصول على السفن اللازمة لتنمية الأسطول، مثل إيجار السفن بأنواعه والإيجار التمويلي. خلص البحث إلى أن الأسعار الباهظة للسفن وصعوبة تدبير الاستثمارات الضخمة تجعل من الصعب على الدول النامية، بما في ذلك سوريا، انتهاج أسلوب الشراء المباشر للسفن. لذا، يقترح البحث استخدام الأساليب المالية غير التقليدية كبديل فعال. كما يؤكد البحث على أهمية تشريع القوانين المنظمة لهذه الأساليب ودعم المجتمع البحري السوري للشركات الملاحية، بالإضافة إلى ضرورة إعادة جدولة القروض للشركات الملاحية المتعثرة.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: يعتبر البحث ذو أهمية كبيرة في ظل التحديات الاقتصادية والسياسية التي تواجه سوريا. ومع ذلك، يمكن القول إن البحث يفتقر إلى بعض التفاصيل العملية حول كيفية تنفيذ الأساليب المالية غير التقليدية المقترحة. كما أن البحث قد استفاض في شرح الأساليب المالية بشكل نظري دون تقديم أمثلة عملية كافية من تجارب دول أخرى مشابهة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، لم يتناول البحث بشكل كافٍ كيفية تجاوز العقبات القانونية والإدارية التي قد تواجه تنفيذ هذه الأساليب في سوريا.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي التحديات الرئيسية التي واجهها الأسطول التجاري البحري السوري في السنوات الماضية؟

    التحديات الرئيسية تضمنت الأزمة المالية العالمية، الإجراءات العدوانية الغربية، وزيادة عمليات تشطيب السفن.

  2. ما هي الأساليب المالية غير التقليدية التي يقترحها البحث لتنمية الأسطول التجاري البحري السوري؟

    الأساليب المالية غير التقليدية تشمل إيجار السفن بأنواعه والإيجار التمويلي.

  3. لماذا يعتبر الشراء المباشر للسفن صعباً بالنسبة للدول النامية مثل سوريا؟

    لأن الأسعار الباهظة للسفن وصعوبة تدبير الاستثمارات الضخمة تجعل من الصعب على الدول النامية انتهاج أسلوب الشراء المباشر.

  4. ما هي التوصيات التي يقدمها البحث لدعم الشركات الملاحية السورية؟

    التوصيات تشمل تشريع القوانين المنظمة للأساليب المالية غير التقليدية، دعم المجتمع البحري للشركات الملاحية، وإعادة جدولة القروض للشركات الملاحية المتعثرة.

References used
ISL Shipping Statistics and Market Review, International Institute of Shipping and Logistics, Bremen , Germany ,2012, P.14
UNCTAD, “Container Ship Leasing”, TD/B/C.4/AC8/12, September, 2009
Scrutton on Charter Parties and Bills of Lading, 20th Edition, London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1996, P.236
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Based on the strategic and economic importance of the Syrian Merchant Fleet, this research paper was prepared to illustrate and analyze the current situation of this fleet under the prevailing circumstances, taking into account the impacts of the lat est world economic crisis on the fleet, as well as the hostile western sanctions and procedures imposed on the fleet units, the researcher discussed the impact of the latest world economic crisis on the world maritime industry with emphasis on the world merchant fleet , global shipping market and on the Syrian Merchant Fleet which like many countries fleets was negatively affected by the crisis, added to this negative impacts those which were caused by the hostile sanctions and procedures imposed by the western countries against the Syrian Merchant Fleet , the researcher asserted that other Syrian economic society sectors should form a crisis management entity, including banks to support the Syrian Merchant fleet, moreover what was recommended of establishing maritime private limited companies as new business entities and grant the separation between ownership and management.
Nowadays, the world witnesses a great knowledge wealth that has allowed the developed countries to transform their economies into what is called « Knowledge Economy ». This term, entirely, means producing, spreading and using knowledge in between its sectors by investing in its fundamental constituents that are manifested in education, research and development. Through this research, we aim at showing the notions related to the knowledge economy and at the diagnosis of its practical fact in Algeria by presenting the principal challenges that faced this new type of economy and by looking for the mechanisms which must be adopted by the state in order to overcome these obstacles.
The researcher addressed the concept of unconventional oil, and factors affecting its production policy in a worldwide scale, then diagnosed the reality of oil production in Syria and the most important techniques used in the Syrian oil fields. Fi nally, the researcher determine the most important investment requirements for oil exploitation, and the potential returns of investing unconventional oil fields in Syria.
This research aimed at determining the role of intellectual capital in developing the competitive Tishreen University Abilities in both education and scientific research. The researcher relied on the methodological approach as a general approach to r esearch, followed the methodology of the survey, and a set of methods, including relying on secondary and primary data through a questionnaire that was organized by the researcher's knowledge of published literature. He distributed the questionnaire to 331 members of the faculty of Tishreen University, 263 of which were recovered, and 13 were not valid for analysis in the research community comprised of staff in Tishreen University faculty, of the 2376 respondents according to statistics of the Directorate of Statistics and Planning, and then used the appropriate statistical tests, such as simple regression, and rely on a programme SPSS is applying to be a tool for analysis of Data available. The main conclusion was a moral role, an Acceptable correlation between intellectual capital and competitive ability. Some suggestions and recommendations were presented to improve the relationship, which is the most important: the need to work for improvement of the level of education and scientific research in order to achieve the university's competitive ability.

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