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The organization of labor in the commercial bank of Syria by using queuing theory

استخدام صفوف الانتظار في تنظيم عمل المصرف التجاري السوري

1708   1   50   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
  fields Economy
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The commercial bank of Syria produces various banking services, and its branches trying to gratify its clients, and attracting new clients. It is trying to achieve its clients every time, and to inquire this ideal, it confronts many problems, one of these is overcome jam, that we can find in every branches, and it happened when the serves had not organized. So the serves was not be good, and the client was not be gratifying. In this research, we want to study the kind of expected rate arrival, so we watched rate arrival for the year 2010 in the first branch of the commercial bank of Syria in lattakia city. We expected a relationship between the rate arrival and the time, and find good work planet to organization the work by using queuing theory, we find number of certain servers that to be from 14 to 18 certain to produce service in the shorter time.

References used
غدير ، باسم ، 2003 – العالم الرقمي وآلية تحليل البيانات . دار الرضا للنشر ، دمشق. ص 220
بقجة جي ، صباح الدين ؛ الجراد ، خلف مطر ، 1982 – بحوث العمليات .جامعة دمشق ، دمشق. ص 165
العلي ،إبراهيم ، 2004 - مدخل إلى بحوث العمليات . جامعة تشرين ، اللاذقية . ص 431
rate research

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The objective of this research is to analyze the time series of labor productivity in the Commercial Bank of Syria for a period of ninety days. The pattern of change in productivity is identified in order to construct a model that helps predict the values of productivity. So we used Box Jenkins models in this study by using statistical methods Such as the ADF, PP KPSS and Q stat tests to detect that the series is Non stationary, but when the first difference was taken, the series becomes stationary, and confirmed by the same previous tests. A series of time series models were then filtered based on Autocorrelation (ACF) and Partial Autocorrelation(PACF). After selecting between several candidate models, by applying some statistical methods such as MSE and BIC, we selected the best time series model ARIMA (1,1,1). The significance of its coefficients was determined using t
The research aims to determine the level of governance of information technology available in the Commercial Bank of Syria Latakia using a form (COBIT) four dimensions: planning and organization, acquisition and implementation, delivery and support , monitoring and evaluation. The research on the survey methodology, and through the survey of administrators in the Commercial Bank of Syria to determine the level of application of IT governance model based on COBIT, a tool used for the control of information technology. Developed by the Institute of IT governance in the United States in 1992, and defines the business model of this (34) goal with a high level of control over the IT operations, it also provides the framework general standard applicable and acceptable for good security for information technology, and practices for the control of to strengthen the management needs to identify and follow up to ensure the appropriate level of information technology, also provides auditors set of measurements, and accepted indicators for good governance to help them give their opinion in the organization. Were distributed (43) The identification of the administrative officials of the Commercial Bank of Syria Latakia, was retrieved / 40 / identification of a complete and valid for statistical analysis, the response rate was 93.02%. The research found that the level of application of IT governance in the Commercial Bank of Syria Lattakia according to the framework (COBIT) is the four dimensions of the average level. The researcher recommended that it should be applied to measure model IT Governance Syrian commercial banks, according to model (COBIT), to be the yardstick for the level of IT governance, and an assistant to the banks to find out the status quo has.
The research presents a study and evaluation of the current situation of the Commercial Bank of Syria and the mechanism for implementation of its operations and goals to be achieved, through Balanced Scorecard also provides an explanation of the c oncept of Balanced Scorecard in terms of its dependence on four aspects are (financial - customers - internal processes- learning and growth). The study reached the following conclusions: that the bank has succeeded in achieving its objectives in profitability and security of banking, but it did not succeed in satisfying customers, in achieving the goal of improving internal operations, and it did not succeed in achieving learning and innovation in procedures and staff . The research was presented a set of recommendations including: Adoption of the concept of Balanced Scorecard in performance measurement and deepen his understanding of the culture of the bank, the need to focus attention to customers and their proposals and to achieve satisfaction, the need for attention to improving the quality of banking operations and provide services without errors as soon as possible, and to focus attention to human resources at the bank and enable work to increase the degree of employee satisfaction and improve productivity.
This research aims to introduce the essence and types of the operational risks and good practices to manage and control these risks in the Commercial Bank of Syria in accordance with the Monetary and Credit Council resolutions. Since the correct ap proach to the management of operational risks chosen by any bank depends on a variety of factors including the size enters the bank and its evolution and the nature of its activity and the level of complexity. The importance of research by highlighting the most important methods and indicators used to measure and calculate the operational risk capital requirement to meet those risks, and see how Commercial Bank of Syria's commitment to implement decisions of the Monetary and Credit Council for the management of operational risks. The most important of our findings provide an appropriate environment for the bank's operational risk management ,but there are weaknesses in the bank's ability to control and mitigate the operational risk.
The modern economic environment is characterized by its unstable variables due to the increasing competition conditions and the great technological development in various fields. This requires various sectors of the economy, including banks, to co ntinuously strive to keep abreast of developments and to find competitive advantages that will enable them to continue and stay in the market. The aim of the research is to study the extent to which Syrian banks have achieved competitive advantage based on the subjective indicators by comparing them of the Commercial Bank of Syria and the Bank of Syria and overseas. A basic hypothesis was drawn up, with three sub-hypotheses, which were tested by the Statistical Package for Social Sciences, SPSS V (23). The researcher came up with several results, the most important of which are: The Commercial Bank of Syria and the Bank of Syria and overseas achieve a competitive advantage, Commercial Bank of Syria outperforms in the indices of capital adequacy and liquidity and quality of employees, while the Bank of Syria and overseas outperforms in the index of information systems and technology.

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