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Determining the level of IT governance applicable Commercial Bank of Syria in Lattakia according to a framework (COBIT)

تحديد مستوى حوكمة تكنولوجيا المعلومات المطبق في المصرف التجاري السوري باللاذقية وفق إطار عمل (COBIT)

1897   8   185   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The research aims to determine the level of governance of information technology available in the Commercial Bank of Syria Latakia using a form (COBIT) four dimensions: planning and organization, acquisition and implementation, delivery and support, monitoring and evaluation. The research on the survey methodology, and through the survey of administrators in the Commercial Bank of Syria to determine the level of application of IT governance model based on COBIT, a tool used for the control of information technology. Developed by the Institute of IT governance in the United States in 1992, and defines the business model of this (34) goal with a high level of control over the IT operations, it also provides the framework general standard applicable and acceptable for good security for information technology, and practices for the control of to strengthen the management needs to identify and follow up to ensure the appropriate level of information technology, also provides auditors set of measurements, and accepted indicators for good governance to help them give their opinion in the organization. Were distributed (43) The identification of the administrative officials of the Commercial Bank of Syria Latakia, was retrieved / 40 / identification of a complete and valid for statistical analysis, the response rate was 93.02%. The research found that the level of application of IT governance in the Commercial Bank of Syria Lattakia according to the framework (COBIT) is the four dimensions of the average level. The researcher recommended that it should be applied to measure model IT Governance Syrian commercial banks, according to model (COBIT), to be the yardstick for the level of IT governance, and an assistant to the banks to find out the status quo has.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
يهدف هذا البحث إلى تحديد مستوى حوكمة تكنولوجيا المعلومات في المصرف التجاري السوري باللاذقية باستخدام نموذج COBIT. يتناول البحث أربعة أبعاد رئيسية: التخطيط والتنظيم، الاكتساب والتنفيذ، الدعم والتوصيل، المتابعة والتقييم. تم استخدام منهج المسح الإحصائي لاستقصاء آراء الإداريين في المصرف، حيث تم توزيع 43 استبانة واسترجاع 40 منها بنسبة استجابة بلغت 93.02%. توصل البحث إلى أن مستوى تطبيق حوكمة تكنولوجيا المعلومات في المصرف هو مستوى متوسط. أوصى الباحثون بضرورة تطبيق نموذج COBIT لقياس حوكمة تكنولوجيا المعلومات في المصارف السورية لتحسين الوضع الراهن.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: يعتبر البحث جيداً من حيث منهجيته واستخدامه لنموذج COBIT كأداة قياس. ومع ذلك، يمكن أن تكون هناك بعض النقاط التي تحتاج إلى تحسين. على سبيل المثال، كان من الممكن توسيع نطاق العينة لتشمل فروع أخرى من المصرف التجاري السوري لتحسين دقة النتائج. كما أن الاعتماد على استبيانات فقط قد لا يكون كافياً لتقييم مستوى الحوكمة بشكل شامل؛ كان من الممكن استخدام مقابلات أو دراسات حالة لتعزيز النتائج. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، لم يتم تناول تأثير العوامل الخارجية مثل البيئة الاقتصادية والسياسية على مستوى حوكمة تكنولوجيا المعلومات.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الهدف الرئيسي من البحث؟

    الهدف الرئيسي هو تحديد مستوى حوكمة تكنولوجيا المعلومات في المصرف التجاري السوري باللاذقية باستخدام نموذج COBIT.

  2. ما هي الأبعاد الأربعة التي يتناولها نموذج COBIT في البحث؟

    الأبعاد الأربعة هي: التخطيط والتنظيم، الاكتساب والتنفيذ، الدعم والتوصيل، المتابعة والتقييم.

  3. ما هي نسبة الاستجابة للاستبيانات التي تم توزيعها على الإداريين في المصرف؟

    نسبة الاستجابة بلغت 93.02%.

  4. ما هو مستوى تطبيق حوكمة تكنولوجيا المعلومات في المصرف التجاري السوري وفقاً للبحث؟

    مستوى تطبيق حوكمة تكنولوجيا المعلومات في المصرف هو مستوى متوسط.

References used
Hardy, Gary, "Strengthening IT Governance and Adding Value", Inherent Quality, Inherent Quality. Com, Web log Article, 2006, 1
Gherman, Marcelo and Eduardo Poggi, "The Cobit 4.0 Strategic Assessment", Modulo Security Risk Manger®/Modulo Security©, Copyright/, 2006. www. 1
Lan, M. Clayton and Bill D. Powell, "Introduction to IT Governance", Version 1.0.3, July 13th, 2005, distributed by current members of the organization, 2005, 1
rate research

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The study aimed to identify the impact of the application of IT governance in banks, according to the Syrian COBIT framework on the quality of the financial reports provided to its customers, a questionnaire was designed and distributed to the emp loyees of administrative levels (managers, internal auditor, Head of the Department, Head of the Department). The sample consisted of (198) are valid for a single analysis, and distributed among the (133) single for workers in the public banks, and (65) Single for workers in the private banks. Among the most important findings of the study: the presence of statistically significant effect of the application of IT governance in Syrian banks, according to a framework COBIT dimensions of the four on the quality of financial reports prepared by those banks, where it was found a positive relationship strong between the dimensions of governance of information technology-based framework COBIT and the characteristics of quality in the financial reports prepared by the Syrian banks.
The research aims to study the impact of information technology on the quality of banking services in the branches of the Commercial Bank of Syria province of Latakia. To achieve the objectives of the research, a questionnaire was developed and distr ibuted to 201 workers, and (183) questionnaire were suitable to analyze, a response rate (91.04%), and based on applying simple regression to assess the relationship between the information technology and the quality of banking service dimensions, the research found the following results: 1- There is a strong and positive correlation between the hardware equipment and the quality of banking service, where it was found that (79.7%) of the discrepancy in the quality of banking services is explained after the equipment. 2- There is a strong and positive correlation between a online banking service and service quality, it was found that (69.2%) of the discrepancy in the quality of banking services is explained after the Internet. 3- There is a strong and positive correlation between communications and banking service quality, where it was found that (65.9%) of the discrepancy in the quality of banking services is explained after the communication. 4- There are acceptable and positive correlation between post-efficiency of human resources and banking service quality, where it was found that (59.9%) of the discrepancy in the quality of banking services is explained by the efficiency of human resources.
The research aims to study the role of internal audit in the activation of governance in the Commercial Bank of Syria Latakia. To achieve the objectives of the research a questionnaire was designed and distributed to (43) managers of the bank Staff . The researcher used the descriptive method and analytical method using the tools necessary for the collection of evidence and data. After study and analysis was reached the following conclusions: 1- The application of an elaborate system of internal audit leads to the activation of governance in the Commercial Bank of Syria Latakia. 2- Making internal audit in accordance with professional standards of due diligence leads to the activation of governance in the Commercial Bank of Syria Latakia. 3- The independence of the internal audit departments leads to the activation of governance in the Commercial Bank of Syria Latakia. 4- The monitoring and evaluation systems and risk management procedures lead to the activation of governance in the Commercial Bank of Syria Latakia.
The commercial bank of Syria produces various banking services, and its branches trying to gratify its clients, and attracting new clients. It is trying to achieve its clients every time, and to inquire this ideal, it confronts many problems, one of these is overcome jam, that we can find in every branches, and it happened when the serves had not organized. So the serves was not be good, and the client was not be gratifying. In this research, we want to study the kind of expected rate arrival, so we watched rate arrival for the year 2010 in the first branch of the commercial bank of Syria in lattakia city. We expected a relationship between the rate arrival and the time, and find good work planet to organization the work by using queuing theory, we find number of certain servers that to be from 14 to 18 certain to produce service in the shorter time.
The research presents a study and evaluation of the current situation of the Commercial Bank of Syria and the mechanism for implementation of its operations and goals to be achieved, through Balanced Scorecard also provides an explanation of the c oncept of Balanced Scorecard in terms of its dependence on four aspects are (financial - customers - internal processes- learning and growth). The study reached the following conclusions: that the bank has succeeded in achieving its objectives in profitability and security of banking, but it did not succeed in satisfying customers, in achieving the goal of improving internal operations, and it did not succeed in achieving learning and innovation in procedures and staff . The research was presented a set of recommendations including: Adoption of the concept of Balanced Scorecard in performance measurement and deepen his understanding of the culture of the bank, the need to focus attention to customers and their proposals and to achieve satisfaction, the need for attention to improving the quality of banking operations and provide services without errors as soon as possible, and to focus attention to human resources at the bank and enable work to increase the degree of employee satisfaction and improve productivity.
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