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Modernity Contentious between Rooting and Innovation in the Arab Culture for Taha Abdul-Rahman

جدل الحداثة بين التأصيل و التجديد في الثقافة العربية عند طه عبد الرحمن

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 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study tried to examine Taha Abdul-Rahman’s position towards thecontemporary Arab Thought in terms of detecting the extent of seriousness of the application of the modernity concept. Modernity in the Arab culture was stuck between several different ideological trends since the heritage of originality representsmaintaining of priorities for research in modernity. However, Taha Abdul-Rahman refuses arguments of Western modernityas a lesion to the Arab Thought and heritage, prompting him to build an intellectual project based on innovation within the Arab-Islamic culture. The starting point was the idea of the Arab deliberative field. To hit conclusions, suchresults and generalizations cannot be reliable since it only included rooting idiosyncratic side of the Arab culture. The research shows within this context that itcannot accept these results and generalizations because Taha Abdul-Rahman based on the primitive field which did not cover allthe areas of the Arabic heritage.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة موقف طه عبد الرحمن من الفكر العربي المعاصر، مركزة على مدى تطبيق وجدية مفهوم الحداثة في هذا الفكر. يرفض طه عبد الرحمن مقولات الحداثة الغربية ويعتبرها آفة على الفكر العربي وتراثه، مما دفعه إلى بناء مشروع فكري أساسه الإبداع داخل الثقافة العربية الإسلامية. ينطلق من فكرة المجال التداولي العربي ليصل إلى نتائج مفادها أن الحداثة لا تقوم إلا من خلال تأصيل الجانب الفقهي في الثقافة العربية. ومع ذلك، ينتقد البحث هذه النتائج والتعميمات، مشيراً إلى أن طه عبد الرحمن استند إلى مجال ضيق شمل به كل التراث العربي، ونظر إلى الثقافة العربية على أنها مقلدة، مما يفرغها من أي هوية فكرية وحضارية عبر تاريخها الطويل.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: على الرغم من الجهود الكبيرة التي بذلها طه عبد الرحمن في محاولة تأصيل الحداثة داخل الثقافة العربية الإسلامية، إلا أن هناك بعض النقاط التي تحتاج إلى مراجعة. أولاً، اعتماده على مجال ضيق من التراث العربي قد يؤدي إلى تعميمات غير دقيقة. ثانياً، نظرته إلى الثقافة العربية على أنها مقلدة تتجاهل الإسهامات الكبيرة التي قدمتها هذه الثقافة عبر التاريخ. ثالثاً، رفضه الكامل للحداثة الغربية قد يحرم الفكر العربي من الاستفادة من بعض الجوانب الإيجابية لهذه الحداثة. وأخيراً، تأكيده على الجانب الفقهي فقط قد يحد من تنوع الفكر العربي ويجعله أقل انفتاحاً على التجديد والإبداع.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو موقف طه عبد الرحمن من الحداثة الغربية؟

    يرفض طه عبد الرحمن مقولات الحداثة الغربية ويعتبرها آفة على الفكر العربي وتراثه، مما دفعه إلى بناء مشروع فكري أساسه الإبداع داخل الثقافة العربية الإسلامية.

  2. ما هي الفكرة الأساسية التي ينطلق منها طه عبد الرحمن في مشروعه الفكري؟

    ينطلق طه عبد الرحمن من فكرة المجال التداولي العربي، ويعتبر أن الحداثة لا تقوم إلا من خلال تأصيل الجانب الفقهي في الثقافة العربية.

  3. ما هي الانتقادات التي يوجهها البحث إلى طه عبد الرحمن؟

    ينتقد البحث طه عبد الرحمن لاعتماده على مجال ضيق من التراث العربي، ونظرته إلى الثقافة العربية على أنها مقلدة، ورفضه الكامل للحداثة الغربية، وتأكيده على الجانب الفقهي فقط.

  4. كيف ينظر طه عبد الرحمن إلى العلاقة بين الدين والأخلاق؟

    يعتبر طه عبد الرحمن أن الدين والأخلاق شيء واحد، فلا دين بغير الأخلاق ولا أخلاق بغير الدين، ويرى أن الأخلاق هي الأساس في التجربة الإيمانية والعقل النظري.

References used
عبد الرحمن، طه. العمل الديني وتجديد العقل. ط (ثانية)، بيروت: المركز الثقافي العربي، 1997
عبد الرحمن، طه. روح الحداثة. ط (أولى)، بيروت: المركز الثقافي العربي، 2006
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The Arab Literary Heritage Is An Inexhaustible Source Inspiring A Great Deal Of Intellectual And Creative Facts Which Enrich The Ear Innovation. Thus, Dr. Abdul- Rahman Al-Basha Is One Of The Arab Intellectual Who Took A Look At The Arab Heritage And Assimilated It, Adding Intellectual, Critical And Literary Visions That Contributed To The Enrichment Of The Arab Library With The Importance Of This Heritage And What Originality It Has, Which Makes The Arabic Literature Grow Firm Roots. The Various Studies Weren,T Also Restricted To Clarifying The Heritage Importance, But They Came To Remove What Got Stuck In The Mind, Clearing Them Of Obstacles And Accusations With The Arab Thought Was Charged To Show The Ability Of Arab Writers And Intellectuals, And Dr. Abdul-Rahman Al-Basha Is On Of Them- Defending The Nation,S Creativity And Thinking Whether In Poetry Or In Thought In A Way That Serves The Intellectual And Cultural Development Of The Arab Nation Throughout History.
The presence of place in Abdul-Rahman Munif's Narratives is one of the principal characteristics of the modern Arabic Novel. We do not exaggerate to claim that the place has changed into a central character in his prosaic works, because it represen ts the primordial space to all prosaic components, and it stands as the cradle of all human existence, since it enjoys the possibility of transformation and summarizing concepts. Part of the problem that this piece of research endeavours to disclose depends on explaining the magnificent turbulances of place as a result of the human conduct which does not consider the ethical and human issues quite remarkably since it aims at achieving its totalitarian and materialistic interests at every cost. The great shifts of place in the novel Cities of Salt emerge as the outcome of the destructive human behaviour toward the virgin nature (intrinsically and extrinsically), where Munif concurrently struggles to uncover the underlying psychological, sociological, political and economic consequences that the human being of the Arab Peninsula has been exposed to. At the same time, we conclude that the place has also left observable impacts on mankind; henceforward, man starts complaining from alienation, disorientation and loss of identity owing to the grand shifts manifested by the place
The study was built on pursuing opinions of some contemporary researchers , then samples of the old critics' attitudes were displayed , it is two parts . The first part included two different trends of texts one of them is that on which the contem porary researchers have relied in an attempt to prove the old critics were fanatic and the other displayed several criticism texts of each old critic showing their positive critical attitudes towards the innovated poetry. The second part includes critical texts representing the critics' opinions from the end of the second century of Hegira until termination the dealing with the innovation in the Abbaside poetry issue.
This research paper deals with some of the aspects of creativity and innovation in this poet "AL-Buhturi", and their impact on deviation in the text. The deviation considered here is on that has to do with themes rather than language or rhetoric. We have depended on the main feature of deviation; that was attributed to him regarding all studies that tackled it, namely, surprise and violation of what is common. Therefore, we have concluded that surprise has mad the themes an important field of deviation.
- Resrearch aim at defining the concept of Drama and its progress through ages in both Greek and Roman theatre and distinguishing between dramatic,tragic work and dramatic,affective work - it also aims at revealing the relationship which binds Dra ma and Poetry , and how Drama interfere with poetry - and it aims at differentiating between epic and dramatic poetry , and it observes the interacting movement of Drama into old Arabic Poetry and then into modern Arabic Poetry.
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