حاول هذا البحث معالجة مسألة تعرض لها قانون حقوق المؤلف السوري لعام 2001 باقتضاب واضح. فهو يناقش أولاً ماهية قواعد البيانات من حيث تعريفها و خصائصها و ما يميزها عن سواها من المصنفات المحمية؛ ثم ينتقل إلى بيان الحقوق التي يمكن أن ترد عليها. بعد ذلك يدرس البحث الحماية التي أعطاها القانون السوري لأصحاب الحقوق في قواعد البيانات سواء كانوا مؤلفين أو
مستثمرين، مناقشاً ذلك في إطار الدراسة المقارنة مع التشريعات العربية و الأجنبية و الدولية. ليخلص في النهاية إلى ضرورة إفراد قواعد البيانات بأحكام قانونية أكثر تخصصاً و تلاؤماً مع طبيعتها المتميزة؛ ناصحاً أصحاب الحقوق عليها في الاهتمام بالحماية الاتفاقية لما توفره من عامل مساعد للوصول إلى حماية مرضية.
This research is on attempt to answer a question that is not dealt with completely
by the Syrian Copyright Act of 2001 the research argues the essence of databases, by
defining it, mentioning its characteristics and what makes it different from the other
protected compilations; then it shows the rights which may arise on databases. After
that, the research studies the protection which is granted by Syrian Law to the right
holders of databases, whether they are authors or investors, arguing, in the scope of
comparative study with, Arabic, foreign, and international statutes. the end, the
researcher Lott the need to include databases with more individualized legal rules,
which suit its special nature; the researcher recommends right holders to emphasize
the importance of contractual protection since it provides a helping factor in
reaching the satisfactory protection. ...
References used
Hladjk, Jőrg , The protection of databases under US and EU law – Sui generis right as an appropriate concept? – Part I – US law, Computer Law & Security Report Vol. 20 no. 4 2004, Elsevier, available at www.sciencedirect.com
Kierkegaard, Patrick and colleague, (Wikitopia: Balancing intellectual property rights within open source research databases), Computer Law & Security Review, Elsevier, 26/2010, available at www.sciencedirect.com
بدر، أسامة أحمد - الوسائط المتعددة الملتيميديا دراسة مقارنة، دار الكتب القانونية، مصر. المحلة الكبرى، 2006
This study aims to high light the effort of the Jordan legislator in order to developed
the Administrative Judiciary Law and defeat all the challenges for the advancement of law,
especially after the constitutional amendment in Jordan during 2011 .
This research intends to provide an explain about natural of socalled
intellectual property that has received considerable attention
legal and economic . Intellectual property is usually divided into
two branches. First one, industrial property, w
The administrative judiciary is specialized with halting the
implementation of the defected administration resolutions with
unlawfulness to provide protection for people who are subject to
these resolutions. However such protection requires the av
the abundance of intellectual and creative process. Find question arises: Are intellectual increasing
productivity within a specific time affect the quality of ideas? Where most people believe that this
relationship is inverse proportion when in fa
This research tackles important humanitarian issues, both old and new, dealt with by Al-Jahiz in his books and letters. The most important of which is the issue of intellectual freedom, mildness, and moderation. In the process of dealing with these m