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Summarization of German Court Rulings

تلخيص أحكام المحكمة الألمانية

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Historically speaking, the German legal language is widely neglected in NLP research, especially in summarization systems, as most of them are based on English newspaper articles. In this paper, we propose the task of automatic summarization of German court rulings. Due to their complexity and length, it is of critical importance that legal practitioners can quickly identify the content of a verdict and thus be able to decide on the relevance for a given legal case. To tackle this problem, we introduce a new dataset consisting of 100k German judgments with short summaries. Our dataset has the highest compression ratio among the most common summarization datasets. German court rulings contain much structural information, so we create a pre-processing pipeline tailored explicitly to the German legal domain. Additionally, we implement multiple extractive as well as abstractive summarization systems and build a wide variety of baseline models. Our best model achieves a ROUGE-1 score of 30.50. Therefore with this work, we are laying the crucial groundwork for further research on German summarization systems.

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This paper seeks to compare how the administrative disputes are seen before the Supreme Constitutional Court in relating to allegation of a Non-constitutional law or regulation relates to adjudicate in the case seeing before the Administrative Cour t or the Supreme Administrative Court in Jordan and Egypt. Therefore, this study aims to highlight how the administrative disputes are seen before the Supreme Constitutional Court in relating to allegation of a Non-constitutional law or regulation relates to adjudicate in the case seeing before the Administrative Court or the Supreme Administrative Court. It is true that prior to the enacting of the Administrative Justice Act No. 27 of 2014 , the Jordanian legislator used to deal with the High Court of Justice as one of the special judicial authorities, which may raise the case of allegation of unconstitutionality directly, similar to the Court of Cassation. Unlike the substantive Court which sees the case, the Jordan legislator obliged it to raise the allegation of unconstitutionality to the Court of Cassation. The Court of Cassation will decide whether to raise the appeal of unconstitutionality or not. As for the Egyptian context, Egypt depends on the law of the State Council No. 48 of 1979. This law 1979 entrusted to Court of Administrative Justice Administrative Court and the Supreme Administrative Court to raise alleged unconstitutionality law directly to the Supreme Constitutional Court.
This research mainly is based on one basic topic, namely, the observation of German-Saudi relations in the period prior to the Second World War. This study focuses on brief historical presentation of Arab- European relation in the light of the imp ortant historical events which took place in the period between the world wars, it also observes the foreign policy of Germany and its position in the stage of international policy Furthermore, the research answers legitimate questions such as: To what extent had Germany responded to the Saudi request for providing the kingdom with advanced weapons ? What is the strategy of king Abdul Aziz AL Saud in foreign policy? And What are the most important results of the German- Saudi relations on the eve of the Second World War?
تسببت الزيادة الكبيرة في كمية المعلومات المتاحة في الانترنت من مختلف المصادر في السنوات الأخيرة إلى صعوبة الوصول والبحث في النصوص الكبيرة عن المعلومة المطلوبة بسرعة وكفاءة وكان من الصعب جداً استخراج تلاخيص النصوص بشكل يدوي وذلك بسبب النمو الهائل للمع لومات بشكل يومي لذلك أصبح من الضروري استخراج التلاخيص تلقائياً من نص واحد أو عدة نصوص لذلك سنتطرق في بحثنا إلى أهم الأساليب والطرق في عمليات التلخيص في الأعوام السابق
The Statute of the International Criminal Court authorized the appeal of its judgments in two ways: ordinary, an appeal, an extraordinary review of judgments, and in the eyes of both appeals the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court. The international legislator organized the grounds, procedures, provisions and effects of the appeal, Much more than what was prescribed in national legislation.
The widespread use of the Internet and the rapid dissemination of information poses the challenge of identifying the veracity of its content. Stance detection, which is the task of predicting the position of a text in regard to a specific target (e.g . claim or debate question), has been used to determine the veracity of information in tasks such as rumor classification and fake news detection. While most of the work and available datasets for stance detection address short texts snippets extracted from textual dialogues, social media platforms, or news headlines with a strong focus on the English language, there is a lack of resources targeting long texts in other languages. Our contribution in this paper is twofold. First, we present a German dataset of debate questions and news articles that is manually annotated for stance and emotion detection. Second, we leverage the dataset to tackle the supervised task of classifying the stance of a news article with regards to a debate question and provide baseline models as a reference for future work on stance detection in German news articles.

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