يستند هذا البحث إلى ركيزة أساسية، هي تتبع التطور التاريخي للعلاقات الألمانية - السعودية في حقبة ما قبل الحرب العالمية الثانية، و ركزت الدراسة على عرض تاريخي لمجمل العلاقات الأوروبية – العربية في ضوء الأحداث التاريخية المهمة التي وقعت في مرحلة ما بين الحربين و لاسيما سياسة ألمانيا الخارجية و موقعها في مسرح السياسة الدولية، و يجيب البحث عن أسئلة مشروعة مثل: ما مدى استجابة ألمانيا لمطالبة السعودية بشأن تزويدها بأسلحة متطورة؟ و ما موقع ألمانيا في استراتيجية الملك عبد العزيز آل سعود ضمن سياسته الخارجية.؟
و ما أهم النتائج التي تمخضت عنها العلاقات الألمانية – السعودية عشية الحرب
العالمية الثانية؟
This research mainly is based on one basic topic, namely, the
observation of German-Saudi relations in the period prior to the Second
World War. This study focuses on brief historical presentation of Arab-
European relation in the light of the important historical events which
took place in the period between the world wars, it also observes the
foreign policy of Germany and its position in the stage of international
policy Furthermore, the research answers legitimate questions such as: To
what extent had Germany responded to the Saudi request for providing
the kingdom with advanced weapons ? What is the strategy of king Abdul
Aziz AL Saud in foreign policy? And What are the most important results
of the German- Saudi relations on the eve of the Second World War?
References used
زياني، أمل: علاقات المملكة العربية السعودية في النطاق الإقليمي،القاهرة .1989
الموسوعة العربية، الجمهورية العربية السورية، دمشق، الطبعة الأولى 2001
Wolffsohn, Michael : German Saudi Arabien Arms Deals , 1936 – 1939 , Frankfurt 1985
The German Byzantine relations between 1137-1146 were
alliance relationships against Roger II King of Sicily, because in the
increasing of the influence of Roger II in Italy the influence of
German and Byzantine empires was diminished, also the Byzantine
Emperor John Komenan saw in the ambitions of Roger II a direct
threat to the interests of Byzantium in the East and the West.
Historically speaking, the German legal language is widely neglected in NLP research, especially in summarization systems, as most of them are based on English newspaper articles. In this paper, we propose the task of automatic summarization of Germa
The widespread use of the Internet and the rapid dissemination of information poses the challenge of identifying the veracity of its content. Stance detection, which is the task of predicting the position of a text in regard to a specific target (e.g
Adjectives such as heavy (as in heavy rain) and windy (as in windy day) provide possible values for the attributes intensity and climate, respectively. The attributes themselves are not overtly realized and are in this sense implicit. While these att
This paper presents a data set of German fairy tales, manually annotated with character networks which were obtained with high inter rater agreement. The release of this corpus provides an opportunity of training and comparing different algorithms fo